O Kit Combo Easy@Home com 50 Testes de Ovulação e 20 Testes de Gravidez é a solução ideal para mulheres que estão tentando engravidar de forma natural. Este produto foi especialmente desenvolvido para ajudar a maximizar as chances de concepção, permitindo que as usuárias identifiquem com precisão os dias mais férteis, mesmo que a duração dos ciclos menstruais varie. Os testes de ovulação são projetados para monitorar a progressão da ovulação, minimizando as chances de perder o pico de LH, que é crucial para a concepção. Com a capacidade de detectar níveis de hCG tão baixos quanto 25 mIU/mL em apenas 5 minutos, os testes de gravidez oferecem resultados rápidos e confiáveis.
A utilização do kit é extremamente simples: basta mergulhar a tira do teste na urina até que a coloração suba para a janela de resultado, o que leva aproximadamente de 5 a 10 segundos. A leitura dos resultados também é descomplicada: para os testes de ovulação, uma linha de teste tão escura ou mais escura que a linha de controle indica um resultado positivo. Para os testes de gravidez, a presença de duas linhas significa que a mulher está grávida, enquanto uma linha indica que não está.
Com o Easy@Home, você pode experimentar a tranquilidade de saber que está utilizando produtos de alta qualidade, respaldados por um compromisso com um atendimento ao cliente excepcional. Milhões de famílias já realizaram o sonho de ter um bebê de forma rápida e fácil com a ajuda desses testes.
– Precisão nos Resultados: Os testes são projetados para oferecer resultados confiáveis, aumentando as chances de concepção.
– Facilidade de Uso: O processo de teste é simples e rápido, ideal para o dia a dia corrido das mulheres.
– Detecção Rápida: Resultados em apenas 5 minutos, permitindo que você tome decisões informadas rapidamente.
– Acompanhamento do Ciclo: Ajuda a monitorar a ovulação e a gravidez, proporcionando um controle maior sobre a saúde reprodutiva.
– Suporte ao Cliente: A Easy@Home se compromete com a satisfação do cliente, oferecendo suporte e informações úteis.
Para utilizar o Kit Combo Easy@Home, comece coletando uma amostra de urina em um recipiente limpo. Em seguida, mergulhe a tira do teste de ovulação ou de gravidez na urina por cerca de 5 a 10 segundos, garantindo que a parte absorvente esteja completamente submersa. Retire a tira e coloque-a em uma superfície plana, aguardando o tempo necessário para a leitura dos resultados. Após 5 minutos, verifique a janela de resultado: para os testes de ovulação, compare a linha de teste com a linha de controle; para os testes de gravidez, observe a presença de uma ou duas linhas. Descarte o teste após o uso e registre os resultados para acompanhamento futuro.
Steph –
Accurate and reliable test for ovulation prediction and pregnancy test.
Amazon Customer –
My husband and I had been TTC for ~1.5 years, and not preventing pregnancy for about 2 years. We had been told that we may have issues with conception long ago as my husband had chemo as a baby and experienced low sperm counts because of it. Still, we tried every month the good old fashioned way. I hadn’t ever bought any sort of ovulation predictor for a few reasons. One, I just assumed my app on my phone (Ovia) was accurate (silly me) and two, I didn’t want to take the “fun” out of it so to speak and three, those suckers can get expensive!! Finally, after the heartbreak getting worse and worse after each month passed when my period came or we got negative pregnancy tests, and seeing 2 fertility specialists (spending hundreds of dollars mind you) I decided that these were worth a shot before we tried IVF. Now I have to tell you, that my husband was put on a medication to help boost his counts also, but we have not rechecked to see if it actually worked or not yet.
Anyway, I decided that these were good for the price so it was worth a shot, and I was curious to see if my app on my phone was accurate so I bought them. I saw the reviews from other women out there that made little charts to keep their sticks to track the results. LOVED it! I ordered these bad boys and immediately created my own chart to use complete with the date of test, a space for the strip, my CD#, and a little column for if we “tried” or not that day 😉 The box instructions say to dip the strip in room temperature urine, but who has time for that?? I used little dixie cups to collect urine and it worked great. I would get a sample, let it sit for a minute or two and dip away. Then I would lay the strip flat on top of the cup and wait the 3 minutes. The first few times it was hard to really know what I was looking at. The control line always came up, but as the 2nd line started to get darker I found myself not being able to tell if it was lighter than the control line, darker or the same color. A positive LH test is when the control line and your 2nd line are either the same color or your 2nd line is darker. Once you finally get that same color line or darker you’ll know. Another good reason to keep all your tests in a chart so you can see the progression.
SURPRISE! my Ovia app was off by 3 whole days. Easy at home strips said I was ovulating on Tuesday/Wednesday and my app said my most fertile day was Friday/Saturday. Something to consider, these apps go by women with “normal” cycles. It never occurred to me that my cycle wasn’t normal. And truly, how would my phone know what hormones were running through my body and when?
Fast forward a week or so, and I found myself super antsy again to see if this time it worked. I read that you can take a HCG test ~10 days DPO (days past ovulation) I waited 13 just to be on the safe side, and 3 days before my missed period. I know youre suppose to take the HCG test in the morning but I took mine around 5:45pm. To my surprise, i got 2 pink lines! In complete disbelief I dipped a total of 2 more strips. All 3 were positive. I proceeded to then get in my car, head to the pharmacy and pick up 2 separate brands of pregnancy tests (ya know, to be sure!), chug some water, go pee and used one of each to compare. Positive and positive!! oh BABY! 5 positive tests! Then I retook another one the following morning… pregnant!
Its very early on, and anything can happen. But I wanted to share our story because I know other women out there are struggling and frustrated. These tests are super easy to use and worth the money. I would recommend anyone who is trying to conceive to give these a shot. I have another friend who tried them too and her app was off by a whole week.
Good luck ladies and gents, baby dust to you all! <3
Jenn –
Good price and easy to use product. App is very convenient to track and store your results
Comox –
Increíble producto, funcionó el primer mes
Steph –
Las mejores
Amazon Customer –
A quick Google search for ovulation predictor kit (OPK) and aside from the digital expensive ones, this one was highly rated. I even found some YouTube reviews and I thought, for $20ish bucks, why not? Been trying to get pregnant for 9 months now. For 8 months, we simply were just having sex. I tracked my cycle with Clue- great app. I simply tracked when my period came and when we had sex. There are other things you can track but I figured, I’m 29, Latina, I should have NO problem. My husband is Mexican…we are practically ancient in the Latin fertility world. All jokes aside, I was getting worried around 8 months that something was wrong. Went to my gyno and he basically said, keep doing what your doing… Maybe try an OPK…come back when you’ve been trying for a year (in about 4 months) and if you still haven’t conceived-we can go from there. I really didn’t like this whole “we’ll go from there” bit. So I sought out OPKs and maybe some natural fertility boosting thing (Maca 2x daily for 2 cycles Femmenessence). Who knows. I consider myself healthy, I exercise, but my cycles were long and varied from 30-40 days, every month different. so it would make sense that an OPK could help me. So I bought this, it came promptly. Looks exactly like it does in the pictures. $20, can’t lose right? So cycle day 10, I started the LH strips. Pee in a cup, dip the stick, count to 3ish, lay flat, wait 3ish mins, and see that pink line appear. I saw women were saving their pee sticks on a chart, and noting each day/date-like a science experiment. I dug it. I did it. Cycle day 15 was the first faint sign of the second positive line, oooo, that was exciting. Taped it down on my pee stick chart and made a mental note to get some intimate time with husband that night. Day 16, the 2nd line was brighter, more prominent. Day 17, faint, lighter than day 15, then day 16 just the one control line. And that was it. That was when I was ovulating. My Clue app had predicted my ovulation to be 3 days later. I guess these OPKs would have a leg up on a stupid phone app that doesn’t actually know what hormone you are secreting that day. Go figure! Noted the tests in my Clue app, made sure to get some quality time with husband. Day 27 for S&Gs I took a pregnancy test using the HCG strips. You start to get good at peeing in a cup, get a clean sanitary technique down and everything and it was absolutely negative. Just one bright fuschia control line staring at me, and an empty abyss below. That instantly went in the trash, but I wish I kept it. So now it’s cycle day 31 (long cycles, remember?) and my evenings have been cut short due to passing out on the couch, and my breasts have been increasingly getting tender. This typically means period time. So I took another HCG strip test this morning and booyah, two lines appear. One dark fuschia line, and one visible but not as dark, but not too faint that you question it’s there, line. WHOA. Ok, I saved the pee, and dipped another test. Same thing. And another. Positive, positive, positive. Then I went to work. That was joke, highly unproductive day as i’m Googling possible due dates and signing up for all the mommy newsletter blogs, etc. lol So 8 hours later, I came home, took another strip test…and this time, the 2nd line was darker and JUST to the safe side, I went to the drug store and bought a fancy digital easy to read 2 pk pregnancy tests. Boom, positively pregnant. So because of this I wanted to share my story because, it was stories like these that gave me hope that a 50 pk of pee sticks can possibly accurately tell me when my egg was ready to play. The convenience of having 20 pregnancy sticks was super awesome as well. I took a total of 9 LH sticks and 5 HCG sticks. Not bad for a simply packaged, simple directions, and inexpensive product. I highly recommend this and hope that you too find the success that I found. Here’s to about 8 more months!
Jenn –
I was able to track my cycle effectively and got pregnant the first month of trying !
My baby girl is expected by this friday 🥰.
Thank you for the knowledge I acquired whilst using these strips and free app!
There’s tons of usefull informations!
The app is available in my mothertongue (french). It isn’t perfect translation, but it’s close enough.