Melhore o seu sorriso com uma solução realista! O Instant Smile Complete Your Smile Temporary Tooth Replacement Kit é a resposta perfeita para quem deseja substituir um dente ausente de forma rápida e eficaz. Com 4 tons aprimorados de dentes para uma combinação perfeita, você pode ter a confiança de um sorriso completo novamente.
Diferente de outros produtos no mercado, nosso kit patenteado inclui dentes personalizáveis para um visual e sensação realistas. Não é necessário moldar grânulos em um dente falso, pois nossos dentes são projetados para se encaixarem perfeitamente na sua boca.
Além disso, o Instant Smile é seguro para uso oral e testado de acordo com os padrões cosméticos. Confie em uma marca que já ajudou milhões de pessoas a sorrirem com confiança ao longo de mais de 10 anos.
Caso seja necessário, cada dente pode ser moldado e aparado para um ajuste perfeito. Ferramentas de moldagem e aparagem estão incluídas no kit, garantindo que você obtenha o sorriso perfeito.
Este produto é ideal para substituir um único dente ausente, seja na parte superior ou inferior da boca. Não se trata de uma faceta que cobre todos os dentes, mas sim de uma solução específica para a substituição de um dente perdido.
- Sorriso Realista: Com 4 tons aprimorados de dentes, você pode encontrar a combinação perfeita para um sorriso natural e realista.
- Fácil de Usar: Não é necessário moldar grânulos ou visitar um dentista. O kit inclui tudo o que você precisa para substituir um dente ausente em minutos.
- Seguro e Testado: O Instant Smile é seguro para uso oral e foi testado de acordo com os padrões cosméticos, garantindo a sua tranquilidade.
- Ajustável: Cada dente pode ser moldado e aparado para um ajuste perfeito, proporcionando conforto e confiança ao usar o produto.
- Confiança Restaurada: Com o Instant Smile, você pode recuperar a confiança em seu sorriso e voltar a sorrir com segurança.
Para usar o Instant Smile Complete Your Smile Temporary Tooth Replacement Kit, siga as instruções abaixo:
- Selecione o dente que melhor se adapta à sua boca e posicione-o no local desejado.
- Se necessário, utilize as ferramentas de moldagem e aparagem incluídas para ajustar o dente ao formato e tamanho desejados, garantindo um encaixe confortável.
- Certifique-se de que o dente esteja firmemente fixado e confortável em sua boca, realizando os ajustes necessários.
- Sorria com confiança, sabendo que você tem um sorriso completo novamente, pronto para qualquer ocasião.
Aproveite todos os benefícios do Instant Smile e recupere a sua autoestima com um sorriso perfeito em minutos!
Evon walker –
I recently had a 3 tooth bridge come out. It consisted of one of my front top teeth and the 2 teeth next to it. I cant afford to buy 3 individual teeth implants so after watching this products video and reviewing it, it seemed like an easy, inexpensive, temporary fix. It says in the instructions that you can use this for replacing just one missing tooth or several such as in my case. The first thing I found out was that after you dump the beads into the boiling water and they turn clear and you fish them out with a spoon, the texture is soft like it shows but there is no “sticky” to it AT ALL. The fake teeth sent with the kit are super micro thin practically flat. The video shows him cut off 1 of the fake teeth, ball up a very small amount of the “softened bead material” and applies it onto the back of the fake tooth then he just sticks it into the space where he’s missing a tooth and it fits perfectly and stays put. No way that will work. If you still have part of your tooth root in your gums, there wont be a way to push this thing up into a hole because there’s not going to be a hole to push it into. Or if you broke your tooth off and you had a dentist pull the rest of it out, the dentist is going to close the hole with a couple stitches and in 1-2 weeks there wont be a hole anymore. This softened material doesn’t stick to your gums nor does it stick to the backs of the teeth on both sides of it, nor does it stick to the back of the fake tooth like they state in the instructions. Yes it will harden back up once it gets cold but again, no stickiness to use it as adhesive. I got no use out of it at all and ended up throwing it all in the trash. Dont waste your hard earned money on this junk!
Evon walker –
It took a long time to master how to make these for my mouth and my teeth but once I did get it down I think that they work very well to make my teeth and smile look better I don’t have any missing teeth in the front on the top but these make my teeth bright white and very straight and I like that make sure to not use a lot of the plastic beads less is more I repeat less is more you can trim off the excess the less you use with beads the easier it will be to learn how to speak with them without having a speech impediment make sure to get them pressed in really good so they don’t slip out using mirror when putting them in and do not get any on the front because once the beads get melted on good they’re on good. Another tip is try using a hot blow dryer and remember that if you get them in properly people won’t notice unless you tell them more unless they know you but just try it out and see how you like it and don’t feel like everyone can tell because I think they look good and my teeth aren’t even that bad I just like them. I can make them with barely any beads and have it to where they just click right in I take them out when I’m eating and I just really like stick them in my pocket or something or down my blouse LOL and then I can go and mouthwash brush my teeth and then go put them back in in the bathroom whatever and no one really notices but I think they kind of give my smile a very classy bright makeover. They do get kind of gross like ewe if you don’t take care of them brush them remove them when you eat although I can eat with them in my mouth if I wanted to I just don’t so that you don’t get gross I would buy a couple pairs if I were you if you end up liking them but it just takes a little bit of trial and error some people like the the color that’s slightly less white myself I prefer the extra extra bright white I mean who wouldn’t want a bright bright smile but it is outrageously bright like that Friends episode. It took me years before I figured out how to get them looking how I like them and still they are only temporary so I make them when I lose them and I also make them when they need to be replaced so it’s not a permanent thing whatsoever nor is it something that you should wear all the time just maybe like you know special occasions or what not you know and I would definitely take them out if you’re going to do like a deep makeup session LOL but I don’t know that’s up to you. I could go on for days about tips on how to make these right for your teeth and another tip that I would give is that I take a Dremel and I slightly Dremel back Dremel a little bit of the teeth it’s themselves off of the back to make them fit closer to my teeth but you want to make sure to not Dremel and remove very much of the teeth between where the teeth come together because they will break off and you will have two pieces instead of one which are more difficult to make into a nice solid removable temporary dental piece so lightly Dremel the inside part of each tooth before you put on the beads. Any missing teeth that you have take advantage of that and use that as a way to anchor it in better if you know what I mean . Every little bit of space counts when you’re making one of these it can be just a fraction of a centimeter that makes them look like horse teeth in your mouth like way too big or looking like maybe you just got your lips done like some Botox so just remember like every single fraction of an inch on the front makes a difference between it and looking like horse either regular teeth I know I repeated that but that’s a really important part so good luck with your teething adventure if you will. Don’t give up trying and use your mirror use your mirror and of course you got brush for brush really really good first they go on better dry the wetness from the water when you put it in the boiling water and then you try to put them on the water will actually make them not adhere whereas a blow dryer is going to dry them off and make them stick better okay I think I’ve thought of enough tips for you to have success again good luck
Kim –
They do not work!!!! Tried numerous times and don’t stick on to teeth.
clartiaaaa –
Enligt beskrivning, snabb leverans, tydliga instruktioner mkt nöjd
Tammy Gray –
Soul, I have been brushing my teeth every day for years and then one day I was eating, and a piece of my tooth fell off so eventually I had to just get the tooth polled and it’s literally in the front on the side and ever since then, I have never been the same my confidence with solo and I’m a person who smiles all the time I couldn’t even smile right I just felt so bad I have tried everything and nothing really worked as good as this. soul, I have been brushing my teeth every day for years and then one day I was eating, and a piece of my tooth fell off so eventually I had to just get the tooth polled and it’s literally in the front on the side and ever since then I have never been the same. My confidence was so low and I’m a person who smiles all the time I couldn’t even smile right I just felt so bad I have tried everything and nothing really worked as good as this. so I am truly going to give an honest review… This change the game… This gave me back my confidence it was not hard to do but I felt like I didn’t do it right so when you get it in the mail, you literally have to just warm up your water. You can even put it in the microwave for two or three minutes and set a few beads on a spoon and let a little bit of that water, surround the beads and cover the beads and they eventually turn clear so when they turn clear you mold them and roll them with your fingers and you stick it on the back of the plastic tooth and it attaches very well and then while it’s still hot and able to be molded, you stick it in the empty spot and then I put some more beads on the spoon and melted them and then I went to the back of the tooth and made sure I put it on the back of the tooth so that it could be held in place it seemed like it was a lot on the back of my tooth, and some of it was even pressing through my gums showing in the front, so I was not liking that too much, but I did not know what was going to happen next… So I did keep it in for about an hour and after about 40 minutes, the bees harden back up as if they were never even melted and it harden up to the shape of my teeth. Now the little bit that was pressing through my gums and showing all I did was literally peeled it off, and it came right off… This was amazing. I will tell you at first it is a little bit discouraging because you feel like you’re not doing it right but literally after I had this in my mouth for about an hour and a half it was stuck in there, and when I pulled it out, it was hardened on the back, and it was easy to pull the access adhesive I guess we can call it off I would say this is a 10 out of 10 definitely don’t give up even if you over, mold in the back just leave it you can always peel it off later and give it time even if you feel like it’s not working, it will work because it has to hard and all the way he took it about two hours to completely harden but it was definitely worth it. I have my confidence back. The tooth that I chose to use was a little bit long so when you make your purchase, it actually comes with a small file that you can actually fall down the tooth if it is canine like and you can make it square at the bottom.
Kim –
Doesn’t work
marnie –
Excelente producto
Amazon Customer –
Katastrof.kannst du gerade im Abfall