Descrição do Produto: Metabolic Maintenance L-Methylfolate 10mg – Gluten-Free
O Metabolic Maintenance L-Methylfolate 10mg é um suplemento nutricional de alta qualidade, formulado para fornecer a forma ativa do ácido fólico, essencial para a saúde metabólica e o bem-estar geral. Este produto é livre de glúten, tornando-se uma excelente opção para pessoas com intolerância ao glúten ou que seguem uma dieta restritiva. Cada cápsula contém 10mg de L-Metilfolato, que é facilmente absorvido pelo organismo, promovendo a síntese de neurotransmissores, a saúde cardiovascular e o suporte ao sistema nervoso. Ideal para mulheres grávidas ou que planejam engravidar, o L-Metilfolato é fundamental para o desenvolvimento saudável do feto. Além disso, este suplemento é livre de aditivos artificiais, garantindo uma formulação pura e eficaz.
1. Melhora da Saúde Mental: O L-Metilfolato é crucial para a produção de neurotransmissores, ajudando a melhorar o humor e a reduzir sintomas de depressão.
2. Suporte ao Desenvolvimento Fetal: Essencial para mulheres grávidas, promove o desenvolvimento saudável do sistema nervoso do bebê.
3. Aumento da Energia: Contribui para a produção de energia celular, combatendo a fadiga e melhorando a disposição.
4. Saúde Cardiovascular: Ajuda a regular os níveis de homocisteína, um aminoácido que, em excesso, pode aumentar o risco de doenças cardíacas.
5. Fácil Absorção: A forma ativa do ácido fólico garante uma absorção mais eficiente, maximizando os benefícios para o organismo.
Recomenda-se a ingestão de uma cápsula de Metabolic Maintenance L-Methylfolate 10mg ao dia, preferencialmente com uma refeição para otimizar a absorção. É importante seguir as orientações de um profissional de saúde para adequar a dosagem às suas necessidades individuais. Armazenar em local fresco e seco, longe da luz direta, para preservar a integridade do produto.
Amazon Customer –
I have to take this L-Methylfolate every day, and for the past few years, it’s been great (hence, 4 stars). But this shipment came with a broken bottle, so I’m not comfortable taking these. Unfortunately, it says this item isn’t eligible for return.
Nicole S –
I take L-Methylfolate for Folate Anemia / Folic Acid Anemia. This is the generic version of prescription Deplin with no doctor visit or prescription needed.
I take this product: breakfast, lunch, dinner and in the evening before bed. My Anemia is severe. With this product I get relief. I prefer it over Deplin for the smaller dose per pill, smaller pill size and lower cost. The pills are a gel cap so they dissolve quickly and easily in the stomach. The pills are a size 3 so they are very small.
For more details on what this product does and how it works please see for the prescription version and the Mayo Clinic website for details on Folate/Folic Acid Anemia.
Due to my Iron Anemia and my Folate Anemia I feel cold all the time, exhausted, my mood is unstable where I am prone to Major Depression. I am unresponsive to Anti-depressants since my problem is of a medical nature and not a chemical imbalance like a psychiatrist would treat. I tried psychiatry and it did not help. Once I was put on L-Methylfolate I got better. My energy came up. I was no longer exhausted. My mood improved and I was no longer suicidal or depressed. I got my life back. It has changed my life.
My doctor added GABA to my regimen as he said, “If L-Methylfolate works you also need GABA.” The combo of GABA, Amino Acid Complex and L-Methylfolate has brought me back to “normal” and everything is smooth sailing now. Supplements can and do change lives.
If you have a genetic problem, digestive problem or some other problem that causes your body to not hang onto your vitamins, minerals, Electrolytes or Amino Acids it is important to take supplements as food alone will not work. My digestive problems so I can not hold onto my vitamins, minerals and Amino Acids or Electrolytes runs in my family and doctors suspect is a genetic problem.
I’ve used this particular brand and formulation methylfolate for more than 6 months–one 10 mg capsule a day is fine for me. The price is excellent for this size dose. If you need to supplement with methylfolate, you likely need 2 mg a day or higher. (However, I am not a physician and do not presume to know what is best for anyone else, especially since each person may have different needs.) I wouldn’t bother with the more common 800 mcg (.8 mg caps or tablets) available from most other manufacturers. They are usually around the same price for a much smaller amount of nutrient. The manufacturer calls this product “pharmaceutical grade.” I don’t know whether it matters that this is the calcium-salt formulation vs. the glucosamine-salt variation used in Quatrefolic. I’ve read that some people’s digestive systems may tolerate one better than the other. There’s a very slight difference in the total percentage of pure methylfolate molecule in the two formulations.
I’ve used both types for over a year. This product and several other brands are worthy alternatives to prescription Deplin. There’s no need to get a prescription to get a good methylfolate supplement. These products are known to assist in the efficacy of antidepressant medications and with other ailments, particularly in people with MTHFR genetic defect (40% of the population, by some estimates). Research methylfolate online; there are many resources available. Metabolic Maintenance has a good video on this product on YouTube.
J. Hayes –
It took three bottles before I noticed results, but this product, in combination with a regimen of B-complex vitamins and other dietary supplements, have improved my peripheral neuropathy to the point where I’m able to take less of the doctor-prescribed, kidney and liver-damaging medication that I’ve been forced to take regularly around the clock for over a decade.
If you suffer from chronic peripheral neuropathy, this may be the answer you’ve been searching for. Admittedly, it’s not cheap. I’d love to find something that would fit better into my constricted budget, but I’ve done the research, and so far, there isn’t a lot out there for people like me who have tried all the medication doctors prescribe for this condition and still aren’t getting the results we want. Pain relieve is a constant struggle for PR patients. If you have it, I don’t have to remind you of that, right?
If you’ve maxed out your regular medication, it may be time to give this product a chance. It’s the only way you’ll ever know if you’ve finally found something that works.
Amazon Customer –
I started noticing I was getting nauseated every time I took my supplement. I’ve taken these for years with no problems. These are making me sick! Sometime is very wrong.
sac727 –
I have a homozygous MTHFR mutation and also have to take metformin, which lowers folate. Since I am allergic to the dyes added to Deplin, I needed a dye-free substitute. This really helped me with irritability and extremely treatment-resistant depression. Within a few days of taking this I no longer felt the need to lash out at people around me. I also appreciate that the company uses so few added ingredients. I don’t have the anxiety I usually get from high-dose B-vitamins (I have PTSD and am more sensitive to supplements with that side effect).
After a few months of taking this, I feel more prone to nausea/dizziness (low-blood pressure is an issue with high-dose B vitamins, from what I am aware) so you may need to back off the dose after awhile.
Just a heads up; if you think you may also have MTHFR – there is now a genetic test. It’s very new so many doctors don’t know about it.