Descrição do Produto: Purest L-Methylfolate 15 mg – Força Profissional em Folato Ativo
Descubra o poder do Purest L-Methylfolate 15 mg, uma forma altamente eficaz de folato que se destaca pela sua pureza e potência. Este suplemento, desenvolvido pela Methyl-Life, é a escolha ideal para aqueles que buscam uma solução de folato que realmente funcione. Com até 70% da população enfrentando dificuldades na conversão e absorção do ácido fólico, o L-Methylfolate se apresenta como a alternativa superior, contendo menos impurezas do que as versões farmacêuticas convencionais.
Com uma dosagem terapêutica de 15 mg, este produto é formulado para proporcionar um suporte robusto ao humor e à cognição. Ao contrário de muitos produtos de metilfolato que oferecem doses inferiores (400-1.000 mcg), o Purest L-Methylfolate garante níveis profissionais que variam de 2.500 a 15.000 mcg, permitindo uma elevação significativa do humor e uma melhora na concentração. Este é o único tipo de folato que consegue atravessar a barreira hematoencefálica, promovendo a produção de neurotransmissores como a serotonina, essenciais para o bem-estar emocional e a energia diária.
Além disso, o Purest L-Methylfolate também oferece suporte cardiovascular e para os nervos, ajudando a manter níveis saudáveis de homocisteína, o que é crucial para a saúde do coração e a função nervosa periférica. As pastilhas mastigáveis são uma solução prática e saborosa, com um delicioso sabor de menta natural, livres de corantes, alérgenos e aditivos desnecessários, tornando-as fáceis de incorporar à rotina diária.
– Pureza Superior: Menos impurezas em comparação com versões farmacêuticas, garantindo um produto de alta qualidade.
– Dosagem Terapêutica: Altas concentrações de metilfolato que promovem um suporte eficaz ao humor e à cognição.
– Suporte ao Coração: Ajuda a manter níveis saudáveis de homocisteína, promovendo a saúde cardiovascular.
– Fácil de Consumir: Pastilhas mastigáveis que são práticas e agradáveis ao paladar, facilitando a adesão ao tratamento.
– Sem Aditivos Nocivos: Fórmula livre de corantes, glúten e organismos geneticamente modificados, ideal para quem busca um suplemento limpo e seguro.
Para obter os melhores resultados, recomenda-se a ingestão de uma pastilha mastigável de Purest L-Methylfolate 15 mg diariamente, ou conforme orientação de um profissional de saúde. As pastilhas devem ser mastigadas completamente antes de engolir, permitindo uma absorção mais eficaz dos nutrientes. É importante seguir as diretrizes de uso e consultar um médico antes de iniciar qualquer suplementação, especialmente se você estiver grávida, amamentando ou tomando medicamentos.
M in DC –
I was diagnosed with genetic MTHFR deficiency years ago and have been taking this supplement from Methyl-Life ever since. It’s been life-changing and my bloodwork year after year shows it’s doing the job I need it to do for my health. However…
What is UP with the new packaging? Here’s a side by side. It’s the same number of similarly sized tablets, but in a MUCH bigger bottle which comes packed with twice as much cotton. I would like to know if there’s a medical or regulatory reason for this change which appears to be causing substantial waste. I always recycle my bottles but recycling has its own impacts.
Gary Johnson –
After more than 25 years suffering with severe post traumatic stress disorder and wrestling with the resulting anxiety and depression that comes with it, I had been through spells where I’d been prescribed SSRIs which never seemed to make a difference. Then, a few months back, my doctor suggested I complete a genetic test from Millennium Labs as she was suspicious that I may have a mutation in my methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase gene. The results of the test indicated this to be correct, and so I began a regime of taking and SNRI combined with Methyl-Life Supplements Methylfolate 15 (she actually recommended I buy this exact product from Amazon, and provided me with a link).
The results have been dramatic. While there is not particular cure for my affliction, my anxiety has subsided almost completely. I am able to think clearly and my relationships with those closest to me have improved.
I am convinced that this Methylfolate 15 is compensating for the absorption my body couldn’t manage genetically, al last allowing me to properly metabolize other traditional depression solutions.
If your doctor or health professional has recommended Methylfolate (especially if in a 15mg dose) then do yourself a favor and order this immediately.
The chewable tablets are pleasant tasting with a slight hint of peppermint, and while $79 might initially seem like a lot for a single pot of supplements, you will find many other options contain only micrograms of content (potentially up to a thousand times less potent) or could leave you needing to take three tablets a day rather than the one-a-day solution offered here.
With this product, Methyl-Life Supplements are making a difference to my life. I hope they can do the same for yours.
Halina –
Did homework. Product is the cheapest here.
Once I was legitimately diagnosed (thru genetic test from primary care) which showed I did not convert folic acid at all, Dr. said to take 15 MG daily and that it would take several months (3-4) before I would notice a difference. I have had episodes of severe depression but it has been in remission with maintenance dose of anti-depressant. Well it is now month 6 months out and have gone through 1 major surgery in February during that time. About 4 months in I really noticed that my mood was feeling lighter. I talked to prescriber about lowering antidepressant at that point, but since I was going in for knee replacement surgery he suggested I wait and now I’m going in for second surgery so I will wait again to see if any reduction in anti-depressant is appropriate. Regardless of whether I can successfully lower it, the fact remains that even through this major surgery my mood has remained stable and brighter than in years. I have to now attribute this to the MethylFolate in the proper dosage 15 mg based on prescribed and appropriate testing. While I could have gotten the product through a pharmacy (but not covered by insurance) the cost was more. I see other much lower doses which would have required me to take many multiple pills. (no thanks) This is my experience with this, but please don’t skip the step of getting the genetic lab test (my medical provider used Assurex Labs) because you really need to understand how the genetic predisposition works for you and have a medical person who understands. THANK YOU TO this company for providing a quality product (MADE IN US)
M in DC –
I had been taking Deplin 15 because I got samples from my psychiatrist. I was doing really well on it so she called in an Rx for me, but it was going to cost $52/mo., which I can’t afford. I googled L-methylfolate 15 and then educated myself on all the different versions. I’m glad I did because there are many, they don’t all work the same, and it gets very confusing. I had anticipated possibly ordering a lower dosage and taking more of them, but then I found this on Amazon. I always read reviews and rely on them to help me make a decision about whether or not to purchase, and I was gratified to see that this methylfolate 15 from Methyl-Life had an overwhelmingly positive response, and according to everything I’d read, was the right formulation to be a substitute for Deplin. I have been taking it every day since I received it (not quite a week), and I swear I feel as good as I did with Deplin. I am so happy to have found this product! Instead of costing me $52/mo., I now will pay $78 for 3 months, and this is totally worth it. I have the genetic mutation that makes me unable to convert folate into methylfolate, and words can’t express how much better I feel mentally and physically now that I supplement with this. This product is not a gimmick; there is real, solid science behind this and I am proof it works.