O Koji White Ácido Kójico é um clareador de manchas que se destaca por sua fórmula avançada e eficaz, projetada para proporcionar uma pele mais clara e uniforme. Com 30g de puro poder clareador, este produto contém ácido kójico, um ingrediente amplamente reconhecido por suas propriedades de redução de manchas escuras, hiperpigmentação e melasma. Além de clarear, o ácido kójico possui propriedades antioxidantes que combatem os danos causados pelos radicais livres, promovendo uma pele saudável e revitalizada.
A fórmula premium do Koji White é enriquecida com glutationa e iogurte, que não apenas clareiam a pele, mas também oferecem nutrição profunda. O sabonete clareador é ideal para quem busca uma solução eficaz e segura para imperfeições cutâneas. Os ingredientes ativos naturais trabalham em sinergia para construir uma complexão radiante, enquanto a hidratação profunda garante que a pele permaneça macia e sedosa. Com o uso diário, o Koji White se torna uma parte essencial da rotina de cuidados com a pele, proporcionando resultados visíveis e duradouros.
1. Fórmula de alta qualidade que promove uma pele brilhante e radiante.
2. Nutrição para a pele seca, equilibrando a textura e melhorando a aparência geral.
3. Hidratação profunda que resulta em uma pele macia e suave ao toque.
4. Ingredientes naturais que iluminam a pele de forma saudável e segura.
5. Ideal para uso diário, facilitando a incorporação na rotina de cuidados com a pele.
BuffyFan1985 –
I know different products work differently for each person. However, I really noticed a difference in lightening of my facial freckles in one use!
I am a pale redhead with tons of sunspots and freckles. I was not taught to use spf as a child and have tons of spots on arms, chest, and face. As I get older, they have really started to bother me and age me.
I tried the orange version of this soap years ago and really didn’t see any change. I was reluctant to try this white version, but it was affordable, so I did.
I could not believe my face after one use! Overall complexion was lighter and my biggest sun spots diminished. I kept noticing results each day after using.
My arms – which are just covered with freckles – I didn’t see much lightening improvement but I think I will over time. They are just really severe cases. But I can see it working on my face, so certainly my arms will follow.
Also, I know this sounds weird – but my elbows became soft and silky! Without lotion! I was amazed! My elbows have never felt that good! Even with scrubs and body oils. I looked like a freak petting my elbows all day. It must be the exfoliating and moisturizing properties of this. Magic.
I am sad because I had to stop using them temporarily but no fault of the product. I’ve been having SEVERE hormonal, post-pill acne. I have been hesitant to put this on my face now because I’m afraid it may make it worse. But..seeing some of these reviews maybe it may help heal it. It’s horrible anyway..why not try to reintroduce it? Hmm.
Anyway, try it! What have you got to lose? I am very very very impressed with this white version!!!
Ms.G –
Smells good but small. Moisturizing, no skin irritation.
Colleen –
I have some age / sun spots and was really hoping that this would lighten them at least a little as
they are very noticeable. My skin is very fair / light and I’ve used two full bars (very small) every day for a few months now and have not noticed a single bit of improvement. (Yes, I wear sunscreen every day and have a dermatologist that recommended other products but not this one). The soap itself smells fine, but has not improved my skins color. I would say this is not effective and would not recommend this.
Kelly Hicks –
Smells good and I think it’s working
chuck deccio –
After first use of the soap, my skin felt like it had truly been clean, and not dried out as I had expected. I plan on using it, only once a week however, I found twice in a week to be too much for my white skin, not for the effects of evening my skin tone, but over use of the product can ruin the great effects it has on the skin. Yes, this works for white folks, it gives you younger looking, healthier looking skin, body and face, which I noticed first use. Everything in moderation, we can all learn a lesson from Goldilocks, as it can be applied to pretty much everything.
J.L.B. –
I have to have kojic acid soap, I can’t live without it. I like this brand, they make a nice soap. This white one smells perfume-y, it’s got a silky lather, and it leaves you squeaky clean. It keeps me light and bright, and fades it all away. No rashes, or anything weird. Gets rid of razor bumps. It’s great, I love it.
Tere Esquivel –
Deja muy suave la piel
Lolita Schagene –
Really liked this soap
Gw –
One bar lasted 2 weeks although I do see some spot lightening on face and body, kinda high maintenance to sustain.
The truth –
This soap was pretty good, nothing amazing but decent. It did a good job cleaning the body, but doesn’t do much for brightening. Also, the soap is really small compared to the price. I wish it was bigger so it could last longer.