O Kit de Piercing Corporal BodyJ4You 36PC é a escolha ideal para quem busca qualidade e versatilidade em piercings. Composto por 36 peças, este kit é feito de aço cirúrgico na elegante cor ouro rosé, garantindo não apenas um visual sofisticado, mas também a segurança necessária para a realização de piercings em diversas partes do corpo, como nariz, língua, lábios, sobrancelhas, umbigo, cartilagem, tragus e industrial. As joias incluem anéis de fechamento de bola (BCR) de 14G (2 peças), barbells circulares (CBR) de 14G (2 peças) e 16G (4 peças), barbells curvos (CR) de 14G (2 peças) e 16G (2 peças), studs labret de 14G (2 peças) e 16G (4 peças) e barbells retos (BR) de 14G (2 peças). Cada peça é projetada para proporcionar conforto e durabilidade, com um acabamento polido que evita irritações.
O kit também vem equipado com 10 agulhas de piercing (14G, 16G), 2 pinças descartáveis, 2 luvas de látex pretas e lenços de álcool para limpeza, todos esterilizados a 100% com gás de óxido de etileno (EO). Isso garante que você tenha tudo o que precisa para realizar piercings de forma segura e higiênica. As joias são feitas de aço inoxidável cirúrgico, o que assegura uma longa vida útil e facilidade na manutenção, mantendo a cor e o brilho mesmo após uso prolongado.
Os piercings corporais são uma forma de expressão pessoal que permite que você crie looks únicos e autênticos. Com o Kit de Piercing BodyJ4You, você tem a liberdade de explorar diferentes estilos e personalidades, tudo isso com a garantia de um produto de qualidade. A compra é restrita a maiores de 18 anos e conta com uma garantia de devolução do dinheiro em até 90 dias, proporcionando segurança e confiança na sua aquisição.
1. Kit Completo: Inclui todas as ferramentas e joias necessárias para realizar piercings seguros em várias partes do corpo.
2. Material de Alta Qualidade: Feito de aço inoxidável cirúrgico, garantindo durabilidade e facilidade de limpeza.
3. Variedade de Joias: Oferece uma ampla gama de opções de piercings em tamanhos padrão e populares.
4. Expressão Pessoal: Permite criar looks únicos que refletem seu estilo e personalidade.
5. Garantia de Satisfação: Cobertura de devolução do dinheiro em até 90 dias, assegurando a satisfação do cliente.
Para utilizar o Kit de Piercing BodyJ4You, comece esterilizando todas as ferramentas e joias com os lenços de álcool fornecidos. Escolha a joia desejada e posicione-a corretamente na área do corpo onde deseja realizar o piercing. Utilize as pinças para segurar a pele firmemente e, com cuidado, insira a agulha através da pele. Após a inserção da agulha, coloque a joia no orifício criado. É fundamental seguir todas as instruções de higiene e segurança para evitar infecções e complicações, garantindo uma experiência de piercing segura e satisfatória.
Summer –
So If you are like me then you have been looking through tons of piercing kits but don’t trust any because most have as many good reviews as they have bad. Well I took a chance and went with this kit despite being unsure with it, and I can truthfully say that it is amazing and truly surprised me in quality. So first off, everything came in its own little sterile packaging and the jewelry looked great. some reviews on this said the jewelry was chipped but mine arrived in great shape, and there was no balls missing or anything. And as far as value goes, it is extraordinarily cheap for the quality and quantity you get. It wasn’t listed in the description but mine actually came with 4 extra needles, 2 were 15g and 2 were 13g, so it’s a great deal. And for the cheap price of around $20 you can get a minimum of 14 piercings and if you resanitize the needles you can get up to 22 piercing, so I think that’s great considering a professional piercing can cost up to $60 a piece. Anyways I only had one piercing in mind when buying this kit mostly because there is really only 1 truly hideable piercing but I figured it would be nice having extra supplies lying around just in case. So far I used this kit to pierce my septum which turned out pretty good I think. And as of right now my piercing is 7 weeks old which is about the standard healing time and I have had no infection or irritation to the jewelry. Everyone is different but my piercing has been fine and healed super fast, it felt 100% healed after only 3 weeks and the needle was real sharp and made the piercing easy. I made it difficult for myself by pushing the needle slow because I was nervous but it was sharp and almost pain free. The jewelry doesn’t hurt my nose or feel uncomfortable, I constantly have my septum piercing flipped which isn’t as comfortable as having it down but it doesn’t cause a real discomfort. And if you are a minor going behind your parents backs to buy a piercing kit please make sure to really research piercings, piercing precautions/procedure, and proper piercing aftercare and other than that this kit is perfect for you. 🙂 But yeah all in all this is great for everyone so if you want that piercing, take a chance and get this kit <3
Skylar –
I used this to pierce my belly button, lip and ears, my mom and sister also got their ears done. The kit is stunning, the needles are sharp, it’s super easy to use, the variety is awesome, it’s just perfect. And it dosnt even cost that much.
Naomi –
I really love this kit!!! Pierced my septum without any problems!! I didn’t feel pain or anything(: but the jewelry and needs were really good! Just the clamps are kinda bad but free hand piercing was so much better! I’m definitely buying again
Lovely –
Exactly like pictures, does a wonderful job. I’ve used this kit to pierce ears, belly buttons and lips so far. Haven’t had any problems.
Skylar –
Used these for my upper and lower navel. they worked great the clamps and gloves were useful, it has everything you need. The only thing that I don’t see helpful is that the needles come together and when you try to rip one off the rest get opened which also isn’t very sanitary but hey, it works but they would be easier to get out if sealed separate.
Ivy –
i didnt end up using the the jewerly but it seems stable and not super cheap. The needles are really good and sturdy and are individually package for sterilization. The clamp kinda hurt my nose when i did my septum, so i didn’t use it but it worked fine for my ears. Also as much as the jewelry isnt awful id still recommend buying separate jewelry if you have sensitive ears. i bought a septum ring from pierceduniverse.com and it felt alot better then the jewelry that comes with this. But overall the made it super simple to pierce and i really reccomed
Cassie –
This was a gift for a friend and she loved it. The quality seemed great and it was a nice little kit.
Naomi –
Great quality piercings. Been looking everywhere for some good quality gold jewelry. All gold jewelry I’ve purchased in the past gave me allergic reactions and the gold would always end up chipping or getting rusty. These piercings are good quality like the ones you get when you first get pierced at a shop. The piercing tools work very well. As soon as it came in we pierced my sister’s belly button. Got the job done and looks amazing. Very happy with this kit. Will be purchasing all my jewelry from BodyJ4You from now on.
(Photo of my sister’s belly button we pierced)
Lovely –
I bought it for my sister. Photo of her new nose piercing listed. A friend of ours did her piercing. The jewelery and needles arrived clean and with no damage. They fit properly based off the needles size and it wasn’t hard to get the jewelry to close. Gloves fit standard sizes.
Summer –
Update (2 ish years later): my piercing is healthy and clean! No troubles or infection anywhere!!!
I’m pleasantly surprised with the quality of this product, considering it’s low price. I used a couple things in addition to this for my piercings: Provon Medicated Chloroxylenol Antibacterial Soap, and H2Ocean Aftercare Spray.
I pierced my navel with this kit, and it was pretty much perfect. First I lathered my hands in the medicated soap and then prepped the piercing site with the alcohol wipes. I pinched the injection site with my fingers because I have terrible luck with clamps, and pushed the needle through quickly and easily. Not because I’m super hardcore or anything, but because these needles are wonderfully sharp and very effective. There was very little excess blood flow (they’re hollow, so once they go through the tissue the blood kinda just gathers on the inside of the pointed tip) and immediately after piercing I cleaned the jewel with the alcohol pad. I also cleaned off any blood with the alcohol pad as well. The jewel (14g for my navel) fit perfectly and I feel no discomfort. I’ve been cleaning it in the shower with the Chloroxylenol Soap and rinsing it with a warm slightly damp washcloth. Afterward I use the H2Ocean, and there isn’t a whiff of infection anywhere in sight. I’ll update this review a couple months down the road and let you guys know how my piercing is doing.
If you do find that your piercing is causing you discomfort after a couple days of having the jewel in place, treat it with Hydrogen Peroxide for a week. If you still experience discomfort, remove your jewel and treat the open area with hydrogen peroxide until it closes/heals. Talk to your local professional tattoo and piercing shop.
Sidenote: the second pair of alcohol wipes dried out on me, probably because I opened the second package too soon. I think that’s my own fault. If you’d like to make your own sterile wipes (which I don’t recommend but will probably end up doing) take a nonwoven gauze (think Dynarex sponges) and soak it for at least a half hour in Isopropyl rubbing alcohol solution and then treat your piercing/injection area.
Thanks for reading! Was this helpful? Let me know 🙂