Descrição do Produto: L-Theanine 200mg — 150 Contagens (V-Cápsulas)
A L-Theanine é um aminoácido encontrado principalmente nas folhas de chá verde, conhecido por suas propriedades relaxantes e calmantes. Nossa fórmula de L-Theanine 200mg é cuidadosamente elaborada para proporcionar uma experiência de bem-estar sem comprometer a clareza mental. Cada frasco contém 150 cápsulas vegetais, oferecendo 150 porções de um suplemento que pode ser facilmente integrado à sua rotina diária. Fabricado em uma instalação registrada cGMP nos EUA, garantimos que cada cápsula é produzida com os mais altos padrões de qualidade, sem ingredientes geneticamente modificados, e é totalmente vegana e livre de glúten.
- INSTRUÇÕES: Tome uma cápsula com ou sem alimentos até quatro vezes por dia. Não exceda a dose recomendada.
- FÓRMULA: Exclusivamente formulada com ingredientes de alta qualidade, livre de qualquer enchimento redundante; não-GMO, vegana e sem glúten.
- QUALIDADE: Fabricado e avaliado profissionalmente em uma instalação registrada cGMP nos EUA; certificado para potência, pureza e integridade.
- GARANTIA: Oferecemos uma política de reembolso total de 180 dias (6 meses), sem perguntas.
1. Redução do Estresse: A L-Theanine é conhecida por promover relaxamento sem causar sonolência, ajudando a reduzir os níveis de estresse e ansiedade.
2. Melhora da Concentração: Este aminoácido pode aumentar a atenção e a concentração, tornando-se um aliado ideal para quem precisa de foco em atividades diárias.
3. Apoio ao Sono: Embora não induza o sono, a L-Theanine pode melhorar a qualidade do sono, ajudando a relaxar a mente antes de dormir.
4. Equilíbrio Emocional: A suplementação com L-Theanine pode contribuir para um estado emocional mais equilibrado, ajudando a lidar melhor com os desafios do dia a dia.
5. Aumento da Imunidade: Estudos sugerem que a L-Theanine pode ter um efeito positivo no sistema imunológico, ajudando a manter a saúde geral.
Para obter os melhores resultados, recomenda-se tomar uma cápsula de L-Theanine 200mg com ou sem alimentos até quatro vezes ao dia, conforme necessário. É importante não exceder a dose recomendada para garantir a segurança e a eficácia do produto. A L-Theanine pode ser uma excelente adição à sua rotina, especialmente em momentos de estresse ou quando você precisa de um impulso de concentração. Mantenha o frasco em um local fresco e seco, longe da luz direta, para preservar a integridade do produto.
lcharacter –
Calms me down at 3:00 A.M.
Fatima Ferreira –
I’ve ordered L-Theanine for the first time. I’ve read many positive reviews and decided to try out. Me and my husband are taking it now for 2 weeks. We both noted that our ability to focus on our tasks improved significantly. In addition, we are sleeping very well, restful sleep without waking up during the night. We usually take 1 capsule together with our morning cup of coffee. I intend to continue taking it.
Tamera Grace –
I purchased my first bottle a month ago. It arrived on time. I’ve taken several products of L Theanine, and didn’t realize there’s a difference until I began taking this product. If you’re not familiar with L Theanine, it’s an amino acid that calms and energises at the same time. It helps with focus and concentration. This product is one I’d recommend. Also, I’m weaning myself off coffee, and this product helps me enjoy the 1 cup I drink a day without the caffeine making me feel jittery.
I also wanted to commend the company for emailing me. Apparently, I ordered after a promo that was to buy 1 and get one free. They still sent me a free bottle. That’s a great customer service experience and I’m thankful.. I’ll be sticking with this product for many reasons!
Cliente Amazon –
Da un senso di calma e rilassamento quasi immediato (Soffro di disturbo d’ansia). Può dare un po di problemi allo stomaco, ma ne vale la pena.
LS –
I bought these after hearing them referred to as Nature’s Xanax. For awhile, I was taking them at night before bed, hoping it would help me fall asleep and wake up with less anxiety about work. It seemed to help paired with workouts. But lately, I’ve been taking them and pairing it with either caffeine to help me focus, or I take them on their own to help me relax.
Three interesting things occurred with these specifically:
One night I paired one of these with a Happy Healthy Hippie Joy-Filled supplement. The HHH tends to make me super drowsy so I thought the combo would help me sleep, but my brain was wide awake when I took these after my workout. I started to get that tired and wired feeling to the Nth degree. All of a sudden, my eyes were heavy and yet I was typing notes into my phone and researching different things for over an hour. It’s what I imagine Adderall would feel like (minus the sleepiness.) This wasn’t bad per se, but it was fascinating to see how intensely focused and wired my brain got.
Another day, after taking this and HHH, the following morning I did an intense workout. I walked for 30 minutes and then did the elliptical with a weight vest on for about 20 or 30 minutes. I showered and got ready for a long drive to Temecula. I was stressed, as I always am before a long drive. But once I got on the road, I felt immensely calm. To the point where I almost felt like I was high or something. I have pretty bad road rage that pairs horribly with my driving anxiety, but the whole way, I didn’t flinch. People were tailgating me, cutting me off, you know – the usual California driver bs – but I felt nothing but calm and happy. And the other weird thing is almost every single time (and I mean EVERY single time) I make this drive, by the time I arrive, my bladder is full and I have to race to the bathroom. But this time I showed up with no issue. Which is crazy because I drank a lot of water after my workout.
One last thing I wanted to mention, after taking this and HHH more regularly, one night a few weeks ago, I made a couple of mixed drinks. And I am very aware with exactly how I feel after a few drinks. But this particular time, I felt spacey. Not in a bad way, but that same sort of high feeling. It was so interesting because I have never felt “high” after drinking. I remember saying something funny to my cat and then looking at my boyfriend and saying, “I feel like I’m stoned or something.”
I know that was a long one but I thought those experiences were worth mentioning. I don’t think it’s just because I’m taking this- I’m taking the Happy Healthy Hippie supplements, which have 6 or 7 different ingredients. I also take B vitamins and have been working out more intensely than usual. I’ve also been using essential oils more. So I think all these small thing combined is making a big difference. I don’t think there is ever just one thing we can do or take to make a big difference in our day to day life – same as we can’t just eat one fruit or vegetable over and over and expect it to keep us healthy. You have to find the right mix of everything that works for you. I definitely recommend getting some of these if you struggle with anxiety. Add it to your routine and see if it works!
Amazon Customer –
This is my first time using L-Theanine so I don’t have anything to compare to but this stuff works! I was a slight bit skeptical at first, but when paired with caffeine, L-theanine can really work wonders. Within five or so minutes I feel more focused and less stressed. Not only this but should I consume more caffeine than my tolerance is accustomed to, normally I would get jittery and lose my appetite, but if I take L-theanine and over-consume caffeine I am able to function perfectly fine. The best results I have experienced so far have been by drinking coffee and then about an hour later slamming a Wild Tiger energy drink. I have rode the lightning. It’s great. 11/10 would buy again and pair with Wild Tiger.
HWWoman –
Works wonders for sleeping, but may cause stomach upset…I have been using one 200 mg capsule for sleeping along with a half of one Benadryl (12.5 mg). The combination is working very well overall and I have been sleeping soundly. I am also able to get up very early with ease. When I get up early to exercise, I drink hot green tea in preparation. This supplement seems to enhance the effects of the green tea.
During the day, I found that my energy level varied, but I felt calm overall everyday. One night I took the capsule and I woke up at 1:00 am with (hate to say it) explosive diarrhea and I felt nauseous. Since that time, I have found that I need to “go” more frequently in the morning using this supplement. Last night I took 1/2 of one Imodium to counteract things a bit and this helped tremendously. My diet consists of lentils and chickpeas, other legumes and chia seeds, so I probably take in more fiber than most people. I am going to follow up after more use, but so far the benefits (sleeping well and overall calmness) significantly outweigh the negatives.
I did not get paid or receive a free product sample – unlike many of the reviews here.
can akkoyun –
good product. combining it with coffee is next level.
RhianGT –
I purchased after some Amazon research. I chose this product for the potency and pricing. As vitamins go not certain of the absorption into the body but will have my micronutrients tested again in 6 months to a year. This was one of 2 that my body was In serious deficiency of.
Joao –
Les avis 1,2,3 étoiles sont “masqué” ou supprimé, pouvons nous faire confiance a un produit qui contourne les règles ?