Descrição do Produto: Dr. Christopher Herbal Cleansing Extract Kit
O Dr. Christopher Herbal Cleansing Extract Kit é uma solução natural e eficaz para quem busca desintoxicar o organismo e promover um bem-estar geral. Este kit contém uma combinação de extratos herbais cuidadosamente selecionados, que atuam em sinergia para auxiliar na eliminação de toxinas acumuladas, melhorar a digestão e fortalecer o sistema imunológico. Com ingredientes como raiz de bardana, dente-de-leão e erva-doce, o kit proporciona uma limpeza profunda, ajudando a restaurar o equilíbrio do corpo. Ideal para quem deseja iniciar um processo de desintoxicação, o Dr. Christopher Herbal Cleansing Extract Kit é uma escolha confiável e segura, promovendo uma sensação de leveza e vitalidade.
1. Desintoxicação Eficaz: Remove toxinas acumuladas no organismo, promovendo uma limpeza interna.
2. Melhora da Digestão: Os extratos ajudam a regular o sistema digestivo, aliviando desconfortos como inchaço e gases.
3. Fortalecimento do Sistema Imunológico: Ingredientes naturais que ajudam a aumentar a resistência do corpo contra doenças.
4. Aumento da Energia: Proporciona uma sensação de leveza e vitalidade, melhorando o bem-estar geral.
5. Fórmula Natural e Segura: Composto por ervas naturais, sem aditivos químicos, ideal para quem busca uma abordagem holística à saúde.
Para obter os melhores resultados com o Dr. Christopher Herbal Cleansing Extract Kit, recomenda-se iniciar o uso com um ciclo de 10 a 14 dias. Dilua 1 colher de sopa do extrato em um copo de água ou suco, consumindo duas vezes ao dia, preferencialmente antes das refeições. É importante manter uma hidratação adequada durante o período de desintoxicação, ingerindo pelo menos 2 litros de água diariamente. Para maximizar os efeitos, combine o uso do kit com uma dieta equilibrada e rica em fibras, evitando alimentos processados e açúcares. Consulte um profissional de saúde antes de iniciar qualquer regime de desintoxicação, especialmente se você tiver condições de saúde preexistentes.
Calina –
Excellent product! This product is complete. It was gentle and not harsh like any other cleansing products out there. However, the flavor is very strong. If you are sensitive, you might want to try the pills instead.
Rahshawn Davis –
Dr Christopher’s products are excellent but the Bottles should be sealed because in New York City, (Flatbush Brooklyn) the Postal workers do nasty things to people’s male and they even glue things back in place with glue or perhaps something else. The products should be sealed to know if there was any Tampering going on.
xyz –
This is a great cleansing program without having to take lots of pills. Dr. Christophers formulas are the best in the industry and are at an affordable price! Received shipment promptly without any issues!
K. Barry –
I use and love many of Dr Christopher’s products over the years. It does take discipline to use so know this ahead of time and depends on your situation and commitment. Also, instructions that came with it from another seller, did not have the most up to date info as Dr Christopher’s son who runs the company now has updated how/when to use the Blood Cleanser so you’ll want to check their website herbsfirst dot com for the most up to date.
Parvatii –
in fact, i can’t say that i noticed any real improvement in my health. the only thing i think it was good for was keeping mealtimes more regular and snacking at bay since this program is very regimented.
Kate K. –
a great little kit and price for a quality product…… the only drawback is that it takes alot of attention and dedication to follow the protocol for the entire 6-8 weeks. i often found that when working, i would forget to stay on track with each dosage…. a good idea is to design a schedule with the days and times on for each tincture and check off accordingly. still, i had a hard time fitting each one in….before and between meals, etc.
Pro –
Great product!
Did only 1/2 and it helps a lot.
Second part planing to do next year.
Thank you Dr. Christopher!
Ruth Partin –
This product is SENSATINAL! If you want a WHOLE cleanse kit that really works, this is it! We also ordered the Dr. Christopher’s Heavy Metal caps and Dr. Christopher’s Herbal Parasite Syrup with the Dr. Christopher’s Qyick Colon Cleanse caps to finish off the entire body cleansing. My whole family did this cleanse. When we finished, we noticed that we now have several bowel movements a day instead of one or none. Also, instead of having three or four meals a day, we now eat one big meal at early afternoon and then have fruit and something light in the evening. In the morning, we have a green drink filled with good healthy goodies. No longer do we get hungry so often and we don’t eat as much at the one meal because we get full faster. So, we are becoming more mindful of what foods we take in each day because quality nuttients must be in those foods since we eat so little each day now. I believe that our colons were completely cleaned on the sides of the walls so that now we only have to eat a small amt. of food due to all of its nutrients being able to be absorbed through the walls of the colon directly into the bloodstream for body nourishment. Before, the nutrients from our foods were stuck in the sludge on the walls of the colon and not being absorbed into the bloodstream for body nourishment., Superb product!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Will do again for sure. At first, though, you had to get used to the regimen of taking so many drops at precise times for all those weeks. You are married to this cleanse for the duration. When you get halfway through, it doesn’t seem so bad anymore, having to take your ziplock bag of dropper bottles with you everywhere you go. I couldn’t fathom trying to take all tose veggie caps for this cleanse. LIquied herbal extracts of Dr. Christopher’s the ONLY way to go with his whole body cleanse. Worth EVERY penny!