Descrição do Produto: Kit de Teste de Ovulação Digital Avançado Clearblue, 32 Unidades
O Kit de Teste de Ovulação Digital Avançado Clearblue é a ferramenta ideal para mulheres que desejam maximizar suas chances de engravidar. Composto por 30 testes de ovulação digital avançados e 2 testes de gravidez de detecção rápida, este kit oferece uma abordagem abrangente para o planejamento familiar. A tecnologia avançada do Clearblue permite que você identifique os dias mais férteis do seu ciclo menstrual, aumentando assim suas chances de concepção em até duas vezes.
O Clearblue Advanced Digital Ovulation Test Kit é fácil de usar e fornece resultados claros e digitais. Um círculo em branco indica dias de baixa fertilidade, um rosto sorridente piscante sinaliza dias de alta fertilidade, e um rosto sorridente fixo indica os dias de pico de fertilidade. Este sistema intuitivo facilita a interpretação dos resultados, permitindo que você tome decisões informadas sobre o momento ideal para tentar engravidar.
Além disso, o kit rastreia dois hormônios-chave da fertilidade: o estrogênio e o hormônio luteinizante (LH), permitindo a identificação de quatro ou mais dias férteis em cada ciclo. Para complementar sua experiência, o Clearblue oferece um aplicativo gratuito de rastreamento de períodos e ciclos, que permite visualizar onde você está em seu ciclo e como a probabilidade de fertilidade máxima varia para mulheres com o mesmo comprimento de ciclo.
O teste de gravidez de detecção rápida incluído no kit pode fornecer resultados em apenas um minuto e é mais de 99% preciso na detecção de gravidez a partir do dia em que você espera sua menstruação. Com a tecnologia Floodguard™, o teste minimiza erros de uso, mantendo a precisão e a confiabilidade dos resultados.
– Aumento da Chance de Concepção: Dobre suas chances de engravidar com a identificação precisa dos dias férteis.
– Resultados Claros e Rápidos: Resultados digitais fáceis de ler, com indicações visuais claras sobre a fertilidade.
– Rastreamento de Hormônios: Monitora tanto o estrogênio quanto o LH, proporcionando uma visão abrangente da sua janela fértil.
– Teste de Gravidez Rápido e Preciso: Resultados em apenas um minuto, com alta taxa de precisão.
– Recomendado por Profissionais: Clearblue é a marca de ovulação mais recomendada por obstetras e ginecologistas.
Para utilizar o Kit de Teste de Ovulação Digital Avançado Clearblue, comece por determinar o dia do seu ciclo menstrual em que você deve iniciar os testes, com base na duração do seu ciclo. Realize o teste diariamente, utilizando a primeira urina da manhã para obter os resultados mais precisos. Insira a tira do teste no dispositivo e aguarde a leitura digital. Siga as instruções do fabricante para garantir a precisão dos resultados e utilize o aplicativo Clearblue para monitorar seu ciclo e identificar os dias de pico de fertilidade. Após a ovulação, se você suspeitar de gravidez, utilize o teste de gravidez de detecção rápida incluído no kit para confirmar a concepção.
Desiree –
Was trying to become pregnant for almost a year, soon as I bought this kit ….. I swear to yall ya girl is pregnant now in Jan 2025!!!! Mind you I bought this end of October!!! Buy now it’s the best
Sarina –
I bought these two weeks ago and it works well. Very easy to read and easy to log in the ClearBlue app. Test sticks and reader work as expected. I will continue to buy to track my fertility. I recommend buying these if you are looking for a simple, easy, reliable way to track ovulation.
Amazon Customer –
Found out I was pregnant with clear blue brand! Was so happy seeing pregnant on it.
Cristina Olsen –
Very Reliable Product
celestialbev –
I bought this test only after doing much research online and looking at reviews here and on other sites. The negative reviews really almost swayed me into not trying this product; but, I researched more and then closely looked at exactly what the negative reviews were complaining about. So, I bought it, used it, loved it, waiting to see if this month is my BFP. Here’s a rundown of this ovulation kit and here’s hoping that I can answer some of the questions and concerns that others might have that are considering this product. This information is also available on the website, and in the instructions.
This kit is designed to test over a number of days. In this way, it will catch the rise in estrogen levels that precede the LH surge (ovulation). A blank circle is low fertility. A flashing smiley face is high fertility. This means that the meter is showing a rise in estrogen levels in your urine. Most women will have 2 days of flashing smiley faces before the peak fertility is reached. Peak fertility is a smiley face. Once peak is reached, the meter shows the result for 48 hours, which is a reminder to you that your best chance to conceive is the next 48 hours. Now, a lot of confusion seems to center around the flashing smiley. Generally, most women will see this for 2 days before peak fertility. That’s a general statement. Each of us is different and unique and your result may be different. If you get a flashing smiley face for more that 9 days, then there are a couple of things to consider. One: did you start testing too early? If you test too early, estrogen is the leader of the pack for the time around your period and testing too early will pick up that higher estrogen level. There is a clear chart of when to test. It will also line up with any ovulation/fertility app or fertility prediction chart. Testing too early won’t give you a headstart, it’ll give you a headache. If you find that you are testing during that time frame and NOT seeing LH surges, then you would want to talk to your doctor. Two: we don’t always ovulate every cycle! I know that’s the last thing we want to hear when we are peeing on a stick, taking temps, performing midnight fertility dances under the full moon and so on; but, it’s true. Third: sometimes the LH surge is so small that the meter can’t pick it up.
Sometimes the meter will go from LOW to PEAK from one day to the next. This typically means that you started testing too late for the meter to catch the high fertility days and it only caught the LH surge. Next cycle, start at the recommended cycle day to begin testing and this should give you the low-high-peak progression that you are looking for.
Once that static smiley face is reached, your LH surge has been detected and you are at your highest chance of conception. The meter will show that smiley face for 48 hours as a reminder to you that you are at peak fertility. Once the smiley face goes away, the fertile window has closed. You CAN’T test with the meter after peak fertility is detected. Well, you can think that you are. You can throw a test strip in there, not look to see the symbol that says “ready to test” and proceed to test tap water, dr pepper, sam adams, kool aid or whatever you feel like testing and the meter will still show peak fertility because it ISN’T ACTUALLY TESTING. If you want to test again after peak fertility has gone (that means the display is blank and you get the new cycle symbol and the ready to test symbol when you insert the stick) then, and only then, can you test again. I don’t know why you would need to test again, but if you absolutely feel the need to, you could. But, chances are, your ovulation is long past.
I saw a couple of posts where this test kit was compared to wondfo or other test strips. Those test strips can be pretty tricky to read. Just because you have two lines there, that doesn’t mean you have an LH surge. For those types of tests, the test line must be as dark as or darker than the control line. If you prefer to use a lot of sticks, those would be your best economical strips to use. I would recommend that you place them in a notebook or on a notepad with the cycle day and time of test, glued in place, and watch the progression. That will show you how best to look for the dark line that tells you that your LH surge is on its way. But, those strips can make you want to tear out your hair if you don’t do that, because it’s really hard to catch the pattern if you don’t save the strips. I used those for several months. They are messy and difficult to read. The clearblue test is easy and mess-free.
I also hear (read) a lot of complaints about the price, and this one confuses me. Yes, it’s about $40, but it should last 1-2 cycles (it might make me 3) and this cost is far less than the cost of an infant when you figure in medical costs, clothing, diapers, etc.
It’s a good test. It really works. I got 2 days of low, 2 days of high and then peak. I highly recommend it. But, read ALL the instructions and begin testing on the day that they recommend, or you might find yourself frustrated and confused. It is different that most of the other OPK out there, and I wonder if that causes a lot of the confusion.
Always –
Use el otro y funcionó súper bien , este alcancé a usarlo 2 veces y se quedó congelado con el último resultado y ya dejó de funcionar …
Sarina –
Trying to conceive as a PCOS girly can require a lot of extra monitoring. These tests seem to work well and I like the app. I have not successfully conceived yet but that’s not the tests fault. These are very expensive if you need to use them a lot though.
Ashley Powell –
It was accurate for me, I know they aren’t 100% accurate but very accurate
Yi li –
I’m thrilled to share that after just two cycles of using this test, I’m pregnant!
Yi li –
Easy to understand and test. It worked well for me and within 2 cycles I was able to time it right.