Descrição do Produto: KOR Shots Kids Laranja – 18 Pacotes x 1,7 Fl Oz
Os KOR Shots Kids Laranja são uma solução inovadora e nutritiva para as necessidades diárias das crianças. Cada frasco contém um shot de 1,7 fl oz, repleto de ingredientes orgânicos certificados pelo USDA, projetados para fortalecer a imunidade e promover a saúde geral dos pequenos. Feito a partir de laranjas frescas da Califórnia, cada shot é uma explosão de sabor e nutrição, combinando 1 bilhão de CFUs de probióticos, vitamina D3, ômega 3 de fonte vegana, suco de abacaxi e suco de frutas de espinheiro-marítimo.
Esses shots oferecem 50% do valor diário recomendado de vitamina C e 100% do valor diário de vitamina D3, essenciais para o crescimento e desenvolvimento saudável das crianças. Além disso, cada dose é enriquecida com óleo de algas veganas, fornecendo 50 mg de DHA Omega 3 por shot. Os ácidos graxos ômega-3 são fundamentais para o aprendizado, memória e desenvolvimento cerebral na infância, mas frequentemente são consumidos em quantidades insuficientes. De acordo com os Institutos Nacionais de Saúde, as crianças consomem apenas cerca de 40 mg dos 120-1.300 mg recomendados de DHA e EPA provenientes de alimentos. Com KOR Shots Kids, você garante que seu filho receba a nutrição necessária de forma prática e saborosa.
1. Imunidade Fortalecida: Com uma combinação poderosa de vitamina C e probióticos, os shots ajudam a fortalecer o sistema imunológico das crianças.
2. Desenvolvimento Cerebral: O DHA Omega 3 é crucial para o desenvolvimento cognitivo, contribuindo para melhor aprendizado e memória.
3. Fácil de Consumir: A apresentação em shots torna a ingestão de nutrientes essenciais prática e divertida para as crianças.
4. Ingredientes Orgânicos: Com certificação USDA, os KOR Shots Kids são feitos com ingredientes naturais, sem aditivos artificiais.
5. Apoio à Saúde Digestiva: Os probióticos presentes ajudam a manter uma flora intestinal saudável, promovendo uma digestão adequada.
Para obter os melhores resultados, recomenda-se que as crianças consumam um shot de KOR Shots Kids Laranja diariamente. Pode ser tomado puro ou misturado a um smoothie ou iogurte. Agite bem antes de abrir e consuma imediatamente após a abertura para garantir a frescura e a eficácia dos ingredientes. Armazene em local fresco e seco, longe da luz direta.
Jon Sauer –
My wife and I try our best to eat and drink healthily. But I feel like there’s always just a little bit more we could be doing to really have a better balance of nutrients and vitamins in our daily diets. So we gave these KOR shots a shot… and boy oh boy are we glad we did!
We bought the variety pack (since we never want to feel like we’re missing out on anything) and have kickstarted every morning with a shot before breakfast. Each little bottle is packed with incredible ingredients, while also being super fresh and delicious. My personal faves are Gut Check and Vitality, although there really isn’t a weak link in the bunch. The packaging is well-designed and their small size makes them very easy to integrate into an already-packed fridge. Highly recommend!
Blanca Reyes –
This is a delicious and fresh product! Vitality and Potent-C are my favs. For those of you that like a strong dose of compact nutrition, this is such a great product to keep stocked in your fridge. Fresh vitamins and nutrients at your fingertips. Love it. Also love the sustainable shipping materials used. Nice job KOR!
Customer –
Delicious flavors and ingredients for various health concerns. I created a custom pack for immunity, beauty, energy and even sleep!
Ana A. –
I like this product because helps the inmune system. The flavor is understandable strong due to the ginger and the cayenne pepper. The price is little high. I recommend this little shots for your health. Amazon sent it refrigerated, which I like the way they care that you receive the fresh product.
marielle –
This is one best purchases I’ve ever made! Incredible stuff. It has everything I need to keep me going. Greens, ACV, Charcoal etc! It helps with you immune system, gut and overall wellness. Very conveniently packaged. I love the feeling of being able to take a shot and know that I’m feeding my body a shot of pure health and wellness. Amazing product!
Ana A. –
The product arrived quickly, very well packaged and stayed cool even when I could not open immediately. I love buying KOR shots in the store because it is such an easy way to get a boost without having to drink a large green juice. I also love that the bottle is made sustainably. My favorite flavor is Green Up because I can always use more greens, especially now. I went with the rainbow pack because it’s nice to have a rotation of benefits. I will definitely order again!
Amazon Customer –
Although the ingredients sound really helpful and I didn’t mind the taste. I have a form of colitis and the drink shot cost a flare-up in my stomach issues. At least this is what I think caused it. But for people with no stomach issues this sounds like a very good shot of Health.
Dechanta Wooten –
Wow. I’ve had wellness shots, but these are simply amazing!! You can feel that ginger work its way throughout your body, especially to the gut. The packaging was good. However, the only recommendation that I have is to add two of the ice packs inside the box. My package was still cool on the inside, but since the sun was out and the tempearature was hotter on the day that I’ve received my package, the ice pack did melt. You should add two inside the package to be on the safe side. Otherwise…superb product. I will be a repeat customer!