Kirkman – Pro-Bio Gold – 120 Cápsulas
O Kirkman Pro-Bio Gold é um suplemento inovador que se destaca no suporte à saúde imunológica e digestiva, oferecendo uma solução eficaz para quem busca melhorar seu bem-estar geral. Com uma potência total de 21 bilhões de CFUs, este produto é formulado para proporcionar um suporte abrangente à digestão, abrangendo a maioria dos grupos alimentares. A sua formulação única é composta por seis microrganismos que são nutricionalmente benéficos e essenciais para uma cobertura total dos tratos intestinal e geniturinário. Esses probióticos trabalham em sinergia, promovendo a saúde gastrointestinal e genitourinária, o que é fundamental para o funcionamento adequado do organismo.
O Kirkman Pro-Bio Gold é ideal para quem busca flexibilidade na dosagem. A recomendação é de uma cápsula por dia, ou conforme orientação médica. Para uso intensivo, é possível aumentar a dose para duas cápsulas diárias, dividindo a ingestão ao longo do dia. Para crianças com menos de 30 libras, a sugestão é de administrar metade da dose recomendada. Além disso, o produto passa por rigorosos padrões de teste, que superam as normas da indústria e os requisitos governamentais. As seis cepas probióticas presentes no Pro-Bio Gold foram submetidas a um processo de impressão digital de DNA, garantindo sua identidade e estabilidade a longo prazo.
As remessas do Kirkman Pro-Bio Gold são enviadas com pacotes de gelo para garantir a integridade do produto, embora seja recomendado aguardar até que a temperatura esteja abaixo de 100 graus Fahrenheit antes de realizar o pedido.
– Suporte à Saúde Digestiva: Melhora a digestão e a absorção de nutrientes, promovendo um sistema digestivo saudável.
– Fortalecimento do Sistema Imunológico: Contribui para a defesa do organismo contra patógenos, aumentando a resistência a doenças.
– Equilíbrio da Flora Intestinal: Ajuda a restaurar e manter a flora intestinal saudável, essencial para o bem-estar geral.
– Flexibilidade na Dosagem: Permite ajustes na quantidade de cápsulas conforme a necessidade individual, facilitando o uso.
– Alta Qualidade e Segurança: Testes rigorosos garantem a eficácia e a segurança do produto, proporcionando confiança ao consumidor.
Para obter os melhores resultados com o Kirkman Pro-Bio Gold, recomenda-se a ingestão de uma cápsula diariamente, preferencialmente com uma refeição. Para aqueles que necessitam de um suporte mais intensivo, a dose pode ser aumentada para duas cápsulas diárias, dividindo a ingestão em duas tomadas. É importante seguir as orientações de um profissional de saúde, especialmente para crianças com menos de 30 libras, que devem receber metade da dose sugerida. Mantenha o produto em local fresco e seco, longe da luz direta, para preservar suas propriedades.
Rock on !! –
Love this product, truly helpful with gut help. I take it every other day and it does work. I’ve been using it for several years now and will not try another brand.
Rose S. Godfrey –
For those of you concerned with this product’s effectiveness if not refrigerated, don’t be. I did not notice the refrigeration restriction when I purchased it and did everything wrong–ordered in July ( I live in the desert) and did not refrigerate until October. In spite of my ignorance, it kicked in as soon as I took it during a miserable bout on very strong antibiotics. I will not be without it now, but will take care of it appropriately and will order in the winter.
Deborah Beauban –
My 9 yr. old daughter and I both have been diagnosed with IBS. We have been taking 1/2 tablet each for the past year and our symptoms have been much less frequent and less severe. Not only that but we’ve don’t get as sick as often and when we do we recover quicker. This product was recommended to me by a friend of mine who does a lot of research on product ingredients and for natural products. This has all 3 strains of pro-biotics and are live if kept refrigerated thus making them more beneficial and effective. Really glad we started using this and will continue to do so.
H. Moss –
Most effective probiotic I have tried.
Lucia –
My 7 year old son started to develop hoarding disorder and extreme anxiety , especially separation anxiety , about 10 months ago. This was completely out of the blue. He had no disorders before Sept 2014 . He was just a happy , creative little kid. Gradually over a few months he became unable to throw anything in the garbage and began to collect refuse (juiceboxes, bits of paper, straws, rubberbands, leaves, sticks, bottle caps, used napkins and tissues) in his pockets. He would cry and act terror stricken when we dropped him off for school every day. Ultimately he walked to school with eyes closed for fear of picking things up to save. To him the world was a pinata. He became argumentative and teary and had extremely ‘rigid thinking’. Basically he had OCD. But the real kind not the kind where you think you can’t part with a favorite toy or book. After lots of blood tests (8 vials in one particular go), a pediatrician, 4 psychologists including a CBT specialist, a neurolgist, an allergist and finally an immunologist – we considered the diagnosis of PANS/PANDAS as his strep titers were high. There was a month of antibiotics followed by no improvement. Our family life was deteriorating and we were all tortured by his behavior as his OCD ruled our lives. FINALLY he took a week of antifungal medication and suddenly all was becoming normal. Then he went off this medication and he bounced back into anxiety and ocd and general terror. Then the immunologist said that we needed to give him PROBIO GOLD.. that he had an imbalance of good/bad bacteria in his gut and it was affecting his brain. I read all the stuff about how you are not supposed to give a PANDAS kid a probiotic containing Steptococcus thermophilus because it will make them feel worse and then i said to heck with it. I started twisting open these capsules and stirring them into yogurt or pediasure (he is a poor eater) – 1x per day .. From that day forward and until now ( that was 3 months ago) .. we have had our son back. The fears, the anxieties and the constant collecting of flotsam and jetsam of life ..are GONE. He laughs, he tearlessly goes to school , he goes places at all , he can throw out or recycle things. His garbage collections have ‘disappeared’ without incident. Thank you Pro Bio Gold for making this product.
UPDATE. It’s been nearly 3 years since we started regularly giving our son PROBIO GOLD – about every other day and he is still free of OCD. We also note that he rarely ever gets sick and everyone in our household is rarely sick . (We take it sometimes too)
UPDATE2 04/10/20 My son still takes probio gold 2x per week and is healthy and OCD-Free.. he is even getting rid of things!
Robin –
I have used this product before from a different vendor. It seems that since I have used this daily, I have only had one cold in the last year and it was less severe than most colds. For quite a few years, I have had a cold through the whole Christmas season and thankfully I was healthy this past season which made me be able to accomplish more instead of going through the motions and feeling tired and drugged with antihistamines. Additional note: This particular product must be refrigerated. You never know about taking this stuff but hopefully it will enhance my immune system.
Sandra Benavides –
I love this product! I have dairy allergies and that makes finding probiotic had. I have had no problems and it lasts me a while. I use them to make yogurt or I take some if Ii didn’t eat enough probiotic rich foods. Tip: I take extra probiotic if I indulged in to much alcohol it helps restore the natural flora in your gut which alcohol effect.
Mike B –
Excellent probiotic that performs well. CAUTION with shipping if hot weather!!! This item must not exceed room temperature (see manufacturer’s site) or it with be “dead” and none effective. While it is shipped with a small ice pack, it will not last in hot weather for more than a couple days shipping time.