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Klaire Labs Enzimas Digestivas – Poderoso Complexo de Enzimas Digestivas. Marca

*R$292.79 Em até 6x de R$48.80 sem jurosEm até 6x de R$48.80 sem jurosMais formas de pagamento 1x de R$292.79 sem juros2x de R$146.40 sem juros3x de R$97.60 sem juros4x de R$73.20 sem juros5x de R$58.56 sem juros6x de R$48.80 sem juros

Klaire Labs Digestive Enzymes é um suplemento poderoso à base de enzimas microbianas, como amilase, protease, lactase e lipase. Suas principais características incluem a capacidade de auxiliar na digestão de carboidratos, proteínas, lactose e gorduras, melhorando a absorção de nutrientes. Os benefícios incluem alívio de desconfortos digestivos, como inchaço e gases, além de promover uma digestão mais eficiente e saudável.

(10 avaliações de clientes)
Klaire Labs Enzimas Digestivas - Poderoso Complexo de Enzimas Digestivas. Marca *R$292.79 Em até 6x de R$48.80 sem jurosEm até 6x de R$48.80 sem jurosMais formas de pagamento 1x de R$292.79 sem juros2x de R$146.40 sem juros3x de R$97.60 sem juros4x de R$73.20 sem juros5x de R$58.56 sem juros6x de R$48.80 sem juros
SKU: AD2E4E37 Categoria: Tag: Marca:

Este produto fornece enzimas microbianas para ajudar na digestão de uma ampla variedade de alimentos, incluindo proteínas, gorduras, carboidratos, açúcar e fibras. Cada enzima em Digestive Enzymes desempenha um papel que pode ajudar o corpo a absorver melhor os nutrientes dos alimentos e suplementos. Além disso, este produto pode ajudar a aliviar a sensação de inchaço, plenitude ou desconforto associados ao gás ocasional. As enzimas digestivas derivadas de microrganismos (amilase, lactase, lipase, celulase e protease neutra) são formuladas para serem mais estáveis em relação ao pH, atuando em uma faixa de pH mais ampla no trato intestinal do que as enzimas derivadas de animais. Este produto é livre dos seguintes alérgenos comuns: leite/caseína, ovos, peixes, frutos do mar, nozes e amendoins. Não contém corantes, sabores ou conservantes artificiais. Fundada em 1969, os produtos da Klaire Labs são desenvolvidos em estreita colaboração com médicos e destinam-se a serem usados conforme orientação de um profissional de saúde.

Conheça 5 Motivos Recomendados pela Vitaminer Shop para Comprar:

  • 1. Suprimento de enzimas microbianas para ajudar na digestão de uma ampla variedade de alimentos.
  • 2. Melhora na absorção de nutrientes dos alimentos e suplementos.
  • 3. Alívio de inchaço, plenitude e desconforto associados ao gás ocasional.
  • 4. Enzimas digestivas formuladas para serem mais estáveis em relação ao pH, atuando em uma faixa de pH mais ampla no trato intestinal.
  • 5. Livre de alérgenos comuns e não contém corantes, sabores ou conservantes artificiais.

– Sugestão de Uso:

Recomenda-se tomar 1 cápsula de Digestive Enzymes com cada refeição principal, ou conforme orientação de um profissional de saúde.

10 avaliações para Klaire Labs Enzimas Digestivas – Poderoso Complexo de Enzimas Digestivas. Marca

  1. Cara Rose

    I love this digestive enzyme. I take it 3 times a day and I haven’t had issues with bloating after meals. My natural dr. recommended these and I’m so glad she did. I’ve been happy with these for over 2 years. They are a great value and so needed.

  2. Edgar & Camila

    My gastroenterologist started me on digestive enzymes as part of my treatment four years ago to help me recover from candida. My system was practically not digesting or absorbing any nutrients from the foods that I was eating because of it.

    These aren’t the enzymes that my doctor started me on at first, but I chose this brand because it is a trusted supplement lab by my doctor, the convenience to order online, and the price.

    I have a sensitivities and reactions to several foods and ingredients but these are gentle and effective for me.
    I feel no ill side effects or negative changes after switching to these and have been taking them for over a year now. I have been able to eat wheat and corn products as well as a bit of dairy occasionally with less severe side effects.

    I like these enzymes because they’re small, smooth, and easy to swallow. They’re half the size of the enzymes that I was taking before and I can keep more capsules in my pill compartment to take with me on the go.

    I no longer have candida as of 2 years ago. I have much better gut health but I continue to take one enzyme capsule with each meal and a good probiotic daily. It helps to maintain a healthy gut. It really has made a difference because I can now eat practically anything that I wasn’t able to eat when I was suffering with candida. It helped rebuild my digestive system and maintain good digestion.

  3. Heidi West

    Started taking these enzymes as a recommendation from my nutritionist. They are very easy to swallow with no side effects. I gave one star for pain relief because these are not for pain.

  4. Books and Art

    LOVE these enzyme pills! Have gone through one bottle & have ordered another. They Actually WORK! WINNER & the price us Right!

  5. Ms. Windy City

    I am used to trying different brands of digestive enzymes to find out what’s best for my system. I had initial doubts about this one from Klaire Labs but the positive effects surprised me. My system responds well to it. I am going to reorder now.

  6. Martha M. Snyder

    They are small and great for those who can take capsules, just hard to open when you can’t swallow the capsules

  7. Edgar & Camila

    It works, easy to swallow, not overprice.

  8. Cali Grl

    I had an ulcer years ago, that made it painful to swallow food or water. Took two heartburn pills a day for a month to get back to good. I thought that was behind me, until I recently began having terrible heartburn again. It’s been so bad, that I woke up projectile vomiting a few nights ago. I took Prilosec for a few days, but started having heart palpitations. Desperate for a safer remedy, I decided to try these enzymes. My expectations were low. Ever since the horrible episode recently, I’ve been having terrible heartburn throughout the day and especially after dinner and before bed. I took two of these right before dinner tonight, and zero heartburn. Nothing. I hope this continues and I’m pretty impressed.

  9. Tammy wilson

    I have hydrogen SIBO, and I’m always on the look for something to help. I have to say these digestive enzymes have really helped. I have far less episodes of running to the bathroom. I’ve actually put back on a few of the many pounds lost from SIBO. I think finally I’m getting the benefit from my food instead of the bacteria getting it first.

  10. Hauw Junying

    I actually wanted to buy pancreatic enzymes. This digestive enzyme is of no use to me.

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