O Auraglow Teeth Whitening Kit é a solução definitiva para quem busca um sorriso mais branco e radiante sem sair de casa. Este kit poderoso combina a eficácia de um gel de peróxido de carbamida a 35% com a tecnologia de luz LED, proporcionando resultados de clareamento dental em um tempo recorde. Com 20 tratamentos inclusos, você pode eliminar manchas causadas por café, vinho, refrigerantes, chá e até mesmo o tabagismo, tudo isso em apenas 30 minutos por sessão.
A tecnologia de clareamento dental deste kit é comparável aos tratamentos a laser realizados em consultórios dentários, permitindo que você alcance resultados profissionais no conforto do seu lar. A luz LED ativa as moléculas do gel clareador, acelerando o processo e garantindo que você veja resultados visíveis rapidamente. Além disso, o kit é projetado para ser seguro para o esmalte dental, minimizando a sensibilidade, o que o torna uma opção ideal para quem tem dentes mais sensíveis.
O Auraglow Teeth Whitening Kit vem completo com tudo que você precisa para um clareamento eficaz: duas seringas de gel de peróxido de carbamida a 35%, uma luz de clareamento dental, um estojo para armazenamento e um cabo de carregamento. Fabricado nos Estados Unidos, o gel é desenvolvido com rigorosos padrões de segurança e eficácia, garantindo que você tenha uma experiência de clareamento dental segura e confiável.
– Resultados Rápidos: Clareie seus dentes em apenas 30 minutos por sessão, ideal para quem tem uma rotina agitada.
– Tratamentos em Casa: Realize 20 sessões de clareamento no conforto do seu lar, economizando tempo e dinheiro em visitas ao dentista.
– Tecnologia Avançada: Utilize a mesma tecnologia de luz LED que os dentistas usam, garantindo resultados profissionais.
– Segurança e Conforto: Fórmula segura para o esmalte dental, com mínima sensibilidade, perfeita para todos os tipos de dentes.
– Praticidade: Inclui todos os acessórios necessários para um tratamento completo, facilitando o uso e o armazenamento.
Para utilizar o Auraglow Teeth Whitening Kit, siga estas etapas:
1. Comece escovando os dentes para remover qualquer resíduo que possa interferir no clareamento.
2. Aplique uma pequena quantidade do gel de peróxido de carbamida a 35% nas moldes de clareamento, distribuindo uniformemente.
3. Coloque as moldes na boca, garantindo que o gel entre em contato com os dentes.
4. Ligue a luz LED e mantenha-a posicionada sobre os dentes durante 30 minutos.
5. Após o tempo recomendado, retire as moldes e enxágue a boca com água.
6. Para melhores resultados, repita o processo conforme necessário, respeitando o intervalo recomendado entre as sessões.
Com o Auraglow Teeth Whitening Kit, você está a um passo de conquistar o sorriso dos seus sonhos!
TS –
This works quite well as close to the dentist in a consumer kit. The uv light truly works best w/ the active agent. Bought refills. 4 out of because professional whiting is better. This is the next best thing.
Stephanie Collart –
Liked the packaging. The only issue is how sensitive the on off button is, you can barely touch it to get it in your mouth before it turns on. I don’t thin there is enough coverage for you top teeth.
DS90 –
This new generation of teeth whitening technology is so much easier to use than it used to be. Lots less mess! The tray is not uncomfortable, even when it’s in my mouth for the 30 minute session. The gel is fairly sticky and doesn’t run all over.
I’ve done two sessions and can see a bit of improvement already. This brand was highly recommended by the folks at The New York Times’s Wirecutter, which was why I picked it. Also, someone was thinking when they designed the way that it charges. It uses a tiny set of magnets to hold the small power cord in place, rather than long, unwieldy cords that tangle up.
Update: I compared “before” and “after” photos of my teeth after one 10-day treatment, and I’m quite pleased with the result. I can actually see a difference!!!
(It may seem expensive, but do consider that the box contains two complete sets of a 10-day treatment.
If it works as it’s purported to, that makes it a LOT less expensive than going to a dentist!)
Whitney –
100% would buy this product again! The first picture is my before and the second picture is my after. I used all 12 treatments over a month time frame very easy to use and comes with multiple cords that fit different devices so you can plug-in and get the UV blue light working. I did use the Auraglow whitening pen along with this to get in the cracks and crevices. Pretty much all stains are gone except for one so I am very happy with it! Definitely worth it for the price and will continue to use every couple months and use the pen weekly to maintain my bright white smile! The gel does not taste bad and dissolves quickly off your teeth, and you only have to wait an hour before you go eat or drink again so just plan your timing accordingly and your whitening process should go smooth!
Whitney –
I’ve had straight teeth for as long as I can remember—life was good, everything was aligned, and then… I turned 30. Now, not only does my back hurt like I’ve been moving pianos for a living, but apparently, everything I eat has decided to stick around like it’s paying rent, and my once pearly whites? Yeah, they’ve started auditioning for a butter commercial.
Thankfully, I found this miracle whitening product, and after one use, I saw a shade of white that I haven’t seen since pre-coffee addiction! Just a heads up: if you try to sit up during the 30 minutes, you’ll feel like you’re drowning in your own spit. So, trust me—lay down, get a good pillow, and just let the drool puddle happen in peace. 10/10, I will definitely be continuing to use this. Anything to keep my teeth from looking like my morning scrambled eggs!
Kathleen –
Used this product for the first time today. There was a noticeable difference in the color of my front teeth after the first use. I had some stains that the dentist couldn’t remove. My dentist recommended I use a whitening product and this one did not disappoint.
Sandra J Becker –
I only write reviews when I am truly impressed with a product. This product deserves a great review. I have used all sorts of whitening solutions from expensive in office whitening to strips and in-home trays with gel. All provide a degree of whitening over time (in dentist treatments are immediate I will say).
With the Auraglow, I saw results after the first 30 minute treatment. And even more after the second. I must add that my yellowing is most definitely from drinking coffee, hot tea and home brewed ice tea. The process I use is to have my morning coffee, floss and brush and then use the Auraglow for 30 minutes, each morning.
After just two treatments, I am impressed. I have changed my order to a subscription to resupply every 4 months (the site says this is the most popular interval). They ship enough gel to cover that time period if you do interval treatments. My plan is to see how it works for 5 days straight and them space out treatments while awaiting the next supply.
I am no dentist, but I think the game changer is the LED Accelerator lights. I recall that is what the in office dental treatment used as well. I had zero gum irritation like I have had with gels and trays. The tray is not form fitting but it works. And 30 minutes goes by fast. It has a timer, so you know when you are done. I saw some reviews that said you had to get used to not swallowing saliva during the treatment. I did not find that to be an issue at all.
Be sure to plan for 1-3 hours to charge the unit before first use. When you fill the tray with gel, be in a brightly lit space as it hard to see how much you are filling as the gel is clear and the tray is clear. I highly recommend this product.
B. Sofia Jalilie –
Honestly, wow! After just one session this was the result!!!! I don’t smoke but I’m a big coffee/tea drinker. It’s not as easy as strips because man it makes your mouth water and you shouldn’t swallow the gel. But with results like this I say it’s worth the discomfort for 30 minutes.
Highly recommend.
MagicSchoolBusDropOut –
I’m a previous smoker and a current coffee drinker and had brown stains on my teeth, I’ve tried whiting toothpaste and whiting strips with minor success removing those stains but after only half of the treatments included with Auraglow there has been a noticeable improvement. I don’t expect my teeth to ever be perfectly white but I would recommend this devise for those that have tried other methods with limited success.
Scott –
I never review things but this one was a pleasant surprise. I thought the description sounded too good to be true but I noticed a difference in just 3 uses. Having the mouthpiece in your mouth for half an hour takes some getting used to but it isn’t that bad. I didn’t take a photo before I started using it because I doubted the effectiveness but now I regret not taking the photo so I can compare. I will definitely continue to use this product and order refills of the gel once I run out.