Kyolic Aged Garlic Extract Formula 250 é um suplemento de saúde cardiovascular em cápsulas veganas. Com uma fórmula envelhecida de alho, este produto oferece benefícios significativos para a saúde do coração. Cada embalagem contém 60 cápsulas, sendo recomendado o consumo de uma por dia. A fórmula Kyolic Cardiovascular é projetada para ajudar a manter a função circulatória, suportando e fortalecendo o sistema cardiovascular, promovendo assim a saúde geral do coração. Feito a partir de alho orgânico, envelhecido e sem odor, o extrato é uma opção ideal para quem busca um suporte natural e eficaz.
O alho envelhecido é amplamente reconhecido por suas propriedades benéficas, não apenas para o coração, mas também para o corpo como um todo. Ele atua como um poderoso aliado do sistema imunológico, ajudando a proteger o organismo contra doenças e infecções. Além disso, o alho envelhecido é conhecido por promover uma digestão saudável, aliviando desconfortos estomacais e melhorando a absorção de nutrientes. Suas propriedades antioxidantes ajudam a combater os danos causados pelos radicais livres, contribuindo para a saúde geral e o bem-estar.
O Extrato de Alho Envelhecido Kyolic é cuidadosamente produzido a partir de alho cultivado organicamente, que passa por um processo de envelhecimento de até 20 meses. Esse processo não apenas aumenta o valor nutricional do alho, mas também remove seu odor pungente, tornando-o suave para o estômago. A Kyolic se compromete com a qualidade, utilizando alho inteiro, puro, não transgênico e orgânico, garantindo a pureza e eficácia do produto.
1. Suporte cardiovascular: Fortalece e apoia o sistema cardiovascular, promovendo a saúde do coração.
2. Suporte ao sistema imunológico: Ajuda a proteger o corpo contra doenças e infecções.
3. Suporte à digestão: Promove uma digestão saudável e alivia desconfortos estomacais.
4. Propriedades antioxidantes: Combate os danos causados pelos radicais livres, contribuindo para a saúde geral.
5. Qualidade e confiabilidade: Produzido a partir de alho orgânico cultivado de forma sustentável, garantindo pureza e eficácia.
Recomenda-se tomar 1 cápsula por dia, de preferência com uma refeição, para otimizar a absorção dos nutrientes. É aconselhável consultar um profissional de saúde antes de iniciar qualquer suplementação, especialmente se você estiver grávida, amamentando ou tomando medicamentos. Armazene em local fresco e seco, longe da luz solar direta, para preservar a integridade do produto.
SilverGhost –
Great quality and will NOT leave a garlic odor in your mouth – even if you burp!
Mouse1999 –
The pharmacy would not issue more blood pressure medicine as they said there should be 12 days left. I researched online what a family member could use instead. I came across this product. I bought a couple different versions to try to figure out which one worked the best. It is a happy medium to achieve as we did not want to bring blood pressure down too low as that can cause dizziness or worse. Actually, this is working better than the blood pressure medicine, which is not being used anymore. This is also supposed to clear out the blood vessels, but I would imagine it would take time to do that, like a year or so. I also read that taking blood pressure medicine before bed is good to do as that avoids the spike of blood pressure when rising in the morning that causes heart attacks and strokes. So the family member takes one once a day before going to bed for the night.
David A. Baer –
I began ordering and consuming these Kyolic Garlic pills three years ago on the recommendation of Dr. Janet Bond Brill’s well-received ‘Cholesterol Down’ regimen. Since they are just one component of Dr. Brill’s ten-item discipline, I can’t say with assurance that they’ve ‘worked’. But I trust they’re part of my successful ability to control moderately high cholesterol.
The pills don’t have an ugly garlic taste. In fact, the flavor is what I’d call gentle. They’re not difficult to swallow, although they definitely fit into the category of pill or supplement that our family knows as ‘horse pills’. We’re not talking baby aspirin here.
I like that they’re easily accessible on Amazon from multiple vendors, so it wouldn’t be necessary to stock up with a year’s supply, although that’s what I choose to do.
The prospective buyer should be aware there exists a dizzying array of Kyolic garlic products. Although I’m sure each has its virtues and vices, this is the one recommended by the physician I’ve mentioned. It takes some careful ordering to get it just right. Your Amazon cart is likely more receptive of alternatives than you should be.
J. Elliott –
I’ve used Kyolic reserve (600mg capsules) for a while now. With reserve, I take 2 in the morning/2 at night. With reserve, I never get garlic burps and the capsules have no flavor at all.
These are not capsules. They are solid dry aged garlic, that are a little larger than the reserve. The only real downside to these are they have a garlic flavor in your mouth. They do not give garlic burps or odor after swallowing. My only complaint is these are not capsules, but I am willing to deal with them if the cost stays low. You must swallow quickly, or I am guessing you will get a very strong garlic flavor in your mouth from these. I do not chew them, but just placing the pill in my mouth gives a slight acidic/garlic taste. Again, once swallowed, I’ve never had a problem with garlic burps or an burning in the stomach.
Since I started using these, I’ve changed to 1 reserve/1 of these in the twice a day. 3.2g of AGE seems excellent and is in line with the dosage used in many studies. I have no existing conditions and I am hoping this will serve as a good preventative measure.
I am now into my 3rd bottle and have gotten use to the caplets. They do have a slight garlic taste, but it does not dissolve in your mouth. I wish they sold a 120 or higher count package, so I could save them a few bottles (I buy the 60 count version and take 2 per day)
Update 2:
Over one year of use, and very happy with these. I have never had any problems either. I only take supplements with water (usually 2+ glasses), and always with a meal. AGE is simply phenomenal at blood pressure management. Also, I do not have to worry about adding lots of whole garlic to my diet, which is a food that I have a hard time placing in my dishes.
Jeremy –
Garlic is one of the world’s most popular supplements. Its use in folk remedies dates back centuries, and people have long believed it to provide health benefits of various sorts.
Well, thanks to modern science, some of these claims are actually being verified in proper studies. Initial results show a whole lot of potential for garlic as a natural and safe way to improve cholesterol levels and treat hypertension. Even though it’s unlikely that all of garlic’s claimed healing properties will be verified, it’s already looking like it does more good than harm on the cardiovascular front, and that’s enough for me to dive in.
There’s a catch, though; not all garlic supplements are created equal. It’s got to be tempting to grab one of those garlic oil based products which is much cheaper per “equivalent” garlic does, but don’t be fooled: they don’t seem to provide all of the same health benefits. Short of using fresh garlic (which you can and should do sometimes for taste, if nothing else!) aged garlic extract is the next best thing. Don’t settle for less!
Kyolic makes a dizzying array of subtly different garlic products, but this one is by all appearances the best. Aged garlic extract? Check. No other weird additives? Check. Proper dosage? Check. Although it looks expensive, very few (if any) other products on the market give you as high a dose of the good stuff for as low a price. Look carefully and although they may be cheaper, they’re dishing out “equivalent” doses or lower doses, requiring you to take multiple pills to reach the efficacy of this product.
So, dear reader, buy with confidence. Garlic is good, and this is good garlic! What are you waiting for?!
AP –
I like this brand, it seems very consistent quality.