Descrição do Produto: Beekeeper’s Naturals Immune Support Kit
O Beekeeper’s Naturals Immune Support Kit é a solução ideal para quem busca um suporte imunológico natural e eficaz durante todas as estações do ano. Este kit inclui três produtos essenciais: o Spray de Garganta de Própolis, as Balas de Mel para Tosse e o Lipossomal de Vitamina C, todos formulados com ingredientes limpos e naturais, com foco no poder do própolis.
- NATURAL + EFFECTIVE IMMUNE SUPPORT: Sinta-se no seu melhor durante toda a temporada com essenciais diários de suporte imunológico que você pode confiar. Limpo, natural e potencializado pelo própolis.
- NATURAL HONEY COUGH DROPS: Não são balas de tosse comuns; essas pastilhas calmantes são feitas com ingredientes poderosos como mel cru, própolis, vitamina D e zinco—promovendo a saúde imunológica enquanto aliviam gargantas secas e arranhadas. Cada pastilha contém apenas 1 grama de açúcar, sem açúcares refinados ou aditivos desnecessários (como maltodextrina, xarope de glicose, lecitina de soja ou corantes e sabores artificiais).
- SOOTHING PROPOLIS THROAT SPRAY: Apoie seu sistema imunológico e alivie gargantas secas e arranhadas com o poder da natureza.
- PROPOLIS + VITAMIN C LIPOSOMAL: Nossa fórmula lipossomal inovadora aumenta a biodisponibilidade de nossos dois principais apoiadores imunológicos para máxima absorção no corpo. Para um suporte imunológico natural supercarregado, cada dose contém 1000mg de Vitamina C e 100mg de Própolis, além de um delicioso toque de mel. Esprema diretamente na boca ou despeje em bebidas frias para manter suas defesas em alta.
- THE POWER OF PROPOLIS: O própolis é um produto das abelhas que oferece mais de 300 compostos benéficos—como flavonoides antioxidantes e polifenóis—para combater radicais livres e estresse oxidativo. É amplamente pesquisado e benéfico para apoiar a saúde imunológica, aliviar gargantas arranhadas e nutrir boas bactérias intestinais. Nosso própolis é sempre testado por terceiros para garantir que esteja livre de pesticidas.
1. Suporte Imunológico Natural: Fortalece as defesas do corpo com ingredientes naturais, reduzindo a dependência de produtos químicos.
2. Alívio Imediato para Gargantas Irritadas: As balas de mel e o spray de própolis proporcionam alívio rápido e eficaz para desconfortos na garganta.
3. Fórmula Sem Aditivos: Com apenas 1 grama de açúcar e sem aditivos artificiais, é uma opção saudável para toda a família.
4. Alta Biodisponibilidade: A fórmula lipossomal garante que os nutrientes sejam absorvidos de forma mais eficaz pelo organismo.
5. Benefícios Antioxidantes: O própolis combate o estresse oxidativo, promovendo uma saúde geral melhor e um sistema imunológico mais forte.
Para obter os melhores resultados, utilize o Spray de Garganta de Própolis sempre que sentir desconforto na garganta, aplicando de 2 a 3 borrifadas diretamente na área afetada. As Balas de Mel para Tosse podem ser consumidas conforme necessário, permitindo que se dissolvam lentamente na boca para um alívio prolongado. O Lipossomal de Vitamina C deve ser administrado em uma dose de 1 a 2 colheres de sopa por dia, podendo ser ingerido diretamente ou misturado em bebidas frias. Mantenha o kit em um local fresco e seco para preservar a eficácia dos ingredientes.
Sarah Castro –
I’ve been incorporating this into my daily routine, and the results have been astounding. Not only do I feel lighter and more energized, but my digestive system also seems to be functioning better than ever before.
What sets this product apart is its holistic approach to gut health. It’s not just about addressing symptoms; it’s about nourishing and supporting the entire digestive system. The honey infusions add a delightful twist, making it a pleasure to incorporate into my routine.
Moreover, the quality of the ingredients is top-notch. I appreciate knowing that I’m fueling my body with natural, wholesome ingredients that support my overall well-being.
Nav –
I have tried the lozenges and the probiotic/prebiotic pills. I think the lozenges taste great! A very nice honey flavor. The pills seemed to irritate my system a bit, and I felt uncomfortable most of the day. I tried them for almost a week with the same results each day. I stopped taken them, and I started to feel better. I know that they will work differently for everyone, and a medical professional really should be consulted first. Overall, the taste is good, but really don’t see the benefits other than taste.
Amazon Customer –
Beekeeper’s Naturals Whole Health Starter Kit
Everything in the kit has merit but the stand out item for me is the throat spray. It is important to note that not everything has a “Honey” flavor. As indicated by the seller one of the key ingredients is Bee Propolis, this has a earthy flavor this is difficult to describe and very unique. It is prominent in the throat spray and will most likely take you by surprise. I did find the spray to be very helpful with a scratchy/irritated throat and the relief is worth the unusual flavor to me. The other products in the kit do have a honey flavor and are more what you would expect. Considering the product is sourced from bee’s I find the price point reasonable for the product.
S. D. –
I ordered these quite a while ago and didn’t really look at them until recently as my wife got sick and so it seemed a good time to try some of it out. Unfortunately, that’s when we realized that our kit too was missing the lozenges for some reason.
Missing item aside, the rest seems like it is a nice quality product. The honey flavor in the vitamin c packets was very present, but she enjoyed it with some hot tea.
I don’t know if we’ll be ordering again, but I don’t think you’ll be disappointed by the flavors etc assuming you get everything you expect to get in it.
Sarah Castro –
This product is amazing and helped relieve symptoms fast!!
Nancy Greenwood –
Perfect soothing honey lozenges and throat spray. Both taste like honey – not like medicine. Immune support seemed to help when I was feeling under the weather.
Nicole –
For those who just want to try these products out before buying full-size items this is a great choice to give it a try
Nav –
I love Beekeepers products! I use bee propolis daily sometimes twice a day! It has a great flavor or no flavor depending on your taste buds. My kit contained everything that should of been inside of it. It was a bit overwhelming. The Vitamin C packets were PHEW harsh I would definitely mix them in something I wouldn’t advise taking them by themselves they are not for the weak. My mom tried the lozenges since at the time she was sick and she said they were decent and would continue using them they tasted like honey to her. She is now also using the bee propolis spray daily as well! The complete gut health capsules I have not noticed a difference when taking but I am assuming that you would need an entire container not just a small sample package to see a difference so unfortunately I cannot speak on those. It is a nice gift for someone or for yourself if you aren’t sure if you want to use the product. But I can tell you the propolis spray is where its at!