Descrição do Produto: THORNE L-Arginine Sustained Release
O THORNE L-Arginine Sustained Release (anteriormente conhecido como Perfusia-SR) é um suplemento inovador que visa apoiar a função cardíaca, a produção de óxido nítrico e o fluxo sanguíneo ideal. Com 120 cápsulas, cada frasco oferece 60 porções, proporcionando uma solução prática e eficaz para aqueles que buscam melhorar sua saúde cardiovascular e desempenho físico.
- Circulação: O L-arginina ajuda a relaxar as artérias, promovendo um fluxo sanguíneo ideal, essencial para a saúde do coração e para a entrega eficiente de nutrientes ao corpo.
- Sustained Release: A fórmula de liberação sustentada garante níveis ótimos de L-arginina com dosagem duas vezes ao dia, permitindo que o corpo absorva e utilize o aminoácido de forma contínua.
- Para Atletas: Este suplemento é especialmente benéfico para atletas, pois apoia a massa muscular magra e a capacidade de trabalho durante o exercício, contribuindo para um desempenho atlético superior.
- Cicatrização de Feridas: O L-arginina também desempenha um papel crucial na promoção da cicatrização ideal de feridas, ajudando na recuperação e regeneração dos tecidos.
- Livre de: Todos os produtos Thorne são feitos com os ingredientes mais puros possíveis, sem glúten ou outros alérgenos principais (ovos, nozes, amendoins). Este produto também não contém soja, laticínios, crustáceos ou peixe.
1. Melhora da Saúde Cardiovascular: Promove a saúde do coração ao otimizar o fluxo sanguíneo e relaxar as artérias.
2. Desempenho Atlético Aumentado: Ideal para atletas que buscam melhorar a resistência e a recuperação muscular.
3. Cicatrização Eficiente: Acelera o processo de cicatrização, sendo útil para quem se recupera de lesões.
4. Fórmula Segura e Pura: Sem alérgenos comuns, garantindo uma opção segura para pessoas com sensibilidades alimentares.
5. Liberação Sustentada: Proporciona um fornecimento contínuo de L-arginina, maximizando os benefícios ao longo do dia.
Para obter os melhores resultados, recomenda-se a ingestão de duas cápsulas do THORNE L-Arginine Sustained Release duas vezes ao dia, preferencialmente com as refeições. Isso garantirá uma absorção ideal e um fornecimento constante de L-arginina ao organismo, promovendo assim a saúde cardiovascular e o desempenho atlético. É importante seguir as orientações de um profissional de saúde antes de iniciar qualquer suplementação.
Kaarik –
I’m an African American male in my low 50s and woke up one day to find I had elevated BP. An estimated 40% of blacks suffer from high BP and in my search for a solution, I learned about perfusia it in Kowalski’s book, “The Blood Pressure Cure,” which is itself a great book which I also recommend. He gives the science behind BP control and what we know about alternative meds. In fact, an M.D., Kowlaski does not reject pharmaceuticals but says they should be the last resort. I agree with him. Remember the enemy is not pharmaceuticals but high BP. Kowalski gives a raft of safe, “natural” supplements backed by research to try. Thus, I began to systematically explore them one by one about 8 months ago. I figured something had to work. When I began experimenting with perfusia my BP was 135/92 at home. This may not sound very high, in fact, it is borderline. But keep in mind this was the median BP which means half were above this figure and half below. After using perfusia for about four months, I took after 25 BP measurements over two weeks at home and I found my median BP had dropped to 121/79. I had also began exercising regularly (I got a gym membership and walked for one hour five days a week); I practiced slow breathing (almost everyday for 20 min); and I increased my K:Na (potassium-sodium) ratio to 5:1, again all per Kowalkski. While I cannot say with 100% certainty that perfusia is the sole explanation for my BP drop, the fact is that I had been exercising and slow breathing prior to perfusia with no positive results. Perhaps perfusia works optimally with these other things. I don’t know. In any case, they are my insurance policy, kind of a layered strategy. What I find interesting is that after some research many of the things in Kowalski’s book work by increasing NO (nitrous oxide) in the endothelium of the blood vessels which relaxes them. Exercise, increasing K, polyphenols in vegetables, etc. do this. L-arginine which is the main ingredient of perfusia is an NO precursor. What makes perfusia different is that it is time-released. Apparently, ordinary L-arginine is metabolized very quickly to be of any practical use. Thus, the claim is you can’t go out and use any L-argine supplement, although I don’t know if this is really the case since I haven’t tried any other L-arginine supplement. Perhaps most importantly, I seem to have had no side effects (knock, knock). Finally, the cost of this product is not cheap. However, cost is probably on par with pharmaceutical BP meds which are infamous for their negative side-effects. They are horrible. You can do the research and see for yourself what others are saying and what the data shows. So for me, perfusia is a bargin, all things considered.
Oscar –
I have purchased several L-arginine supplements, and so far this is the one that has worked best for me. It is perfect.
Charles P. –
I like the quality of this product but it is rather expensive. Capsules are easy to swallow. Needs to be taken on an empty stomach for best results, as do most amino acids.
Chris –
Good product, but the price has shot up from £40 last month to £80 this month. That’s just shameful profiteering. Less than half that price elsewhere, so don’t fall for it – check out BigVits and Dolphin.
C. Tommasi –
My nurse practitioner recommended this product for increased blood circulation. The very same day I started taking this, it showed up how fast it was working by bruising on my hands and wrists starting to disappear. I bruise easily and they don’t go away for at least three weeks, usually. Now the bruising goes away within two or three days. I am very happy with this product.
Chris goss –
Thorne is a quality product. They don’t sell useless junk vitamins that you can get off the shelves of local retailers.
Carol Marie –
Excellent product. It’s expensive compared to others but my doctor assures me it’s one of the few that can be trusted.
Cesar Lozano –
High quality good stuff.
ziad m t h o –
Easy access to any product
Carol G Jent –
Just what the doctor ordered!