Descrição do Produto: Kit de Enema de Café para Limpeza do Cólon com 1 LB de Café para Enema – Aprovado por Gerson
Descubra o poder do Kit de Enema de Café, uma solução eficaz para a desintoxicação e limpeza do cólon. Este kit completo inclui 1 LB de café para enema, especialmente selecionado e aprovado pela metodologia Gerson, garantindo a mais alta qualidade e eficácia. O café utilizado é orgânico e torrado especificamente para terapia, proporcionando uma experiência de desintoxicação suave e eficaz. O kit vem com um balde de enema de fácil manuseio, permitindo que você realize o procedimento no conforto da sua casa. A limpeza do cólon com café é uma prática reconhecida que pode ajudar a eliminar toxinas acumuladas, melhorar a saúde digestiva e promover um bem-estar geral.
1. Desintoxicação Eficaz: Ajuda a eliminar toxinas acumuladas no cólon, promovendo uma limpeza profunda.
2. Melhora da Saúde Digestiva: Contribui para a regularidade intestinal e alivia desconfortos digestivos.
3. Aumento de Energia: A terapia com café pode proporcionar um impulso de energia natural, melhorando a disposição diária.
4. Aprovação Gerson: Produto validado por uma das metodologias de desintoxicação mais respeitadas, garantindo segurança e eficácia.
5. Fácil de Usar: O kit é projetado para ser simples e prático, permitindo que você realize o enema em casa com facilidade.
Para utilizar o Kit de Enema de Café, comece fervendo 1 litro de água filtrada e adicione 3 colheres de sopa do café para enema. Deixe a mistura ferver por cerca de 10 minutos e, em seguida, coe para remover os grãos. Deixe o líquido esfriar até atingir uma temperatura morna. Com o balde de enema posicionado em um local confortável, insira o tubo de enema e, com cuidado, libere o café morno no cólon. Mantenha a solução por 12 a 15 minutos antes de evacuar. É recomendado realizar o procedimento uma vez por semana, ou conforme orientação de um profissional de saúde.
KingdomMatters7 –
This coffee enema kit was recommended by a holistic practitioner friend of mine, and I’m so grateful to have this affordably priced item. The instructions for set up are pretty easy. The only recommendation I would add is to make sure the tubing is down when the bucket is full to then release some of the liquid in the bucket so there are no air bubbles. You want to be careful not to have any air bubbles!!! The red tubing goes in your rear-end with little effort, adding some coconut oil is a helpful must that goes a long way!! Definitely works, saw some things that warrant further testing! Great product to add to any health arsenal!
R. Squire –
I have such confidence in Dr. Clark recommendations, and this kit doesn’t disappoint! My sister who has been battling wide spread ovarian cancer went to a treatment center in Mexico, and they used this product with success. I believe this is one of the many steps that has helped in her wellness program, and is overcoming the odds. Three of us in our family are using this product, and for me, it is due to an article I read years ago, called, “Death Begins in the Colon.” I believe this was written by another quality company founded by Richard Anderson. He is a big proponent of using this kind of product to get well. Anderson developed high quality herbal cleansing products. He recommends using an enema kit as well. Given that this same coffee is recommended by the Hope for Cancer group in Mexico, where my sister received quality care, I feel confident in saying this is one of the best you can get.
Mark Cox –
Worked well. It was easier to use than a bag. I ddnt like the clamp. It was a bit clumsy.
JudyL –
I have enjoyed this product to help with a motility issue and for vagus nerve stimulation. I have used it 3 times in the past couple months and the directions were clear on how to make the coffee. The bucket and tubes didnt have any information with them but I was familiar with the concept. I used a food thermometer to make sure it was cooled to body temperature and found a lot of helpful instructions online with a Google search as well as the post for this item.
I would buy this again.
Rj –
I got the job done. I use it for coffee enemas which have changed my life. It works great. The only downfall I wish it would’ve came with a couple extra red tubes for cleanliness.
Trivi –
I had other enema kits in the past, but this one surpasses them all! It is very hygienic, since you can clean it very well, the material is great.
I recommend this kit 100%
Kat –
First of all….you are supposed to connect two different tubes (no idea why but fine)… why exactly would you make both tubes the same size! There is literally no way to connect them! It comes with ZERO instructions other than telling you to get online and download their ebook….which apparently no longer exists and the link does not work. When I finally found instructions they made no sense at all. I really wanted to like this product but it feels like a cheap half-assed way to make money. My 9 year old could have made a better product. No common sense, not easy to use, just no. I’m honestly not sure how Amazon is even allowing this product to be sold. It’s the laziest thing I’ve ever seen. No thought went in to making this. Do yourself a favor and just go buy an enema bag at CVS so you don’t flush your money down the toilet like I did.
Luke Yankee –
I really wanted to use this product for natural healing and it is incredibly frustrating. You have to strain the coffee two of three times. If there is the tiniest remnant of coffee grounds, it clogs the tube. When it works, it’s great, but I have used it about 5 times now and the tube has always gotten clogged. Once I finally get it to flow, it’s great and it serves its purpose. I ordered a superfine strainer and perhaps that will help. One tip – boil more water and make more coffee than is required, because some of it boils away. And if you manage to spill some or it leaks out (which can happen easily), then you will still have enough.