Descrição do Produto: Seeking Health L-5-MTHF
O Seeking Health L-5-MTHF é um suplemento de metilfolato altamente absorvível, projetado para apoiar a metilação saudável e fornecer suporte essencial para indivíduos com a mutação MTHFR. Cada cápsula contém 1.700 mcg DFE (equivalente a 1.000 mcg de ácido fólico), garantindo uma dose eficaz para promover a saúde geral. Este produto é vegetariano e livre de glúten, tornando-o uma escolha ideal para aqueles que seguem dietas restritivas. O L-5-MTHF é a forma ativa do folato, que é crucial para a produção de neurotransmissores, a síntese de DNA e a regulação do humor. Com 60 cápsulas por frasco, o Seeking Health L-5-MTHF é uma solução prática e eficaz para quem busca otimizar sua saúde e bem-estar.
1. Suporte à Metilação: Ajuda a regular processos metabólicos essenciais, promovendo uma função celular saudável.
2. Forma Ativa de Folato: O L-5-MTHF é a forma biologicamente ativa do folato, facilitando a absorção e utilização pelo organismo.
3. Apoio para MTHFR: Ideal para pessoas com mutações no gene MTHFR, que podem ter dificuldade em metabolizar o ácido fólico.
4. Melhora do Humor e Energia: Contribui para a produção de neurotransmissores, ajudando a melhorar o humor e aumentar os níveis de energia.
5. Fórmula Vegetariana: Atende às necessidades de consumidores que seguem dietas vegetarianas ou veganas, sem comprometer a qualidade.
Recomenda-se a ingestão de uma cápsula por dia, preferencialmente com uma refeição, para otimizar a absorção do L-5-MTHF. É importante seguir as orientações de um profissional de saúde, especialmente se você estiver grávida, amamentando ou tomando medicamentos. Armazenar em local fresco e seco, longe da luz direta, para preservar a eficácia do produto.
BeenThereTriedThat –
I wish I had understood the difference between folic acid and folate a long time ago. The majority of U.S. Citizens need more natural folate in their diets, and folic acid can actually deplete levels. This form of folate (l-methylfolate) is the only form some people can process. Folate not only helps prevent birth defects, but is a precursor to our body’s processing of melatonin. Instead of taking melatonin, if your body can get enough usable folate, it can manufacture its own melatonin (and properly process many other cell functions as well.) Since understanding my body chemistry better, I have been able to get off all the melatonin I was taking and use this which not only works better, but makes me feel better. I would strongly recommend anyone who is deficient in folic acid to try this instead and see if they don’t have better results absorbing it.
Laura A. Armenta –
I have always tested low on B-Vitamins but have never been able to supplement consistently because ALL B-VITAMINS made me nauseated and gave me a headache. Until Seeking Health’s products. I am extremely happy with your L-5-MTHF, your B12 and the B-minus product. I have had not one single stomach upset or headache – even taking on an empty stomach. Worth every penny and I am actually excited to test my B levels to see if I am making strides in improving my levels.
Hempress EmilyM –
Seems like this works as well as another more expensive brand, will reorder.
Kindle Customer –
I started taking this because I struggle to get enough folic acid in my diet and, for me, it’s just cheaper to supplement, but I also have a partial mthfr mutation (I can’t recall the technical term for it) … so basically my body isn’t as efficient as it should be in getting enough folic acid.
In addition I have a lot of allergies, so this brand seemed to be my best option at this point. As far as feeling better (more energy,clarity,emotional “stability”)… I haven’t felt a lot of benefits, perhaps a bit of increased energy and emotional stability.
Maybe I need a higher dosage…but I’m going to give it a week or two and see how it goes.
Resolute! –
This supplement is far more critical than people might realize. This product helps the body with it’s methylation cycle which involves many bodily processes and helps folate get into the body. Folic acid blocks folate and biochemical processes are blocked that are needed by the body. Folic acid is in supplements and food and if you are not on the look out for the presence of it your folate is being blocked. It is in “enriched bread” so be on the look out for that too. Wheat also blocks folate. Buy Dr. Lynch’s book “dirty genes” and learn more about these processes in the body. we deserve good health and you won’t know what’s wrong with yourself from traditional medicine. Dr. Lynch delivers powerful life changing supplements. You no longer have to suffer along from conditions after you read and apply what Dr. Lynch recommends and it works.
Ann K –
I’ve read a lot about L-Methylfolate and wanted to try it. It’s considered a medical food and works differently than antidepressants. The brain uses L-Methylfolate to make more of the neurotransmitters that affect mood. A majority of people with depression have a genetic mistake, called the MTHFR polymorphism. It is an enzyme defect that compromises the body’s ability to break down folate (from the diet or from synthetic folic acid found in vitamin supplements) into the L-methylfolate the brain needs to make neurotransmitters.
I like the fact that this product doesn’t have any magnesium stearate, an additive found in many supplements and may be harmful therefore a cause for concern. Each capsule is 1000mcg. of Folate as Metafolin, a registered trademark of Merck KGaA, Darmstadt,Germany. L-methylfolate as Metafolin requires no conversion by the body and is superior to folic acid. While shopping around I found this product and bought some because I was impressed with the ingredients, dosage and good price.
Amazon Customer –
I have not been tested to see if I need the folate instead of folic acid. I decided to try it to see if I could tell any difference in how I felt. The product arrived promptly and I appreciated the small size of the capsules. At one time many years ago (40?) I had problems absorbing iron orally and had to have shots of iron combined with B vitamins to fix my anemia. My doctor said that he thought my digestive system wasn’t working properly because I needed way more B vitamins than most people. Eventually, I took extra B vitamins orally and that solved the iron problem. I can say that it has taken a few weeks to tell a difference with the folate, but I definitely am feeling more energetic now. Whether that is due to folate directly or to improved absorption of iron or whatever, I don’t know. I do know I will continue with this brand because I like the results. I didn’t give it 5 stars because I haven’t been tested to prove I need this.
Mary –
Dr had me switch to Deplen because it’s pharmacy, can’t say I can tell the difference.