O Kit GuruNanda Gutcleanse 2-Step é uma solução abrangente e eficaz para quem busca melhorar a saúde digestiva e o bem-estar geral. Composto por dois produtos únicos, este kit foi desenvolvido com rigorosos padrões de qualidade, garantindo uma experiência segura e confiável para o usuário. A combinação do “Wormwood & Clove Blend” e do “Fulvic Acid” oferece um suporte avançado para a limpeza intestinal, promovendo a remoção de resíduos e aliviando o inchaço e a formação de gases.
O “Wormwood & Clove Blend” é uma mistura poderosa que inclui artemísia, cravo, neem, girassol, erva-doce, sementes de abóbora e vitamina E. Esses ingredientes trabalham em sinergia para auxiliar na eliminação de toxinas e na promoção de um sistema digestivo saudável. Já o “Fulvic Trace Mineral Complex” é uma formulação que combina minerais traço com água purificada, visando melhorar a digestão, fortalecer o sistema imunológico e contribuir para a saúde intestinal.
A facilidade de consumo é um dos pontos fortes deste kit. Para o “Wormwood & Clove Blend”, recomenda-se diluir 1 mL em 8-12 oz. de água ou outra bebida de sua preferência, mexendo bem antes de ingerir. Para aqueles com peso corporal abaixo de 180 lb, a dosagem deve ser reduzida à metade. É importante ressaltar que o produto não deve ser utilizado sem diluição e não deve ser ingerido em jejum. O “Fulvic Acid” deve ser utilizado da mesma forma, diluindo 1 mL em 8-12 oz. de bebida, podendo ser consumido a qualquer momento do dia.
– Melhora significativa na saúde digestiva, promovendo uma digestão mais eficiente.
– Redução do inchaço e gases, proporcionando conforto abdominal.
– Fortalecimento do sistema imunológico, contribuindo para a saúde geral.
– Eliminação de toxinas e resíduos do organismo, promovendo uma limpeza intestinal eficaz.
– Facilidade de uso, com instruções claras para garantir a eficácia do produto.
Para obter os melhores resultados com o Kit GuruNanda Gutcleanse 2-Step, siga as instruções de uso cuidadosamente. Agite bem antes de usar. Para o “Wormwood & Clove Blend”, dilua 1 mL em 8-12 oz. de água ou outra bebida de sua escolha, mexendo bem antes de consumir. Se seu peso corporal for inferior a 180 lb, ajuste a dosagem para 0,5 mL. Para o “Fulvic Acid”, repita o processo de diluição e consumo. É essencial não utilizar os produtos em jejum e sempre diluí-los antes da ingestão.
Vissera –
Firstly, a pain to open bottles as the top just spins, once the lid is off, it doesn’t tighten again and leaks. Secondly, the taste and smell darn near makes me sick. I’ll come back if I’m able to get through the whole 15 days.
H –
I love how fast you can see a difference and how fast you can feel the difference however I will say without Gatorade or vitamin water to wash it down. It is almost unbearable to drink. I first tried it and just water and thought I can do it, but I had to plug my nose because of the taste and even that didn’t help so for from now on, I will only be using it when I put it in Gatorade or vitamin water Because it takes away the taste however, the results are definitely worth it
Amazon Customer –
Es un aceite que lo está utilizando tres veces al día el número uno el número dos una vez al día el sabor Super malísimo y no me hizo ningún efecto este es mi opinión personal puede ser que a ti te funcione y traté de coger mi dinero para atrás pero no es reembolsable piénsalo si lo vas a comprar.
H –
many people seem to be a bit confused when taking this for the first time.
SO the breakdown, there’s two different bottles, you do not mix them together. after you’ve eaten, you dilute (if you’re under 165lbs squeeze .05mL and if you’re OVER 165lbs squeeze 1mL) (the numbers are really hard to see on my dropper, but the whole dropper is 1mL so half the dropped would be .05mL) step 1 into your preferred beverage. the wormwood and clove blend is herbaly, almost smells minty but sweet and can maybe be overpowering if your sensitive to smells.
NOW, i’ve seen a bunch of people wondering when to take step two. anywhere from 1hr to a few hours after you’ve taken step 1.. DO NOT MIX THEM. i take my step two about 2/3 hours after the wormwood blend to give my body enough time to do it’s thang. make sure when you take these you are taking it after you have eaten a meal!! the smell of the fulvic acid i found bearable, but the after taste…. you’re gonna want a chaser that masks something bitter and just plain yucky. i put some apple cider vinegar in my water which helps and i’ve done orange juice which really helps.
when doing this cleanse, or really any cleanse or detox, it would be preferable if you try your best to avoid processed sugars (along with carbs but the sugar is the most important) as that feeds the bad bacteria this was designed to eradicate. there is a 3/4 week break you’re supposed to do that takes place after 2 weeks of taking this cleanse, it’s recommended you consume probiotics within this window to help ur gut restrengthen and fill it with good bacteria to help fight off bad bacteria even on it’s own. (if your body tolerates everything well u can do this cleanse again following the break for another 2 weeks, make sure u load up on probiotics after those 2 weeks are finished as well) i make my own kimchi and sauerkraut cus it’s cheap to make and perhaps even more beneficial and effective than most supplements (good quality yogurt, apple cider vinegar, miso, kombucha, really any fermented foods are a good and cheaper source for this)
i would also suggest while doing this cleanse that you get your body movin, sweating is part of the body’s natural detox system! sauna or even a light 15min workout, it helps your body flush out all the nasties that the cleanse is getting rid of.
lastly, make sure you’re drinking plentyy of water during this time. best of luck to everybody, here’s to choosing ourselves and our health!
Marisela Torres –
I used as directed never on a empty stomach this really works 💪🏾 the never ending poop,gives energy,taste good,as long as you let is dissolve haven’t had any side effects and the price is right for the effectiveness so I highly recommend this product.
J. Adams –
I’m currently Doing this gut cleanse. So far works great.
Vissera –
My Son introduced this product to me, even though the bottles were half way full, I enjoyed the process of the benefits. I ran out and I have to make sure I re-stock asap so I can follow the instructions properly.
My holistic health process it is my priority now, and I highly recommend this products.
Monique216 –
Although the taste is awful, it’s definitely working.