Descrição do Produto: Kiva Organic Maca Powder
O Kiva Organic Maca Powder é um pó de raiz de maca peruana autêntica, cuidadosamente elaborado para potencializar sua saúde e bem-estar. Com 16 oz de pura maca orgânica, este superalimento é conhecido por suas propriedades energizantes e nutritivas. A maca, um tubérculo cultivado nas altitudes dos Andes peruanos, é rica em vitaminas, minerais e antioxidantes, tornando-se um aliado poderoso para quem busca aumentar a energia, melhorar a resistência física e mental, e equilibrar o humor. O pó de maca Kiva é versátil e pode ser facilmente incorporado em smoothies, shakes, iogurtes, ou até mesmo em receitas de bolos e pães, proporcionando um impulso nutritivo ao seu dia a dia.
1. Aumento de Energia: A maca é conhecida por suas propriedades energizantes, ajudando a combater a fadiga e a falta de disposição.
2. Equilíbrio Hormonal: Contribui para a regulação hormonal, sendo benéfica para mulheres em diferentes fases da vida, incluindo menopausa.
3. Melhora da Performance Física: Ideal para atletas e praticantes de atividades físicas, a maca pode aumentar a resistência e a recuperação muscular.
4. Apoio à Saúde Mental: Ajuda a reduzir o estresse e a ansiedade, promovendo um estado de bem-estar mental.
5. Rica em Nutrientes: Fonte de vitaminas B, C e E, além de minerais como cálcio, ferro e zinco, essencial para uma dieta equilibrada.
Para aproveitar ao máximo os benefícios do Kiva Organic Maca Powder, recomenda-se iniciar com uma dose de 1 a 2 colheres de sopa por dia. O pó pode ser adicionado a smoothies, misturado em iogurtes, ou incorporado em receitas de panificação. Para uma absorção ideal, é aconselhável combinar a maca com fontes de gordura saudável, como abacate ou óleo de coco, e com carboidratos complexos, como aveia ou frutas. É importante ajustar a quantidade conforme a sua tolerância e necessidades individuais, sempre consultando um profissional de saúde antes de iniciar qualquer suplementação.
José Armando Ramirez JR. –
Muy bueno.
Just someone –
Purchased for one of my kids who adds it to workout beverages. They loved it!
Robin L.S. –
I actually add this to smoothies that also include lots of fruit, nuts, flax seed, etc., and it is hard to pick out the flavor in that mix, so I tried about 1/2 a teaspoon by itself to review the flavor. It’s surprisingly good. It tastes sort of like malt with a hint of sweet chocolate and a touch of “green”, if you know what I mean. (Like a green leafy plant.) Interesting and pleasant enough to my taste buds that I could even just eat a spoonful straight without mixing it with anything, although it would be dry.
I also like that it is organic and single ingredient. I always worry about mixtures because you may have a reaction to something without know which thing it is that causes it. At any rate, I haven’t used it long enough to evaluate whether it gives me more energy as it claims, but it certainly doesn’t have any unpleasant effects for me.
At first glance, it seems kind of pricey, but it requires such a tiny amount that one bag really does go a long way. I’m glad I got it and will update if anything changes. So far, I would definitely recommend it.
Mark Shargorodskiy –
I buy it then realized there was a cancer label on the back very disappointed. No thanks buy something else. Amazon will not give a refund do not buy this so misleading
fab –
This is high-quality, fine-textured powder. This kiva powder is high in vitamins and nutrients, plus it tastes delicious. The powder can be mixed into any mixture to add extra nutrients. This 16-ounce bag will last a while. The power does not leave a bad taste or interfere with the flavor or texture of your chosen combo. I would suggest.
Amazon Customer –
Some difference in Energy.
Very fresh. You can use it in your energy drinks, or mix in when you are baking something.
Deborah S. –
This Kiva Maca Root Powder is raw maca root powder. Some say raw is better from a health and taste standpoint, some say gelatinized. So if one doesn’t work for you, maybe try the other.
I was excited to try this as I’d heard maca has a flavor similar to malt, which is something that doesn’t fit my diet. I can see how malt might be the closest flavor comparison, but alas, it did not really scratch the malted milk itch. The flavor isn’t bad – it is mildly sweet, with notes that I can see being considered vanilla, butterscotch or malty, with a bitter edge, but not to the extent of being unpalatable. I’ve read that the gelatinized version is less bitter.
When mixed in hot water, the powder initially clumps a lot, but did eventually dissolve with lots of stirring. There were some larger woody bits left at the end. This is ok – it’s a natural product and I have no expectation that it should behave with manufactured perfection.
I noticed no digestive issues at a 1tsp dosage, but had some mild issues if I did more than that. Maybe this is why the flavor doesn’t work for me – because I can’t use it in large enough quantities to impart much flavor.
I did feel that it may have been helpful from a perimenopause perspective. Unfortunately, maca seems to have a very negative effect on my mood, and I’m not going to continue to use it. I’ve found other reports of this, however more people report positive effects, so don’t let this deter you from trying it – just be aware that if you start feeling unusually irritable, it could be a side effect.
The value seems pretty average for comparable products – this is neither the cheapest nor the most expensive option available.
Robin L.S. –
This Maca root powder by Kiva is very nice and high quality. The powder looks pure and of a good, fine texture. The only, single ingredient is Organic Maca. I’ve used Kiva organic products many times before and have always had a good experience, and this maca powder is no exception.
I normally use Terrasoul Organic Gelatanized Maca powder for my morning coffee, so I’m going to compare the two for you. Both are very nice and are single ingredient organic.
– Terrasouls is gelatanized which removes the starch, making it easier to digest. I can’t say I noticed a difference, but I use just about a teaspoon in my coffee, so not sure that would be noticeable.
– The Kiva powder is much lighter in color.
– They are similar in powdery texture and granular size. Both dissolve well in hot liquid.
– The Kiva does have a different flavor. Not sure it’s better or not as good, just different. Maybe a slight bit sweeter. In the coffee with almond milk and stevia sweetener, it’s almost imperceptible, and I got used to it in a couple days.
– I would say they are very comparable in quality and usefulness.
See the pics for the visual comparison. The Kiva has an expiration date that’s 2 years and 3 months from when I received it, so that’s a nice long shelf life.
Overall, I can highly recommend this nice, single ingredient organic maca powder.
G Bequer –
Overall: Recommended! Nice super high quality one ingredient Maca powder with healing antioxidant properties and anti-inflammation as well. Excellent value and price. Worked for us! Impressed by the presentation and the attention to detail. Nice that it has organic certification. Packaging arrived fine. Cheers!