Descrição do Produto: Nature Made Extra Strength L-Lysine 1000 mg Tablets, 60 Contagem (Pacote de 3)
A L-Lisina é um aminoácido essencial que desempenha um papel crucial na síntese de proteínas e na manutenção da saúde geral do organismo. O Nature Made Extra Strength L-Lysine 1000 mg é uma fórmula avançada que oferece 60 comprimidos por frasco, totalizando um suprimento de 180 dias, ideal para quem busca um suporte nutricional consistente e eficaz. Cada comprimido contém 1000 mg de L-Lisina, garantindo que você receba a dose adequada para atender às suas necessidades diárias.
Este produto é especialmente formulado para adultos, que devem tomar 1 comprimido diariamente com água e uma refeição, facilitando a incorporação na rotina alimentar. A Nature Made se compromete com a qualidade, utilizando ingredientes cuidadosamente selecionados e seguindo processos de fabricação rigorosos. Os comprimidos não contêm corantes, sabores artificiais, conservantes e são livres de glúten, assegurando uma opção saudável e segura para o seu dia a dia.
É importante ressaltar que as declarações sobre este produto não foram avaliadas pela Food and Drug Administration (FDA) e não se destinam a diagnosticar, tratar, curar ou prevenir qualquer doença. No entanto, a L-Lisina é amplamente reconhecida por suas propriedades benéficas, tornando-se uma escolha popular entre aqueles que buscam melhorar sua saúde e bem-estar.
– Suporte à Síntese de Proteínas: A L-Lisina é fundamental para a produção de proteínas, essencial para a recuperação muscular e o crescimento.
– Apoio ao Sistema Imunológico: Contribui para a saúde do sistema imunológico, ajudando a proteger o corpo contra infecções.
– Saúde da Pele: Pode auxiliar na manutenção da saúde da pele, promovendo a cicatrização e a regeneração celular.
– Equilíbrio Emocional: A L-Lisina tem sido associada à redução do estresse e da ansiedade, promovendo um estado emocional mais equilibrado.
– Fácil Integração na Dieta: Com uma dosagem prática de 1000 mg, é simples de incluir na rotina diária, garantindo que você não perca os benefícios.
Para obter os melhores resultados com o Nature Made Extra Strength L-Lysine 1000 mg, recomenda-se que adultos tomem 1 comprimido diariamente. É importante ingerir o comprimido com um copo de água e durante uma refeição, o que não apenas facilita a absorção do aminoácido, mas também minimiza qualquer desconforto gastrointestinal. Mantenha o produto em um local fresco e seco, longe da luz direta, e siga sempre as orientações de uso para garantir a eficácia e a segurança do suplemento.
Pam H –
I ‘ve used L-Lysine for years to prevent mouth sores and fever blisters. This brand is great and the price was very good. I love the convenience of having it shipped regularly directly to me.
a.sage –
I get occasional cold sores when exposed to the sun, or if under the weather/stressed. I’ve used Campho and Abreva over the counter solutions and found they weren’t getting the job done as quickly as needed. I turned to perscription treatment, using Zovarax cream for about a year which was slightly better than Campho but still messy and not fast enough. My doctor than prescribed me Famvir oral medication to take on the onset of a cold sore break out. Famvir was an excellent solution for me, but very expensive considering how many pills were necessary in a dosage and length of dosage.
Tired of calling my doctor for refills, I researched natural remedies and came across Lysine. Having tried many different over the counter and prescription medications for the treatment of cold sores, I must tell you that Lysine has been an absolute miracle drug to me. I haven’t had a cold sore since buying it approx 8 months ago. Any time I feel that tingling sensation in the corner of my lip, I take 3 pills a day until the tingling is completely gone. I don’t know how well it would treat an existing cold sore, as I’ve never had a cold sore progress since starting this regimen, but I do know it has worked wonders as a preventative.
I experience no side effects from the pills. They do have a biting taste, so swallow quickly. As a friendly warning I’d like to warn that these pills are VERY large – they’re as big as the tip of my middle finger – so I have to take them one at a time. I sometimes take 3 pills when I know I will be out in the sun all day just to be proactive, but generally speaking I do not take Lysine unless I feel the onset of a cold core.
IK –
L-lysine is great for combating any kind of viral infection that may often be manifested by cold sores or generally sores in your mouthg. The Nature-Made product is high quality and I have re-ordered it numerous times. You can stop vitamin shopping if you’ve landed on this page.
Dawn E. –
Others commented on the size of the tablet. It is a bit of a “horse pill”, but I don’t have any issues with that. I think it is fine. It might be nice if they can come up with a way to coat the tablet without affecting its effectiveness to make it go down a little easier, but just be sure to take a very large gulp of water to be sure it doesn’t get stuck at any point going down. These work fabulously not only as a preventative but also curative when you do have a break out – best I’ve found. I will continue to buy these regardless.
Annalauren –
I have been taking L-Lysine for several years to help relieve pain in my knees from osteo arthritis. If I ever run out and do not take it for a few days my knees begin to ache. I have found that the Nature-Made brand seems to be more effective.
Maria –
L-lysine is the perfect supplement if you have frequent break-outs of fever blisters and cold sores. I also use it at the beginning of a cold when my throat starts to get sore or I develop a secondary infection like bronchitis to reduce the healing time from both.
APalmo –
found this when doing research about cold sores. I tried other medicine like topical creams but they stick out worse than the cold sore itself. Whenever I feel a coldsore coming on I take two tablets daily until the tingling in the coldsore stops. Since doing this I have not had a coldsore in a long time. Wish I found this earlier in life to avoid those embarrassing coldsore breakouts.
Genoa –
I was sometimes able to stave off a cold sore with this supplement, but it didn’t work consistently until I started taking the “example dose” listed on the University of Maryland Medical Center’s website of 3000 mg 3x daily during a breakout. That works so well for me I have stopped fretting about sores and panicking when I feel that warning tingle. Instead I immediately start a regiment of 9000mg taken throughout the day, and then for 24 additional hours after the tingling stops (If I stop sooner, I’ll get a cold sore anyway). I even keep 3 pills in my purse in case the sensation hits when I’m out.
It’s true the pills are large and I have choked on them before, so now I only take one at a time. It’s annoying, but not as annoying as swallowing 18 500mg pills a day. The same dose supplement from other manufacturers haven’t proven as effective for me.
For the first time I feel like I have control over my cold sores. It’s a huge relief!