Kit Tratamento TreeActiv Milia 3 Itens
O TreeActiv Milia Spot Treatment 3 Items Tool Kit é um conjunto de tratamento inovador projetado para eliminar as incômodas milias que podem surgir ao redor dos olhos. Este kit completo inclui um creme removedor de milia noturno de 15ml, formulado com argila bentonita e aloe vera, que atua de forma eficaz na redução da aparência das milias, proporcionando uma pele mais suave e clara. Com uma combinação de ingredientes naturais, este tratamento não só esfolia as impurezas retidas, mas também rejuvenesce a pele, deixando-a radiante.
O kit também contém ferramentas especializadas em aço inoxidável premium, que incluem 10 cabeças especializadas, como uma lanceta para milia, permitindo que você alcance resultados profissionais no conforto da sua casa. Para completar sua rotina de cuidados com a pele, o kit vem com 24 adesivos de hidrocoloide de vários tamanhos, que ajudam a eliminar suavemente as manchas persistentes, promovendo uma renovação perfeita da pele e revelando sua beleza natural.
- Tratamento Completo: Inclui creme, ferramentas especializadas e adesivos para um tratamento eficaz das milias.
- Ingredientes Naturais: Formulado com argila bentonita, óleo de árvore do chá e aloe vera, que ajudam a esfoliar e rejuvenescer a pele.
- Resultados Profissionais em Casa: Permite obter resultados de qualidade estética sem sair de casa, economizando tempo e dinheiro.
- Eliminação Suave e Eficaz: Os adesivos de hidrocoloide são projetados para remover as milias sem causar irritação na pele.
- Compromisso com a Qualidade: A TreeActiv garante produtos de alta qualidade, proporcionando resultados excepcionais e satisfação do cliente.
Para utilizar o creme para milia, aplique uma pequena quantidade na área afetada antes de dormir. Massageie suavemente até que o creme seja completamente absorvido pela pele. Utilize o kit de ferramentas para milia com cautela, seguindo as instruções fornecidas para evitar danos à pele. Para melhores resultados, aplique os adesivos de hidrocoloide após o tratamento com o creme, posicionando-os sobre as manchas de milia e deixando-os agir durante a noite. Na manhã seguinte, lave o rosto para remover os adesivos. Repita o processo diariamente até que as milias desapareçam completamente.
Jimmie –
I have using the tools and the creams from the kit. The tools in this kit are well made! I was expecting something flimsy, but these are made from durable stainless steel and have a nice weight to them. They feel professional and don’t bend under pressure, making it easy to apply the right amount of force without worrying about them breaking. I also appreciate the non-slip grip, it gives me a steady hand for precision when dealing with those tiny spots.
Sarah Mercier –
I was so excited to use this Milia scrub/mask. So I washed my face as I normally do and went to apply the cream. When I opened it, it smelled like straight up toothpaste if I’m being honest. As soon as I put it on my face it began to tingle but we all know sometimes products leave a tingling feeling. Within I’d had to say 10 seconds, my skin was literally on fire like it stung me so bad. I tried washing it off but the burning sensation wouldn’t go away. I continued rinsing my face for like 5 minutes until the burning subsided. I was severely disappointed in this. And the main reason I’m writing the review is because I want to warn people who have sensitive skin to use this with caution!!! Also, I severalty broke out in pimples within a couple days only to the area I applied it.
L. Ingenito –
I’ve been using the patch from this kit, and it’s been a nice addition to my skincare routine. The patch sticks easily and stays in place, so I can go about my day without worrying it’ll fall off. After a few uses, I’ve noticed some of the small bumps softening.
Denise –
I have milia under my eyes and put face mask under my eyes as well. My eyes burn 🔥 badly. Be careful with the fumes. Very very strong.
Wilma Jenkins –
I did exactly what it said to do and I did not see any difference.
Valerie M. –
I did have some success with a couple of very stubborn long term milia, but the cream dries out very quickly so I have gotten VERY limited use (I have even repurchased and tried a second batch and it still will not stay usable) – that has been disappointing as it is too expensive to only be able to use a couple of weeks
R. Vorpahl –
I bought this kit because it has everything from tools to patch and even a cream. I do not have to look for different products. I use the tools very occasionally but I use the cream on a regular basis. If I am going out and my acne is big enough I will just put the patch and go. This will not lead me to touch it again and again.
Your mom –
The patches didn’t work for me but the cream worked perfectly took a few times but got rid of milia under my eye that was really bothering me, burns quite a bit but goes away pretty quickly. I haven’t seen any difference with the milia deeper under my skin but not too worried about it as it’s less visible and dosent bother me much.