Kroeger Herb: Kit de Suplemento de Erva de Artemísia, Noz Preta, Cravo, Quassia e Desintoxicação com Artemísia – Cápsulas
O Kit de Suplemento de Erva de Artemísia da Kroeger Herb é uma combinação poderosa e natural, projetada para promover a saúde intestinal e o bem-estar geral. Composto por ingredientes cuidadosamente selecionados, como a artemísia, noz preta, cravo e quassia, este suplemento é uma escolha ideal para quem busca uma desintoxicação eficaz e um equilíbrio saudável da flora intestinal.
- Limpeza do Cólon e Amigável à Flora Intestinal – Este suplemento ajuda a limpar o cólon e a apoiar o equilíbrio saudável da flora intestinal no corpo. A artemísia contém substâncias ativas como tujonas, sílica, taninos, flavonoides e inulina, além de absintina, que contribuem para a saúde digestiva.
- Noz Preta – Conhecida por seu suporte suave e eficaz ao sistema intestinal, a noz preta tem sido utilizada desde os tempos antigos por diversas culturas como um tônico herbal. Seus ingredientes ativos incluem ácidos graxos ômega-3, esteróis e taninos, que ajudam a manter a saúde digestiva.
- Artemísia – Esta erva é rica em antioxidantes naturais que promovem o bem-estar diário e nutrientes de limpeza. A artemísia é um poderoso antioxidante que pode ajudar a manter a função hepática saudável, essencial para a remoção de toxinas e conversão de nutrientes em substâncias utilizáveis pelo corpo.
- Certificações/Classificações – O produto é livre de soja, vegano, sem glúten, sem laticínios, sem ovos e sem milho. As cápsulas de artemísia são não-OGM, orgânicas ou colhidas na natureza, vegetarianas e bio-disponíveis para uma absorção ideal. Não contém cores artificiais, enchimentos, ligantes ou aditivos.
- Fabricado nos EUA – A Kroeger Herb é uma empresa familiar em operação desde 1978, oferecendo padrões superiores em suplementos herbais. Cada lote de nossos suplementos é fabricado nos EUA com testes de pureza, garantindo um produto livre de irradiação.
1. Desintoxicação Eficaz: Promove a limpeza do cólon, ajudando a eliminar toxinas acumuladas.
2. Equilíbrio da Flora Intestinal: Apoia a saúde da microbiota intestinal, essencial para a digestão e imunidade.
3. Antioxidantes Naturais: Contribui para a proteção celular e manutenção da saúde hepática.
4. Ingredientes Naturais e Seguros: Fórmula livre de aditivos e conservantes, ideal para dietas restritivas.
5. Produzido com Padrões Altos: Garantia de qualidade e pureza, com fabricação nos EUA e testes rigorosos.
Para obter os melhores resultados, recomenda-se tomar duas cápsulas do Kit de Suplemento de Erva de Artemísia da Kroeger Herb diariamente, preferencialmente com um copo de água antes das refeições. É importante seguir as orientações de um profissional de saúde, especialmente se você estiver grávida, amamentando ou tomando medicamentos. Mantenha o produto em local fresco e seco, longe da luz direta, para preservar sua eficácia.
Amazon Customer –
I was skeptical to buy it beginning but took the risk and i am glad i did.
I used this for parasite cleansing and product is genuine, it ships from USA & was was sealed. Be patient as it takes around 3 weeks for delivery. Seller ships quickly but transition from US to india takes time due to customs etc.
The combination is very effective , it not only targets the parasites but their eggs too which eliminates parasite completely.
Parth Rajvansh –
Scanned barcode genuine product…
Although bit expensive for me but ok i compromised because I Used This Medicine before for Body detoxification and cleaning spiritual blokages/mental blockages ….
This not only cleans your gut/parasite also gives you good feeling and powerful physical and mental motivation+ eliminating unnecessary fear…..
Cleans Mental toxins/ Thoughts and give you clarity of perception
I felt good gut feeling and breath deep…
Anyway very effective medicine in various ways
Try to limit dairy products if you are in a detoxification mode (do your own research)..
N Rob –
“We’re not that kind of people. We’re clean. We have neat homes. We use good hand washing practices, etc.”
To keep that delusion alive, don’t buy this and use it. If you do, prepare for sci fi at its best – in your neat home, from your ‘clean’ body.
Need I say more? You are warned.
After reading about coffee enemas from leading health pioneers like Max Gerson and Dr. Nicholas Gonzalez, I wanted to try this. Positive changes began almost immediately (after I got over the culture shock of actually doing them). Although easier to do than explain, here’s each step I do:
1- I buy organic coffee made for enemas from SA Wilson’s (1-866-266-4066) which has cafestol, etc., said to stimulate the gall bladder to secrete bile and the liver to dump toxins; the gall bladder may make a little squirt sound when secreting bile, though not always noticeable. I’m caffeine sensitive so I usually do this in the morning.
2- Thinking I’d do a few to ‘clean up’, it’s been over a year, now realizing I’m in for the long hall, still geting striking daily results.
Both Amazon and Wilson’s sell an inexpensive clear bucket that was adequate for many months.
3- To insert the tip, any non-petroleum oil will do.
4- I tear paper towels smaller & keep a squirt bottle of water handy (homemade ‘wet ones’).
To make coffee beforehand:
1- I buy 12 mason jars (Walmart or grocery store – inexpensive), using 8 when making coffee.
2- I fill 2 large non-aluminum pots w/4 qts filtered or spring water in each.
3- I stir 3/4 cup organic coffee in each.
4- I boil 5-10 min, stirring periodically, then simmer 15-20 min. I keep lid on so it’ll boil sooner and won’t evaporate. I stay close so it won’t boil over. I have potholders ready, just in case, and keep children or pets away since there’s hot liquid in full pots.
5- I let it cool, then pour it into the 8 jars evenly, then top off with more filtered or spring water, if needed, to make 1qt in each jar.
Notes: Once cooled, I dip a 2 cup glass measuring cup into the pots and pour from it into a fine mesh stainless steel strainer nestled into the mouth of the jar I’m filling. When near the bottom of the liquid where the grounds are, I hold the grounds back with my hand to drain off the rest, then discard the grounds. I don’t use coffee filters because they trap the cafestol, etc.
6- I cap off the jars and store in any cool, dark place. Making the coffee ahead makes doing the enema simpler.
To actually do the enema:
– I keep 1 qt jar of coffee on a cup warmer in the bathroom. (In the beginning, I put a few drops on my wrist like testing a baby bottle, aiming for slightly warmer than body temperature.)
– I pre-wash all before first time use, then use the S-hook included with the new bag on a nearby towel rack.
– I lie in the tub because it’s easier (no worrying about how clean the floor is, the tub rinses out easily if needed, etc.)
– I listen to an audio Bible, spend time in the Lord’s Presence and catch up online via cell.
– Before starting, I use the toilet so I’ll be as empty as possible. To start, I apply oil to the tip.
– It gets MUCH easier but there is a learning curve in the beginning. I clamp tube shut, then pour the qt in.
– I avoid air bubbles in the tubing to allow liquid to easily flow through, so I unclamp to let liquid run down to the clamp area, then reclamp.
– I lie down on my right side and insert tip slowly. By using oil beforehand, this is easy.
– I open the clamp one handed with my left hand. As it flows, when I sense fullness, I close the clamp until I adjust to the feeling, taking slow, deep breaths to allow the colon to relax. (In the beginning, if I needed to eliminate, I did, then came back.) Once I adjusted (the learning curve I mentioned), I’m usually able to hold the qt for 15-30 minutes. I’ve read colon capacity varies from 1-2 gallons so there should be plenty of room in there; it just takes practice to learn to relax. I look forward to my time tucked away from the hustle and bustle.
– Once I’ve retained the 1 qt 15-30 min., I expel it. I don’t strain, if possible, to avoid hemmeroids. I wait a few minutes because more will come out. I may stand up thinking I’m through only to realize I need to sit back down or come back shortly. In the beginning I stayed home for an hour after till I saw how this part went.
The cautions I’m aware of (there may be others):
A – Not letting the liquid get too hot
B – Inserting the tip gently to protect rectal lining
Note: Although light bleeding from hemmeroids is not in itself alarming, blood in stools can sometimes indicate a more serious underlying condition.
C – Introducing any Add-ins (below) gradually in minuscule amounts until individual tolerance is determined.
D – Too many enemas within one day may throw off electrolyte balance although Gerson Clinic recommends doing 4-6 enemas throughout the day in even intervals (see the two Gerson books for more details).
Clean up:
A – I wash the bag with hot soapy water, rinse, then let a little hydrogen peroxide flow through tubing.
B – I keep a large spray bottle (I bought empty ones) filled with white vinegar (kills 99% of germs and is non toxic, unlike bleach) and spray the toilet, handle, tub, sink, faucet, floor.
10. In the beginning, I rested, if needed. Like any habit it becomes just another routine like driving a car or brushing teeth.
As far as I can tell, it’s not any more ‘addictive’ than taking a bath; I do these because I need to.
Here are ‘Add Ins’ I’ve tried (entirely optional)mI found by googling ‘coffee enema recipes’.
– 1 tsp – 1 Tbsp Epsom salt relaxes the colon, making retention easy. (I googled magnesium toxicity, reading it’s extremely rare; the body seems to expel excess by normal BMs getting looser.
– 1 tsp baking soda (alkalinizes pH – Dr. Simoncini indicates cancer can’t grow in an alkaline environment – see YouTube ‘Baking Soda’).
– Lugols 2% iodine (read The Iodine Solution, by Farrow, also on Amazon). I read most are iodine deficient which is linked to cancer. I gradually building up to 2 dropperfuls over time (buy that by the quart here in Amazon).
– Kroeger anti parasite capsules from Amazon (under $10). There are pricier anti-parasite products but a reviewer (link below for Kroeger’s) said the inexpensive ones are just as good, I now take these orally to eliminate parasite systemically since the enemas only address the lower end of the colon (although addressing the colon makes a huge difference in and of itself).
This got me started. I ask the Lord to lead and guide me because only He knows what is right for each of us. I also asked someone knowledgable how long I would need to do enemas and was told (I do them everyday) to get the majority of toxins (and parasites) moving out but possibly 1-2 years, if needed, then taper back to a maintenance schedule. This is a work in progress.
Results so far:
Other than toxins leaving (primary goal) and parasites exiting (unintended but desperately needed secondary goal), my face looked noticeably younger within weeks (softer, more elasticity, pinker, diminished under eye rings, white of eyes whiter, ‘floaters’ in vision gone, etc.). I felt so much better – cleaner, lighter, etc. I no longer want sweets (if craving sugar, that’s the parasites wanting dinner). In the first three months alone, 30 pounds of impacted fecal matter and parasites exited with no change in diet or exercise – yuk, but thank goodness!
Ab bloating gone, brain fog gone, joy back. Although not targeted, toxic emotions left during enemas (sometimes unexpectedly cried as stored grief was released). I’m also calmer and more centered.
This info is readily available to anyone from Amazon product reviews, YouTube and Google. I am simply writing what was helpful to me.
Mel –
I was exposed to someone who found parasites in their poo. They said they went to Doctor and didn’t know what kind, said it wasn’t contagious, received a round of antibiotics and said nobody else in house needed treated. I was a little Leary and kept watching for signs in my stool after reading how contagious they could be. About 2-3 weeks later noticed white things in my poo. Not certain it was parasites but, certainly looked like it and of course freaked out and took to the internet to read all about them. Decided to take an OTC Pyratel Pamoate to see if this would clear me out so I could see anything. I did see questionable things but, nothing moving because the otc paralyzes pinworms so you can evacuate them and only treats pinworms not other types. Which my friend ended up coming back and saying it was tapeworm after I shared my concerns, which is very uncommon in the U.S. So naturally thought it had to be pinworms. I do have Crohn’s and I often see a lot of undigested food in my stool. As a safety measure and in my research I found Kroeger Wormwood Combo and decided to give it a try also. I did have bloating, itching and have severe breakout on my scalp as other signs for parasites. In reading I learned that someone with Crohn’s or auto immune disease can have scalp psoriasis breakout as reaction to inflammation in gut for someone who has Crohn’s with parasites. My scalp has had small issues in past but nothing like this. I’m also experiencing hair breakage and loss. Also was experiencing joint pain and bloating. I started going to gym regularly about four months ago and wondered why my stomach wasn’t going down. I stopped going to gym for over a month due to all of the symptoms that I was having. This is what led me to believe that I may actually have something. I’m 1 1/2 weeks Into taking the wormwood combo. I have also been eating 3 cloves of fresh raw garlic daily, raw pumpkin seeds, carrots, taking probiotic and alot of other precautions. I’ve read way to much and have completely freaked out over all this. I’ve even gone to the extreme of just throwing away my underwear. I was just diagnosed with Crohn’s and Secondary Raynauds Syndrome in the last year. I’m 44 and have never had health issues and still learning about Crohn’s as well. I typically don’t have issues with it. My main thing that can potentially be an issue is strictures and blockage. I also have B12 deficiency which causes fatigue and take shots for that. Sorry for the long story but, I read a lot of reviews in my journey and hope to help others. I was also really afraid to try any meds because I do have Crohn’s. I give this one a five star review! This has really helped in normalizing my digestive system! Whether or not I had anything, not sure if it worked on that front. But, I think I’ll take this from time to time just because it has really helped normalize my digestive system. I feel better than I have in a while. Magically, I’m not having joint pain either. My energy is up and have some clarity. My stomach is no longer bloated and feel 10 lbs lighter. My bathroom time feels like a miracle is happening and actually is helping to move and normalize things on that front. I didn’t have any adverse reaction to this at all. I can’t get into the doctor until next week and still want to go for peace in mind. Sorry for TMI and oversharing but, had to share my story in hopes of helping someone else. I have no shame! A lot of the reviews I read when looking for a product to take were very helpful to me. This product is great and has definitely made me feel better and more at ease.
Parth Rajvansh –
れれれ –
It works the best compared to other products I tried before. Happy customer.
brijesh –