KlenzTea™ – DetoxAway® seu Fígado, Linfa e Cólon
KlenzTea é uma mistura especial de 14 ervas confiáveis e é especialmente eficaz se usado após a última refeição antes de dormir, pois também ajuda na digestão e promove um sono tranquilo. É o chá de limpeza mais abrangente do mercado há 27 anos! Contém apenas os ingredientes de desintoxicação e limpeza interna mais eficazes, poderosos e naturais. É chamado de Melhor Klenz Interno do Mundo por um motivo, pois é comprovado que funciona! Foi a PRIMEIRA e AINDA é a única fórmula abrangente de limpeza interna desse tipo.
Fabricado nos EUA em uma instalação registrada na FDA. Temos confiança de que este é de longe o melhor programa de limpeza interna do mercado – é por isso que tantas pessoas experimentaram nosso programa e o recomendaram prontamente para outros! Experimente você mesmo e veja como se sentirá ótimo!
Conheça 5 Motivos Recomendados pela Vitaminer Shop para Comprar:
- Desintoxicação completa
- Melhora a digestão
- Promove um sono tranquilo
- Fórmula comprovada
- Fabricado nos EUA
KlenzTea™ oferece uma série de benefícios que podem transformar sua rotina diária. Primeiramente, a desintoxicação completa do fígado, linfa e cólon ajuda a eliminar toxinas acumuladas, promovendo uma sensação de leveza e bem-estar. Em segundo lugar, a melhoria na digestão não só facilita a absorção de nutrientes, mas também reduz desconfortos como inchaço e gases. Além disso, ao promover um sono tranquilo, KlenzTea™ garante que você acorde revigorado, pronto para enfrentar o dia. A fórmula comprovada, respaldada por 27 anos de eficácia, traz confiança ao consumidor, enquanto a fabricação nos EUA assegura a qualidade e segurança do produto. Esses fatores tornam KlenzTea™ uma escolha inteligente para quem busca saúde e vitalidade.
Para obter os melhores resultados, recomenda-se tomar uma xícara de KlenzTea™ todas as noites, após a última refeição, antes de dormir. Para preparar, adicione uma colher de chá de KlenzTea™ em uma xícara de água quente e deixe em infusão por 5-10 minutos. Beba lentamente, permitindo que os ingredientes naturais atuem em seu corpo, promovendo uma limpeza interna completa e revitalizante. A regularidade no uso potencializa os efeitos benéficos, contribuindo para uma saúde duradoura e um estilo de vida equilibrado.
Tammy –
it definitely works!
Q –
I tried this product and did benefit from some detoxing effects. However, at $35, it just isn’t a feasible product to consume regularly.
Disneydude –
I recently decided to give this product a try, and I must say it exceeded my expectations. Here are the highlights of my experience:
Firstly, the thoughtfully selected natural ingredients in this detox tea are impressive. It’s evident that they prioritize quality and purity. With ingredients like dandelion root, ginger, and licorice, I felt confident that I was giving my body a healthy cleanse.
The taste is surprisingly pleasant for a detox tea. It has a mildly herbal and slightly sweet flavor, making it easy to incorporate into my daily routine without any unpleasant aftertaste.
In terms of effectiveness, I noticed positive changes in my digestion and overall well-being after consistently drinking this tea for a few weeks. It helped alleviate bloating and that heavy feeling after meals, which I often experienced.
The convenience is worth mentioning. Each tea bag is individually wrapped, making it easy to take with me on the go. This is particularly helpful for maintaining my detox regimen while traveling or during a busy day.
I also appreciate that this product is backed by transparent and informative labeling. It’s reassuring to know exactly what I’m consuming and how it may benefit my body.
Felicia Alanis –
I love this tea, it really does work and doesn’t have any harsh side effects like cramping. Great taste, enjoy a cup at night just before bed, but be sure to drink plenty of water the next day to stay hydrated. If you want to try click the link.
Leela –
This company has been in business since 1997 and has a variety of detoxing regimen packages. These teabags are really well-made and will not come apart. First trying this tea, I found that steeping it 2 minutes isn’t enough time to impart more than a subtle, floral flavor, so I added a different tea after I’d steeped it, just for flavor. It’s fine drunk cold, though. The instructions say to use one teabag per pint of water, and drink 1 cup right the first night, and save the other in the fridge to the following night.
I do think this works, but some people should be advised that they may be reactive to senna or sea buckthorn. I started out at a full dose, but after a couple of days, started having some possible detox symptoms (nausea and headache) and I realized that the website said to drink at least 8 glasses of water a day while using this tea. I didn’t think I was drinking that much water, so I cut the dose in half, like they suggested, but even after halving the dose, day 2 on the half dose I had intestinal cramping and diarrhea, and the package advised stopping altogether at those symptoms.
So yes, it’s a good cleansing formula, but it might be too much for sensitive people. I might try again later, and try stretching one teabag over a full week instead and see how that does.
Scooby –
KlenzTea™ – DetoxAway® your Liver, Lymph, Colon & kidney with 14 Carefully-Selected Ingredients. (30 Tea Bags)
Recently, my wife has started drinking more tea over coffee. When she saw this tea and read the ingredients, she wanted to try it. She says it’s a good tasting tea and she likes the ease of using tea bags instead of loose tea. She said that with this tea, she did steep it a bit longer than it said because she did not notice any difference when she followed the directions to the letter. Now, it’s working for her, but it is a milder tea. Overall, she likes this tea and will be repurchasing soon.
T-Leigh –
I like the ease of use, and I love the taste! Each tea bag makes two servings, which you drink before sleeping. I have noticed that I fall asleep faster after drinking this. I love the ingredients, and the taste is excellent! I’m unsure about the other organs, but my stomach has felt much happier and less bloated since starting this detox tea.
T-Leigh –
The first day I was thinking, this is not doing anything. I’m used to cleanses giving you that instant movement.
But now just a few days in… already I’m noticing a difference. The movement is happening. Regularly. Not harsh. No cramping or upset stomach.
This is such a gentle cleanse which makes it perfect for 30 days. In that time, while also eating lighter, drinking water and exercising, you are sure to give your liver and kidneys a break and release of toxins.
One tea bag is good for 2 cups. One to be had in the evening and the other, the next morning.
The taste is quite pleasant. I’d drink it in general if not cleansing. Good ingredients. Pretty coloring. Enjoy hot or cold.