Descrição do Produto: Source Naturals L-Tryptophan, 500mg – 120 Comprimidos
O L-triptofano é um aminoácido essencial que desempenha um papel crucial na produção de dois compostos naturais de grande importância: a serotonina e a melatonina. A serotonina é conhecida como o “hormônio da felicidade”, pois está diretamente relacionada à regulação do humor, enquanto a melatonina é fundamental para a regulação do sono. O suplemento Source Naturals L-Tryptophan oferece 500mg deste aminoácido por comprimido, proporcionando uma maneira eficaz de apoiar o bem-estar emocional, promover o relaxamento e melhorar a qualidade do sono.
Com uma fórmula livre de alérgenos comuns, como levedura, laticínios, ovos, glúten, soja e trigo, este produto é ideal para aqueles que buscam uma opção segura e saudável. Além disso, não contém conservantes, corantes artificiais, sabores ou fragrâncias, garantindo uma experiência pura e natural. A Source Naturals, com mais de 40 anos de confiança, foi fundada em 1982 por Ira Goldberg, com a missão de ajudar cada indivíduo a alcançar uma saúde ótima. Fabricado nos Estados Unidos, em Scotts Valley, CA, sob as Boas Práticas de Fabricação (cGMPs) estabelecidas pela FDA, o L-Tryptophan da Source Naturals é um produto de qualidade superior.
– Melhora do Humor: O L-triptofano é um precursor da serotonina, ajudando a regular o humor e a reduzir sintomas de ansiedade e depressão.
– Apoio ao Sono: Aumenta a produção de melatonina, promovendo um sono mais profundo e reparador.
– Relaxamento Natural: Contribui para um estado de relaxamento, ideal para momentos de estresse ou tensão.
– Fórmula Segura: Livre de alérgenos comuns e aditivos artificiais, tornando-o adequado para diversas dietas.
– Confiança e Qualidade: Fabricado por uma marca respeitada com mais de 40 anos de experiência no mercado de suplementos.
Para obter os melhores resultados, recomenda-se a ingestão de 1 cápsula três vezes ao dia, entre as refeições e, preferencialmente, acompanhada de suco de fruta. Para apoiar um sono reparador, é aconselhável tomar 3 cápsulas adicionais antes de dormir. É importante seguir as orientações de uso para maximizar os benefícios do L-triptofano e garantir uma experiência positiva com o produto.
Linda A. –
Helps me get to sleep.
Sohaily N. Meah –
I’ve been wondering whether or not the effects I felt after starting to take L-Tryp are just placebo effects but all I can say is that it seems that this has helped immensely in me managing my moods and anxiety and my insomnia is just about gone! I’ve suffered insomnia for years and even sleeping medication prescribed by my doctors did not help me but after starting to take this, I can fall asleep within minutes. It was a bit weird at first since taking this supplement made me have intense and vivid dreams (after years of never recalling having any dreams) but after a few days, my dreams became less scary and less startling. I usually wake up feeling rather energized when I used to always feel exhausted after even 10 hours of sleep. As for my increased ability to be able to deal with my anxiety, the only thing that I really changed in my life in the past year was starting to take l-tryptophan so I am guessing that sleeping well at night really is helping me deal with my exhausting anxiousness.
If I recall correctly, according to studies, it seems that if your goal with taking l-tryptophan is to increase your serotonin production, it’s best to take without food or to take with carbohydrates. Proteins should be avoided apparently since proteins introduce your body to other amino acids (such as tyrosine, etc) that compete with one of the enzymes that are involved in serotonin production since these other amino acids usually have a higher affinity for the enzyme than tryptophan does. (Btw, I think numerous studies have found evidence that increase tryptophan intake without increasing the other amino acids that compete with tryptophan does in fact increase serotonin production so I really don’t think that taking this supplement to help regulate your moods and some mild depression is quack science).
Just be careful if you take SSRIs type antidepressants since I think it is possible for a really high concentration of serotonin to occur if you’re also taking l-tryptophan.
Anyways, this brand seems pretty good and the suggested amount they wrote in the instructions work well with me.
MamaBird –
The following is JUST my story: Years ago when I couldn’t sleep, my mom gave me one of these to help me sleep. I was so impressed with them, and took them very seldom when I couldn’t fall asleep on my own, which was rare at that time. Then it was off the market for years. I was pleasantly surprised to see it was available again. I was taking zzzSleep by Nyquil, which is actually an antihistamine, and not all comfortable with an unnatural compound, trying to remove the tranquilizers that would leave me so tired the next day I couldn’t wake up. I also didn’t like the feeling I would/could become dependent on them. I take enough meds without taking any more than I have to, and have never liked taking ANY of them and have fought it every step of the way. (Of course, and PLEASE, you should always check with your doctor before discontinuuing any meds quickly-especially with tranks, as I have known people that are cursed with seizures for the rest of their life when they suddenly stop taking xanax, for instance.) While I still have my RX for tranquilizers, I have not needed them since I started taking these at bedtime, nor needed the tranks for any panic attacks, as I haven’t had any. I started by taking just half of one with my other stuff, and slowly worked myself off of the other as prescribed by my doctor. I currently just take one tablet at bedtime, and I’m asleep within 15 minutes of laying my head on the pillow. I wake up refreshed, and not waking up in the middle of the night. The bottle suggests you take three tablets, which I suggest you work yourself up to and listen to your body always to tell you if something is wrong, and always just change one thing at a time when it comes to meds. However, this is what I DID, I’m not a doctor. I highly recommend this product and am so grateful it’s available, and has allowed me to drop not one, but two synthetic, unnatural, compounds with side effects, in exchange for a naturallly occuring, sometimes depleted, and very helpful amino acid. This amino acid helps a number of things to work properly in your body, and I know of no side effects from taking this in addition to what your system produces. Believe me, if any one were going to feel side effects, it would be me. I have the weirdest chemical makeup and intolerance to anything, not going into all that here, but after three weeks with these, I would suspect something would have reared its head. I feel better than I have in years. The daily pain I endure is lessened to a some extent, (any amount of THAT I’ll take thanks to my breaking, broken spine)-probably because I’m taking less unnatural chemicals and getting a better nights sleep. Going to sleep at 11pm verses 3 am-getting up at 7am, makes sense to me anyway. (Note: I took tranquilizers at the minimum dosage I could get away with for seven years prior to this stuff to help me sleep-I now take NONE! I was also having TERRIBLE and frightening night paralysis where I stopped breathing and could not move almost every night, from too many depressants in my system. After three weeks I’m pretty sure any “placebo” effect, etc. would have worn off too.) I tend to ramble, so I’m done now.
Marilyn –
Supplements work differently for each individual given their weight and height and my comments on this product is more based from my average weight and short height as a frame of reference for an adult woman. While this is a 500 mg dosage that is smaller than some amounts I’ve read in the past as suggested to help others, this amount works for me to feel some effects. While it’s not quite doing what I was hoping and may mean I need to look into a different supplement in addition– I can tell that this is having an effect with my system. I was hoping for more relaxation and lessening of anxiety with the potential to use as a sleep aid if needed, but it’s not quite providing that to me. I do notice that it has helped a bit with rest, and doesn’t leave a groggy after effect feeling when using, however it’s not providing me the main function I was hoping to gain from this supplement. Though it is good to have on hand for if I do need something to help me sleep, and I’m glad to have found something that works for me without having to resort to other over the counter sleep aids. I’ve picked up other Source Natural supplements in the past and have found them to be reliable in quality. While this isn’t providing the use I was hoping for initially it is something I can see using for sleep if needed in the future without issues of functioning the next day.