O Metene TD-4116 é um kit avançado para monitoramento de glicose no sangue, projetado para oferecer resultados precisos e confiáveis, facilitando o controle do diabetes. Este kit inclui um monitor de glicose, 100 tiras de teste, 100 lancetas e uma solução de controle, garantindo que você tenha tudo o que precisa para um gerenciamento eficaz da sua saúde. A tecnologia de ponta incorporada ao Metene TD-4116 proporciona uma experiência superior, permitindo que você verifique seus níveis de açúcar no sangue com confiança.
- Kit Avançado de Glicômetro: O kit de teste de diabetes Metene TD-4116 é equipado com tecnologias avançadas, trazendo resultados mais precisos e confiáveis, além de uma melhor experiência no controle da glicose. Uma solução de controle está incluída para verificar a precisão do glicômetro e das tiras.
- Fácil de Usar: O monitor de glicose possui um design sem codificação, pronto para testes assim que a tira é inserida corretamente. Um guia rápido dentro da embalagem lista claramente os passos para realizar um teste, tornando o processo fácil de seguir. Qualquer dúvida sobre a operação, estamos prontos para responder e fornecer vídeos instrutivos sobre o sistema de monitoramento de glicose.
- 7 Segundos e 0,7µl de Sangue: Este kit de medição de glicose requer apenas 0,7 microlitros de amostra de sangue e 7 segundos para fornecer o valor da glicose. Rápido, minimiza o ferimento e é menos doloroso.
- Tendência de Glicose Mais Clara: Com 4 modos para registrar seu valor de glicose em diferentes momentos, o dispositivo mostra sua tendência de glicose de forma mais clara. Armazena até 450 valores de açúcar no sangue, com médias contínuas de 14/21/28/60/90 dias, o que traz mais conveniência para o gerenciamento do diabetes para você e seu profissional de saúde.
- Amigável para Idosos: Quatro alarmes de lembrete podem ser configurados diariamente para lembrar os idosos de realizar o teste a tempo, de forma atenciosa. O display é maior do que a maioria dos monitores de glicose, mostrando os resultados de forma mais clara e facilitando a leitura para os mais velhos.
1. Precisão e Confiabilidade: Resultados mais exatos para um controle eficaz da glicose.
2. Facilidade de Uso: Design intuitivo que elimina a necessidade de codificação, ideal para todos os usuários.
3. Rapidez no Teste: Resultados em apenas 7 segundos, reduzindo o desconforto durante a coleta de sangue.
4. Gerenciamento Eficiente: Armazenamento de dados e médias que ajudam na análise e acompanhamento da saúde.
5. Acessibilidade para Idosos: Display ampliado e alarmes de lembrete que facilitam o uso para pessoas mais velhas.
Para utilizar o Metene TD-4116, comece lavando bem as mãos e secando-as. Insira uma tira de teste no monitor até ouvir um clique, o que indica que está pronto para uso. Com o dispositivo de punção, faça uma pequena punção na lateral do dedo para obter uma gota de sangue. Aplique a gota na tira de teste e aguarde 7 segundos para que o resultado apareça no display. Após o teste, descarte a tira e a lanceta de forma segura. Para um gerenciamento eficaz, utilize os alarmes de lembrete e registre seus resultados regularmente para monitorar suas tendências de glicose.
Jessica –
I do not have diabetes, am testing for low blood sugar for other reasons and don’t expect to be doing so on a long term basis thus the inexpensive device. While inexpensive, it should still be reasonably accurate but this is far from it. Readings taken 10 minutes apart, with no food intact at all, were 40 and 78. The test solution tested between 90 and 167. Repeated tests gave wildly varying readings so perhaps I got a bad unit but my next door neighbor is a retired RN and so I asked her to test me in case I was doing something wrong. She did exactly what I was doing and also got wide variances between readings. Health care devices should be held to much stricter quality standards.
Update: The seller reached out to me immediately and offered to make this right. I now have a second meter which is accurate and consistent so apparently I did get a defective device. This is the type of seller that Amazon needs to encourage.
tom4416 –
I like this meter mainly because it is easy to use, reliable, and I think very affordable for what it does. The display is nice and easily readable. Mine came with 2 batteries (only 1 is needed), 100 testing strips and 100 lancets along with the automatic plunger. It also has a test solution to confirm the meter works correctly, and a zippered bag to keep everything together.
The meter comes with software so you can upload the data to your computer, add notes, calculate averages, follow trends over time, etc. I use my meter and upload the data to my laptop every day. I then make adjustments in the foods I eat from my data log, and watch how I can reduce blood sugar spikes. There is something both satisfying and very educational about all of this.
While I like the meter, there are a few issues that I don’t like about the software. First is that I cannot erase data points in the meter itself. If you are playing around with it when you first get it (like I was) and you now want to erase the bad data from the good data, you can’t do it (there is a way, but it involves resetting the meter). Now you can omit the bad data from entering into calculations in the software, but this is not the same as totally erasing the data. I just find it very annoying that I can’t erase obviously bad data easily from the meter itself, or go back and reassign test solution data that was accidentally marked as general data. A second issue I have is that the software is very limited in what it can do. You really can’t change any of the displays to perform custom calculations or make personalized plots of the data. I can move the data into another software package to do these things, but it is a hassle to do that. In any case, the software is free and it is helpful. But if you want more sophisticated analysis and graphing, you will need to use Excel or SPSS, or something similar. Most people will not need to analyze their blood glucose in such detail, but it is a shame the software is so limiting. I definitely recommend that you learn to use the free software to get the most from the meter.
Billie-Gene C. –
I will always start with the positives and then recommend potential changes or alert consumers to possible issues, so here goes. First, the price is good and there are many testing strips (2 bottles), and lancets, to keep you going for a month or two. The glucometer is super easy to use too. The case is compact and allows you to carry all the supplies. I got this glucometer for an EMT class (for testing) and I trained my 10-year-old granddaughter on how to use it. She now openly invites everyone that comes in, a great chance to know their blood sugars. Perhaps I have my medic in the making. She even did her own, which was impressive, when grown adults whimper at getting a small stick that could alert them to possible health issues. Now for my recommendations. Get the orange square, self-retracting, lancets. This kit uses a manual loading pen that you must physically load and have the sharp exposed, even when removing. The sharp has a twist-off plastic cap. This increases an accidental stick tenfold, plus you need your own sharps container, whereas the self-retracting orange lancets allow you to simply discard, although you should try to at least find a bottle to use or even a sharps container. You have no option on this kit. I found cork to stick mine into and then disposed of in our sharps container. This is super important around kids and new users. You have to load the sharp sticking out, not in, and then the pen cap covers that. It is risky for sure, but once you know how to use it, you just pay closer attention. It is also time-consuming as you have to break the pen apart, load the lancet, cock a hammer, rotate to the depth gauge (a nice feature for infants to large adults), and then remove a live sharp. I know how to use these kits as a former EMTI and Firefighter, so I wanted one as I regain my EMT to go back into teaching. I will use this kit for home and then buy another for my kit as this simply takes too long with patients in the back of the rig or on scene. Don’t let that stop you from buying as you can simply buy the self-retracting lancets and exchange them for this kit. You will also need sterile wipes or alcohol pads. It’s a nice little kit for daily users or people who are well-versed. For the occasional user, get the self-retracting lancets and exchange them for these skinny blue ones. you will thank me. I never used the pen and wanted to try as I thought everything would be protected, but I now know better.
Dr Mike –
This was a replacement for an older different monitor I had for years. I couldn’t get the strips for my other monitor any more so I found this one. Been very happy with it as it easily loads the strips and reads the blood glucose quickly. The strips are very cost effective and easily found on Amazon. Glad I bought this!
Cooper –
Metene Blood Glucose Monitor Kit is good and Convenient! It has 100 Glucometer strips and 100 lancets.
The instal is easy and nice acting. The price is reasonable too. I like this prodect.
Billie-Gene C. –
I recently purchased this metene blood glucose monitoring machine and I am impressed with its performance as it is both accurate and user friendly. It comes with everything needed, two batteries, needles, tests strips and even a control solution. This product exceeds my expectations. Highly recommended
Informed Consumer –
Great price and great product. In my opinion it’s painless! Easy to use!