Kit de Reparo DenTek Temparin Max
O Kit de Reparo DenTek Temparin Max é a solução ideal para quem enfrenta problemas dentários inesperados, como obturações perdidas ou coroas soltas. Com uma fórmula de um único passo, este kit prático oferece 5 reparos individuais, cada um pesando 0,04 onças, permitindo que você resolva rapidamente esses inconvenientes até conseguir uma consulta com o dentista.
Desenvolvido com ingredientes que imitam os utilizados por dentistas, o DenTek Temparin Max proporciona um reparo eficaz e duradouro, aliviando imediatamente a dor e o desconforto associados a restaurações dentárias danificadas. Sua facilidade de uso torna-o uma opção conveniente para qualquer pessoa que precise de um reparo temporário, garantindo que você possa continuar suas atividades diárias sem interrupções.
É importante lembrar que o kit não substitui a consulta ao dentista, sendo recomendado que você busque atendimento profissional dentro de 48 horas após o uso do produto para garantir um tratamento adequado e duradouro.
- Reparo com ingredientes utilizados por dentistas, garantindo eficácia.
- Solução temporária que permite a continuidade das atividades diárias sem dor.
- Alívio imediato da dor e desconforto, proporcionando conforto instantâneo.
- Fácil de usar, ideal para situações de emergência.
- Pacote com 5 reparos individuais, oferecendo praticidade e economia.
Para utilizar o Kit de Reparo DenTek Temparin Max, siga as instruções abaixo para garantir um reparo eficaz:
- Lave bem as mãos antes de iniciar o processo para evitar contaminações.
- Remova qualquer resíduo solto da área afetada, garantindo uma superfície limpa.
- Seque bem a área afetada antes de aplicar o produto, para melhor aderência.
- Retire um reparo individual do kit e amasse-o até que fique macio e maleável.
- Pressione o reparo na área afetada, moldando-o para se ajustar perfeitamente à forma do dente.
- Segure o reparo no lugar por alguns minutos para garantir uma aderência adequada.
- Evite comer ou beber por pelo menos 1 hora após a aplicação para permitir que o reparo se fixe corretamente.
- Agende uma visita ao dentista dentro de 48 horas para um tratamento definitivo.
Marie-Josée –
Il faut bien nettoyer c’est dent avant l’application du produits. Bien sécher le droit ou vous devez appliquer le produits. Il faut ce dépêcher a moulé la pâte sur la dent quand cest bien fait, dure de1 a 2 mois en place. Bonne alternatives en attendant un rendez-vous chez le dentiste ou si vous n’avez pas beaucoup d’argent.
MikenzCO –
Over the years I have had to use this product when I couldn’t get into see a dentist ASAP. i have to admit it pricing here is great! a brick and mortar store sells just one of these for around 7 bucks. As to my experience with this product, at first I didn’t have the greatest results. Ironic as I was following the instructions. But after using it for a time I got the system down so to speak.
1 – First make sure your mouth is clean, rinse well with mouthwash. Second the tooth you plan to apply it to? I found no matter this does not work well for chewing surfaces. Sides, corners especially if the surface is rough it does a great job. The more jagged and rough the area it is applied to the better it will adhere. Smooth surfaces just don’t have enough ridges to catch onto, live and learn.
2 – once ready and it is better to use less and apply more than the too much. But use a tiny screw driver or knife to get a tiny piece off. Then roll into a ball with your fingers. Then take your finger, use saliva or water so the material it isn’t dry. Next place the material where needed. Press in firmly so it gets into every nook and cranny. Then immediately gently bite down. If you can feel any material on the surface of your tooth get it off, use your fingernail, ASAP. Any other excess material remove also. too much is not a good thing. Then next use your finger to smooth out the exterior portion of the material so it blends in as near as possible with the surrounding tooth surface. the material should not make direct contact with the gum line. If it does once dry, frequent jaw movement will result in the material failing sooner.
3 – Once it is pressed in firmly, placed properly and smoothed out, now you wait. For the next 8-12 hours it hardens up. Do not eat anything whatsoever on that side of your mouth. When drinking do so on the other side too. The first day after don’t chew anything not soft on that tooth, side of mouth for a full day. Once you are at day two the material has hardened up enough to eat normally. That said never eat things like nuts, hard candy, beef jerky, steaks, etc., on that repaired tooth as even at its best it is still not nearly as strong as a dentist’s filling let alone your natural tooth.
Otherwise if you do it right nine times out of ten I ended up getting about 2 weeks per application before having to repeat the steps. If you ever happen to swallow a piece don’t worry it is nontoxic. Also that white paste residue you’ll get on your fingers? Just take a tiny bit of rubbing alcohol and it comes off easily. For those who complain about messy hands, go see your dentist as you can’t have your figurative cake and eat it too. it done right i have had mine last up to a month. if done incorrectly it may last a few days or minutes. how you apply it is critical.
This material has not changed for years because in my experience it is the best temporary option available. Under normal circumstances it is good to have on hand. With the current covid-19 spread globally I stocked up. not only could it become difficult if not impossible to see a dentist if things turn out badly but I for one do not want to go anywhere near a crowded waiting room on the off chance someone there might be a carrier.
So I recommend this product based on years of use and tweaks I learned along the way to make it last longer. It isn’t for all situations but for the money it certainly cannot hurt to give it a try. Even if you don’t’ need it now, having it on hand is just one less thing to worry about.
Deborah Barry –
They don’t last long but definitely can fill in a lost filling. I would recommend. BTW.. if you have a dollar tree store near you.. same product $1.25
Fabian Fabiani –
pgp –
Fast delivery of A quality! temp dental filling,(easy to use & long lasting depending on cavity location)11/26 expiration date, packaged/bagged by a seller who obviously cares,buy with confidence 5*’s !
Tam D. –
This product does what it is supposed. It is easy to apply and does set in the time indicated. Please understand, this is only a temporary fix, until a dentist ca. be seen. The material does wear off over a few days, with chewing/eating a solid diet.
Laurastarkey –
One container was totally empty and the other had about less than a pea size application. I have used this before and love it. This looks like I got what someone returned
William d lash –
It adheres to tooth and keeps out food particles that decay teeth
Cabinetmaker –
Purchased the items to have on hand for temporary dental repair such as a missing or damaged filling, when an appointment cannot be made immediately. These were purchased to replace the item recently used by a family member for a missing filling. It is recommended to have them readily available before they are needed.
Lorena santana –
My filling fell out a while ago and I did not want to go to the dentist. Hate the dentist. I use this instead and it works. Occasionally after several brushes or a number of certain meals I have to refill part of it but most of it stays in and always protects the nerve from being exposed. I used to feel pain from exposure but it’s all gone now. I just try my best to take care of my mouth and am a little more mindful of that particular tooth. I’m investing in good instruments to floss, polish, remove tartar, remineralize, and whiten teeth so unless I’m literally dying gonna try to save this tooth and my wallet as it isn’t giving me any problems when cared for. I numb the area when it’s time to refill and generally avoid chewing on it especially if it’s hard stuff just so that it lasts longer. I don’t like hard or sticky sweets anymore so it doesn’t really affect my quality of life. Can still enjoy just about anything I want and I’m always trying to eat healthy anyways so it all works out. This is not medical advice by the way. Please see a dentist if experiencing critical dental complications.