Kyolic Aged Garlic Extract Formula 108 é um suplemento nutricional projetado para promover a saúde cardiovascular total. Com uma combinação poderosa de extrato de alho envelhecido, folato, vitamina B e L-arginina, esta fórmula é ideal para aqueles que buscam fortalecer seu sistema cardiovascular e melhorar a saúde do coração. O alho envelhecido é conhecido por suas propriedades benéficas, que vão além do coração, oferecendo suporte ao sistema imunológico, à digestão, à redução da inflamação e à desintoxicação do organismo. Além disso, sua ação antioxidante torna-o uma excelente fonte de bem-estar para o corpo como um todo.
Uma das características mais notáveis do Kyolic Aged Garlic Extract é que ele é sempre isento de odor. Isso é possível graças ao processo de envelhecimento de até 20 meses, que não apenas aumenta o valor nutricional do alho, mas também elimina seu odor forte, tornando-o suave para o estômago. A qualidade do produto é garantida, pois o alho utilizado é cultivado organicamente, sem OGM, assegurando que os benefícios para a saúde venham das melhores fontes naturais.
A Wakunaga, empresa responsável pela produção do Kyolic, tem como missão promover a boa saúde em todo o mundo. Além do extrato de alho, a empresa oferece uma variedade de suplementos nutricionais, incluindo probióticos Kyo-Dophilus, itens especiais Kyolic e superalimentos Kyo-Green, todos com o objetivo de melhorar a qualidade de vida dos consumidores.
– Suporte Cardiovascular: Ajuda a fortalecer o sistema cardiovascular, promovendo a saúde do coração.
– Ação Antioxidante: Combate os radicais livres, contribuindo para a saúde geral do corpo.
– Isento de Odor: O processo de envelhecimento elimina o odor forte do alho, tornando-o mais palatável.
– Suporte ao Sistema Imunológico: Fortalece as defesas naturais do corpo, ajudando a prevenir doenças.
– Facilidade de Uso: Cápsulas fáceis de ingerir, que se adaptam à rotina diária sem complicações.
Recomenda-se a ingestão de duas cápsulas de Kyolic Aged Garlic Extract Formula 108 diariamente, preferencialmente com uma refeição, para otimizar a absorção dos nutrientes. É importante seguir as orientações do rótulo e, se necessário, consultar um profissional de saúde antes de iniciar qualquer suplementação, especialmente se você estiver grávida, amamentando ou tomando medicamentos.
Jess Q. –
Kyolic 108 is amazing not only for blood pressure and cardiovascular issues, but for energy, immune health, and even WEIGHT LOSS! I was always the type of person to get hungry just a couple hours after eating, even after a large, well balanced, high protein meal. It just didn’t seem like my body was using the fuel I was giving it efficiently. I have also struggled with early onset prehypertension. I was given this supplement by my health nut Mom for my blood pressure and it collected dust in my medicine cabinet for months. I ran out of my old blood pressure supplement one day and decided I would try the Kyolic. Within a few days I started to notice being less hungry between meals. I felt like my energy and concentration levels were more stable than I could ever remember them being in my life, despite the fact that I was running on much less sleep than usual (sometimes only 2-3 hours per night). Even though I still feel tired when I don’t get enough sleep, it isn’t debilitating – I can still function and I don’t get those nasty highs and lows of energy as I used to. If I run out, it takes about 3 days and I really start to feel the lack of energy again, and the unreasonable hunger between meals.
The reason I have been sleeping so little is that I am in my first year of teaching and up at all hours grading papers, etc.
I teach public high school and am exposed to dozens of sneezing, coughing, nose-blowing kids all day where I work and eat my lunch, etc. So far the superior garlic in this product has protected me from getting sick, and has also helped with keeping my blood pressure in check. In the middle of all this chaos, with no positive changes in diet or exercise (if anything I’ve cheated more and exercised less), I lost weight for the first time in years. Not much yet, but for me it is significant because it usually never changes. Also, stress and sleep loss have made me gain weight in the past so I really couldn’t believe it. I truly believe the loss to be a result of the high quality and highly bio-available B vitamins included in the 108 formula.
This product can easily take the place of 2 or 3 other supplements. and is well worth the (reasonable) cost for anyone who wants to feel an amazing change in their body.
To be honest 🤔 I’ve been on this product for month and I didn’t feel anything, I’m just being honest…..
Jane in Texas –
I was diagnosed with PVC’s (premature ventricular contractions) in my late teens. Was told that prescriptions to fix it were more dangerous than the PVC’s themselves. Lived with them for 20 years until the frequency increased to hundreds per day and severity of them became off-the-chart scary. At 45 yrs old, a Cardiologist prescribed a few prescription meds and the meds cut them down by about half. Unfortunately the meds also drastically lowered my pulse and energy level. THEN I READ about Kyolic and decided to give it a shot. I’m simply amazed at the difference. After taking Kyolic for about 2-3 weeks, the PVC’s decreased by nearly 75-80%. Now, after 3 months, I’m down to about 1 PVC incident per month or less! This is crazy —every cardiologist in America should be prescribing aged garlic instead of chemicals. Thank you!
Eldimar Silva –
I take this to control my health and so far it been ok. Suppose,to help with blood pressure and Cholesterol.
I do not have problems with them,but it run on my family.So I decide to start to take something.This is a great choice.
Rita Lee –
Loved the garlic with the b12 icluded
Mary Texas –
My husband is not one to take supplements but I am working on him about that, he is challenged with high BP and we really want to avoid Rx meds as much as possible, he agreed to start taking these and he has expressed how much better he feels. and I can tell the difference in him too. Strongly recommend.
David Thompson –
Works great
Carmy –
Good company and good products.