O Kit de Remoção de Cera Auricular Debrox é a solução ideal para quem busca um método eficaz e seguro para limpar os ouvidos em casa. Composto por um frasco de 0,5 fl oz de gotas para remoção de cera e uma seringa de bulbo de borracha, este kit foi desenvolvido para proporcionar uma experiência de limpeza auditiva prática e eficiente. As gotas de remoção de cera Debrox utilizam uma ação microespumante que suaviza e solta a cera acumulada, permitindo que ela drene facilmente. Este removedor de cera é especialmente útil para aqueles que usam frequentemente fones de ouvido, aparelhos auditivos ou protetores auriculares, que podem contribuir para o acúmulo de cera nos ouvidos.
Com uma formulação que contém 6,5% de peróxido de carbamida, as gotas Debrox garantem uma remoção eficaz da cera, tornando o processo simples e seguro. Este removedor é gentil e não irritante, sendo seguro para adultos e crianças acima de 12 anos; para crianças menores de 12 anos, é recomendável consultar um médico antes do uso. O kit inclui um frasco de gotas e uma seringa de bulbo macio, facilitando a aplicação. Para utilizar, basta aplicar de 5 a 10 gotas em cada ouvido e, em seguida, enxaguar com água utilizando a seringa.
– Eficácia Comprovada: A ação microespumante das gotas Debrox garante a remoção eficiente da cera acumulada.
– Praticidade: O kit é fácil de usar em casa, eliminando a necessidade de consultas frequentes ao médico.
– Segurança: Fórmula não irritante, adequada para adultos e crianças acima de 12 anos.
– Conforto Auditivo: Alivia a sensação de pressão e desconforto causada pelo excesso de cera, especialmente para usuários de fones de ouvido.
– Equipamento Completo: Inclui seringa de bulbo para facilitar o enxágue, tornando o processo ainda mais simples.
Para utilizar o Kit de Remoção de Cera Auricular Debrox, comece inclinando a cabeça para o lado, de modo que o ouvido a ser tratado fique voltado para cima. Aplique de 5 a 10 gotas das gotas Debrox no ouvido, permitindo que a solução atue por alguns minutos. Em seguida, utilize a seringa de bulbo para enxaguar o ouvido com água morna, mantendo a cabeça inclinada para facilitar a drenagem da cera solta. Repita o processo conforme necessário, sempre respeitando as orientações de uso e consultando um médico se houver dúvidas ou se a cera persistir.
MN –
Once you put it in the ear drum, you can feel the ear wax is diluting from popping sound. Have to let it rest for 5 to 10mins before rinsing with warm water as per the instruction. Felt better within the same hour.
Irfan A. –
I was a bit sceptical at first, but the product does surely work. You have to continuously use it for 3 to 4 days for it to have effect. You may hear some crackling sound while using it but that is it just doing its work.
I did feel both my ears getting blocked on the 3rd day, due to which I could hear very less ( was a bit scared, not gonna lie) but I heard that’s normal when using this product. Then when I flushed out on the 4th day to my surprise 2 lumps came out of both my ears and believe me the satisfaction was immeasurable. My hearing also was normal by then.
Definitely worth a try!!!!
Charles –
Good at a good price.
kimikitn –
As stated in the title, I’m making this review on the same day I tried the product for the first time today. The whole process for me took about 45 minutes. I was just dealing with one ear ( right side). The symptoms I had probably lasted about a year, because it gradually came and went, and I didn’t think much about it because it would go away from months on end and then suddenly come back. and then finally up to a few days ago it just got worse and worse. It was to the point that if I just accidentally tapped my right ear , tilted my head down or to the side, or even if I just laughed or grinned my right ear would just get this stuffed/clogged sensation, if I woke up after sleeping in the morning, my right side of my ear would be very stuffed/clogged. Like someone put a perfect size object and stuffed it down my ear so I could only hear on one side. Of course I was freaking out because I’m only 36 and didn’t want to think I was losing my hearing. I would then have to for sometimes about 20-25 minutes ( it didn’t start out that long, but it gradually ended up that long) to fake induce yawn, chew, tug on different parts of my ear ( this “Tugging at my ear” was a habit that I did for a few weeks Before I bought debrox. if I tugged at my ear in the right spot that “clogged sensation” would stop and the feeling in my ear would be normal again at least for a time ), or even walk around to change different elevation and air pressure to unclog it. so, of course, I was freaking out. So for myself, I went straight to the debrox website for straightforward answers on 1. How long do we keep the product inside the ear. And 2. do we flush our ears with water each time we use the product or only when we are done with the four day period. Though the website says you keep the product inside your ear for just 5 to 10 minutes each time you use it, and up to 2x a day (up to 4 days if needed) and recommended NOT to flush out with water after each use, (unless you feel as though your ears are no longer clogged after the first use which In that case you would flush) they do however mention “drain” after each 5-10 minute use, which is not the same as flushing with water as for them it simply means tilting your head (over a sink or towel of course) to let the excess dissolved solution and dissolved loose earwax spill out(which doesn’t necessarily mean that it will be unclogged the first time while doing so) I think I put anywhere from 8 to 10 drops in when really I just wanted to get about six but at the beginning the drops came out pretty quickly. However, because I read a few reviews on here that said they waited up to 30 minutes before flushing ( Whether or not, they felt as though their ear was unclogged after 30 minutes and so they flushed or if it still felt clogged and flushed I’m not sure) but my experience was I left The solution in my ear for 30 minutes (really I think I could’ve stopped at 10 minutes because that’s when the itching/crackling/popping noises stopped for me, but I think we’ve all been following this “30 minutes trend“ due to insecurities and not having an official clear enough, detailed, specific step by step video demonstration. The one on YouTube is not that good. another way for me to look at it was I knew that if I needed to put in a second dosage later in the day anyway without using water, it wouldn’t really make a difference if I kept it longer than needed anyway. nevertheless, I too just went ahead and left it in for 30 minutes ( again, 30 mins may not have been necessary)
So after my first usage of leaving the solution inside my ear for 30 minutes, my ear still felt clogged, but still, I went to a sink and first attempted to drain the excess without using water by simply tilting my head (per recommendation by the website) however nothing really came out because it was extra foamy, as the result I went ahead and just flushed it out with warm water using the rubber bulb. All you really need to do is put the tip of the bulb slightly in so the water can get inside the canal don’t overthink the flushing out part. Initially, after, I flushed my ear out with water, a few loose pieces of wax in my ear came out, but it still felt clogged (even more-so than before I put the debrox solution in due to the foam building up) of course although the reviews on here said also after their first usage, they too were clogged and needed a second or third treatment , still I (of course) started freaking out, immediately went back to Amazon to look for other products to physically scoop the wax out. However, after about 15 minutes from when I initially flushed out the solution, the symptoms went away immediately! Admittedly, due to my panic, after I flushed my ear with water, because I didn’t get the unclogged sensation immediately that I was expecting, and now feeling more clogged then before, I naturally tugged at my ear because again as stated above I would feel that if I pulled certain aspects of my ear even behind the ear against the neck, the “unclogged sensation” would return temporarily.
But really, I think it’s because some of the solution was still in my ear and as I was just resting my head, whatever wax I had in my ear, went back to its normal levels due to the debrox solution going down the canal and breaking the wax down. It’s crazy it feels as clear as my left one. All the Symptoms I’ve had from above and have dealt with on and off for about a year are gone. Again, the whole process took about 45 minutes for me today. I know there are instructions on the side panel of the box that are a little more detailed ( not just like the ones we see in pictures here on Amazon ) but still I recommend going to the actual website at Debrox.com click on the “products” tab and then scroll all the way down to the different tabs like “Drop use FAQ” and “Ear Flushing FAQ”. To get a little more confidence and better understanding. Stay well and “Happy hearing” everyone!
Sankalp –
Worked as described
kimikitn –
I kept hearing a ball or something when I shake my head around. I felt like there was earwax so I decided to get this. I once went to the doctors and they flush out with water to get ear wax when I went for a regular check up. I rather not go to a doctors if I can just do this at home. I used this for 2 days and let it sit in my ears for 30 minutes each. It was really easy to use, I drop 6 drops into my ears and waited. Then flush it out with warm water with that bulb that it came with. Don’t give up after the first day. It was day 2 that earwax came out. The instruction even said to do up to 4 days. So I’ll keep going for another 2 days. I think this is great value for money and good quality to keep my ears clean in the long run. The liquid doesn’t feel thick but it does tickles my ears a bit with the foaming action. Tho I think it means it’s working. I know there’s other ear cleaning products like the ear tips swab with a camera that you can see inside your ear on an app on your phone. I think for me that’s kinda scary for me to look into my ear like that so I think it’s just nice to have a product like this where I can add the drops to my ears and flush out with warm water without having to look inside my ears.
Mohammad H. –
This treatment has helped me! I can hear well again! It’s amazing. I advise you to read other reviews – you need to keep the drops for at least 30 minutes. And then rinse your ears very thoroughly from a rubber thing.
David L. Goepfert –
Thanks to the other reviews that were very detailed and shared what worked for them I was able to unblock my ears the same day I got this. However, instead of using the little bulb syringe, I used this other one I already had at home and I believe it works better (it’s an ear wax removal syringe tri-stream tip, it holds way more water and it is more efficient). I also think it was easier for me since I have been using the syringe for a couple of days before I tried using this, so the wax was easier to remove.
I used about 10 drops, left the product for 30 minutes in each ear while on my side, got up and flushed it with the syringe. One of the ears got unblocked right away, and the other one required a second try about 6h later to unblock. The key thing is to be patient and pay attention to your body, if your ear starts hurting when flushing it, stop and try again the next day or at night if it is not hurting anymore. I was really desperate to unblock my ears, and sometimes the pressure of trying to unblock it made them feel uncomfortable and hurt for a while.
Sankalp –
2日目の1回目 けっこうでかい黒くなった耳垢が出てきた。
4日目 今まで綿棒に押し込まれ奥に溜まってた分だと思うが2日目の5倍くらい出てきて
Carla –
Não funcionou para mim. Acabei indo ao otorrinolaringologista.