Kit de Água – Pacote de Autocuidado para Mulheres e Homens – Presenteie com Tranquilidade – Elimine Pensamentos Negativos para Alívio do Estresse e Cura – Kit de Cuidados para o Bem-Estar
O Kit de Água é um pacote de autocuidado projetado para ajudar mulheres e homens a encontrar paz de espírito e alívio do estresse. Cada kit ensina uma habilidade única para gerenciar emoções, que pode ser colocada em prática em qualquer lugar e a qualquer momento. O processo é simples e eficaz:
- O PROCESSO – Cada kit ensina uma habilidade única para gerenciar emoções que pode ser colocada em prática em qualquer lugar e a qualquer momento. Identifique e anote seu pensamento negativo, reformule-o para um pensamento positivo e registre-o em um caderno de ancoragem. Libere o pensamento negativo de uma maneira única para cada kit. O processo deixa você com um caderno cheio de pensamentos positivos e energia.
- DESPEJE – Sentindo-se estressado? Este kit de água oferece uma maneira refrescante de se libertar. Despeje suas preocupações escrevendo-as nas folhas de sabonete perfumadas de eucalipto e lavanda.
- LIMPE – Ao lavar as mãos, a tinta solúvel em água desaparece junto com sua negatividade, deixando para trás uma tela limpa e um aroma calmante. Esse processo cria uma representação visual da sua emoção negativa sendo lavada, permitindo que você entre em um espaço mais positivo.
- RESTAURE – Capture seus novos pensamentos positivos no caderno fornecido, ancorando-se no otimismo. Volte a essas afirmações sempre que precisar de uma atualização mental.
- PRATIQUE O BEM-ESTAR COM FACILIDADE – Nossos kits de bem-estar são fáceis de seguir, conceitos rápidos que tornam o bem-estar uma prática sem esforço. O Kit de Água vem com todas as ferramentas de que você precisa para praticar o ato de se ancorar na verdade, limpar-se do negativo e restaurar a autenticidade.
- Alívio do estresse e ansiedade: O Kit de Água oferece uma abordagem única para aliviar o estresse e a ansiedade, permitindo que você libere pensamentos negativos e se concentre em pensamentos positivos.
- Autocuidado eficaz: Este kit de autocuidado oferece um processo simples e eficaz para gerenciar emoções e promover o bem-estar mental.
- Praticidade e portabilidade: O Kit de Água é fácil de usar e pode ser levado para qualquer lugar, permitindo que você pratique o autocuidado em qualquer momento e em qualquer lugar.
- Aromaterapia relaxante: As folhas de sabonete perfumadas de eucalipto e lavanda proporcionam uma experiência relaxante durante o processo de liberação de pensamentos negativos.
- Ferramentas completas: O Kit de Água vem com todas as ferramentas necessárias, incluindo um caderno de ancoragem e folhas de sabonete perfumadas, para ajudá-lo a praticar o autocuidado de forma completa.
Para usar o Kit de Água, siga estes passos simples:
- Identifique um pensamento negativo que esteja causando estresse ou ansiedade.
- Reformule esse pensamento em uma afirmação positiva e anote-a no caderno de ancoragem.
- Escreva o pensamento negativo nas folhas de sabonete perfumadas.
- Lave as mãos com as folhas de sabonete, visualizando a negatividade sendo lavada.
- Capture seus novos pensamentos positivos no caderno de ancoragem.
Pratique esse processo sempre que precisar de alívio do estresse e desejar promover o bem-estar mental.
Consumer –
The Fire Kit came at the perfect time. I followed the clear instructions and then felt a significant release of negative emotions. This helped me feel more positive by letting go of the negative energy I was holding on to. Thank you, Two Sage Sisters! I’m definitely giving these as gifts to my friends and family.
Sara Reitz –
What a great, self care kit this is! My daughter is a worker. She is in college and gets great grades and works also. She has a full plate and she gets stressed. This kit is so thoughtful. I gave this to her, with a big hug, and a terracotta pot to plant the seed disks in. The seed disks can be written on and then she can bury her thoughts in the soil and watch the lovely flowers grow. How cool is this!? The Grounding Notebook is such a nice touch too. She can list all her positive affirmations in this little notebook to remind herself what a rockstar she is! If you have a person in your life that just needs a little reminder of their worth, this is a great gift.
Buttercup –
The Earth Kit By Two Sage Sisters is a unique way to encourage positivity while letting go of negative thoughts that are holding you back. The set includes:
A Trowel
A Mini Notebook
A Brown Pen
30 Seed Paper Rounds
Instruction Brochure
This set is immediately ready to present as a gift to a loved one. The trowel is very petite and looks like a child sized trowel. If you have larger hands, it will not be easy to work with. If you intend to plant the seed paper rounds into the ground I recommend digging into softer soil. If you have hard, compact, clay-like soil like I do, it will take more effort and time than using a standard size trowel. The 30 seed paper rounds are made up of 10 rounds in three different colors – blue, green, and off-white. There is no notation to distinguish a difference between the three different colors if there is one. When I wrote down my negative thought (using the included brown ink pen) on the seed paper and my correlating positive thought in the accompanying notebook, the writing did not bleed through. It was a nice project to not only rid myself of a negative thought that is in my head but also a positive way to create a positive message while connecting with nature and finding out what the seed round will reveal itself to be. At the time this review was written, the cost of this set was $39.99. I appreciate the thought behind this kit but knowing that in order to actually use this kit you will need to have a front or back yard or at minimum you will need to provide the soil and pot to actually be able to use the kit. Given the current price I would have expected the inclusion of dirt and a pot. Overall, it is a different way to clear the negative thoughts that currently reside in your head with a way to get outside and care for something. If your budget allows, it is a sweet way to encourage a loved one to release the negative thoughts and find the positive in the beauty of nature.
Marina DiDomenico –
This kit is a cute idea for letting things go, mentally. I think there should be a candle holder for the candle. There are plenty of pages for the notebook and it is all perforated for easy tearing off for the burning process, but at the price of about $40, I expect a nicer pen for writing at least. The ceramic bowl has nice colors and is a cute, small size, but I would not get this again.
Stargazer Studio –
This would make a great gift! I bought it for myself but have already ordered another for my sister. It’s like bringing the spa to your home. Great little gift for yourself or someone you care about.
Stargazer Studio –
This kit is attractively presented and the concept makes for a thoughtful gift idea. Included in the set you’ll find a small trowel, marker, notebook, and seed infused paper circles. Tucked under the notebook there are instructions for use… jot down limiting thoughts or behaviors that you want to release on the round seed papers, and write down affirmations that can help keep you focused on the positive in the notebook. The individual components are nice, but not especially premium quality. My kit had been previously opened, so I think it may have been a return. All of the round seals around the top had been lifted and one corner had been taped where it was torn. I had originally planned to save this for a gift, but due to the fact that it looked like it had been opened, I decided to go ahead and test it out. To be honest, it did generate a positive feeling to actively let something go that had been bothering me, and I was happy to see the first little sprout several days later. I do think that the kit would be a better value if it contained a small pot and soil, and if it gave the user some idea of what kinds of plants might grow from the seed paper. It could still be a surprise, but it would be nice to know if it was an ornamental flower or edible herb.
Queen Bee –
The metal on the spinner is flexible but still tough. I keep it inside and it spins smoothly. its hard to pace it with my breathing so i do the exercises separately
jintoki –
This is the earth kit by two sage sisters, a self care kit for human pampering. The trowel is small, almost child sized. Probably best for small container gardening, not for use in a real garden. I like the seed papers and the journal. I often find gardening and watching plants grow so calming and relaxing. Taking the time out of a busy day to work with plants can help relieve stress and connect us back to the environment. This is a good gift for people who need to take a step back.