Descrição do Produto:
O L-Lisina HCl da Pure Original Ingredients é um aminoácido alfa puro, disponível em uma embalagem de 8 oz. Este produto é não-OGM e livre de glúten, garantindo uma opção segura e saudável para aqueles que buscam complementar sua dieta com aminoácidos essenciais. A L-Lisina é fundamental para a síntese de proteínas e desempenha um papel crucial na produção de hormônios, enzimas e anticorpos. Além disso, é conhecida por suas propriedades que ajudam a fortalecer o sistema imunológico e a promover a saúde da pele. A Pure Original Ingredients se compromete com a qualidade, oferecendo um produto sem aditivos, conservantes ou ingredientes artificiais, ideal para veganos e pessoas com restrições alimentares.
1. Fortalecimento do Sistema Imunológico: A L-Lisina ajuda a aumentar a resistência do corpo contra infecções e doenças.
2. Saúde da Pele: Contribui para a regeneração celular e pode auxiliar na redução de herpes labial e outras condições cutâneas.
3. Apoio à Síntese de Proteínas: Essencial para a construção muscular, ideal para atletas e praticantes de atividades físicas.
4. Melhora na Absorção de Cálcio: A L-Lisina pode ajudar na absorção de cálcio, promovendo a saúde óssea.
5. Redução do Estresse e Ansiedade: Pode auxiliar na regulação do humor e na diminuição dos níveis de estresse.
Para obter os melhores resultados, recomenda-se a ingestão de 1 a 2 colheres de chá (aproximadamente 2 a 4 g) de L-Lisina HCl por dia, misturadas em água ou suco, preferencialmente em jejum ou conforme orientação de um profissional de saúde. É importante não exceder a dose recomendada e consultar um médico antes de iniciar qualquer suplementação, especialmente se você estiver grávida, amamentando ou tiver condições de saúde preexistentes. Armazenar em local fresco e seco, longe da luz direta.
Guy Likes good stuff and things –
I use for various reasons and have always found pill form to be really hit and miss… mostly the miss part.
It is very effective!
Details: This is not good tasting, because l-lysine is not supposed to. So, I just mix with a small amount of water then chase with water or brush my teeth after.
JH –
I first tried the lysine tablets , what a nightmare! I cut the tablets in half and still could not swallow them they were so large. After choking on them , I found this powder and was able to easily adjust it to the dose I needed.
Rinoa H. –
Prior bags of this product have been a nice scoopable granular stuff. The most recent bag is a clumpy lumpy powder that sticks in the scoop. I’m ordering another bag in the hopes that it will be better.
GraceGiven –
No time for “real” review, but real quick, I’ve used many other brands for lysine and this is my favorite in terms of taste (almost none, not bad) and purity. It works great, I was worried it wouldn’t because it was diff from others, but turns out it’s just more fine and pure (I’m really sensitive to fillers and any additive).
It’s legit, I love it. Totally works and is very clean. Thank you to this seller 👍
Gayle Michaels –
I was worried about ordering this because people said it didn’t taste good, but I can barely taste it. Maybe I put it in a bigger glass of water or something. I will be ordering more.
Dennis & Terry Macri –
It dissolves quickly and it’s super strong. They ain’t lying when they say this stuff is organic. You can tell its organic right away! I honestly love this. It has helped me alot and seen massive improvement on my skin and just my health in general. Thank you!
jules –
I am a bit confused by the inquiries re”warmth” and “flavor” … ? This is without flavor abd is pharmaceutical grade lysine, in solid(powder) form. It’s intended for the kitties who have a history of +FHV. It’s important to do the math re: correct dosage, and we have the correct measuring micro spoon. Its CLEAN & A GREAT VALUE. As it’s a new addition(had purchased a feline specific brand before) so I cannot report on effectiveness (which I have no doubt it will be)
Dennis & Terry Macri –
I have never had shingles, but I do… or did get cold sores every time I got a cold it seemed.
Now, the minute I feel a cold coming on the lysine HCL powder is one of the things I run for. I actually haven’t had a cold sore since I started using this.
I also have chronic sinus in the winter. It seems the minute we turn the heat on, my sinus start acting up. This is one of the things I do to lessen it. Also.. my eyes have so much slime in them. UGH!
I take this not only by mouth, but I also use it in my neti pot and eye drops.
This is the recipe I use for both the eye drops and neti pot
Distilled water … enough to fill your neti pot
1/4 teaspoon sea salt
1/4 teaspoon baking soda
1/4 teaspoon MSM powder (found on Amazon)
1/4 teaspoon Boron powder (This helps with yeast and fungus) Boric acid works well instead of the Boron
1/4 to 1/2 teaspoon Lysine ( if I am having a good day, I use the 1/4 tsp)
This mixture works for me really well and I don’t have to use it everyday once I get it under control. But if I feel a cold coming on…. I use the neti pot to help stop it or lessen it.