As Cápsulas de Eletrólitos Keto Vitals são o suplemento original de eletrólitos para a dieta cetogênica. Projetadas para atender às necessidades de estilos de vida com baixo teor de carboidratos e cetogênicos, essas cápsulas sem calorias ajudam a aliviar os sintomas comuns da transição para uma dieta cetogênica. Além disso, elas repõem os eletrólitos perdidos, proporcionando hidratação rápida e recuperação. Cada porção é rica em potássio, magnésio, sódio e cálcio, nutrientes essenciais para diversas funções corporais. Ao restaurar os eletrólitos-chave do seu corpo, essas cápsulas de sal sem carboidratos ajudam a reduzir cãibras musculares, melhorando sua força e resistência. Com 120 cápsulas por frasco, elas são fáceis de engolir e não contêm adoçantes, sabores ou corantes artificiais. Tome uma cápsula diariamente, com ou sem alimentos, para uma reposição conveniente de eletrólitos. Ideal para viagens longas, sem a necessidade de misturar pós em água.
Conheça 5 Motivos Recomendados pela Vitaminer Shop para Comprar:
- Suporte a uma dieta cetogênica sustentável: Essas cápsulas de eletrólitos foram cuidadosamente formuladas para atender às necessidades de uma dieta cetogênica e com baixo teor de carboidratos. Elas ajudam a aliviar os sintomas comuns da transição para uma dieta cetogênica.
- Reposição de eletrólitos perdidos: Para uma hidratação e recuperação rápidas, tome uma cápsula de eletrólitos cetogênicos diariamente. Cada porção é rica em potássio, magnésio, sódio e cálcio, nutrientes essenciais para diversas funções corporais.
- Aumento de energia: Realize seu máximo desempenho com o suplemento de magnésio, potássio e sódio da KetoVitals. Ao restaurar os eletrólitos-chave do seu corpo, essas cápsulas de sal sem carboidratos ajudam a reduzir cãibras musculares, melhorando sua força e resistência.
- Seguro e fácil de engolir: Cada frasco contém 120 cápsulas de eletrólitos cetogênicos, sem adoçantes, sabores ou corantes artificiais. Tome uma cápsula diariamente, com ou sem alimentos, para uma reposição conveniente de eletrólitos.
- Reposição de eletrólitos conveniente: Tomar as cápsulas de eletrólitos oferece uma maneira fácil e eficaz de suprir seus eletrólitos cetogênicos diários, onde e quando você precisar. Ideal para viagens longas, sem a necessidade de misturar pós em água.
- Melhora da hidratação: As cápsulas ajudam a manter o equilíbrio hídrico do corpo, essencial para o funcionamento adequado durante a dieta cetogênica.
- Redução de cãibras: A combinação de eletrólitos essenciais minimiza o risco de cãibras musculares, permitindo um desempenho físico otimizado.
- Facilidade de uso: A forma em cápsulas elimina a necessidade de misturas complicadas, tornando a suplementação prática e acessível em qualquer lugar.
- Sem calorias e carboidratos: Ideal para quem busca manter a cetose, as cápsulas não interferem na ingestão calórica ou de carboidratos.
- Suporte à recuperação: A reposição rápida de eletrólitos contribui para uma recuperação mais eficiente após atividades físicas intensas.
Para obter os melhores resultados, tome uma cápsula de eletrólitos Keto Vitals diariamente, com ou sem alimentos. Recomenda-se ingerir com água para facilitar a absorção. Não exceda a dose diária recomendada, a menos que indicado por um profissional de saúde. Mantenha fora do alcance de crianças.
Bethany Broome –
Great product
Nicole –
I was following an keto/ low carb diet and I would get bad cramps in my legs, headaches. I feel so much better I stop getting cramps and my headaches are gone. I’m going to keep taking them, buying another bottle.
KC –
I didn’t want to give this a 1 star review becasue I still think it probably works for most people but have since returned the product. I was doing keto for a while and got a lot of the low electrolyte symptoms everyone talks about so I decided to try this. I think it is a great idea and better then some of the electrolyte drinks with sugar. However, this just didn’t work for me. The first time I took it I felt okay but would still feel bad in the afternoon so I decided to try 2 a day. This was seriously too much and I had anxiety for an hour after that. So I kept going back and forth of 1 not being enough and 2 being way too much. Just couldn’t find a good balance with this product.
Ilene R. –
These capsules are great! Not only are they easy to swallow if I’m not careful the gelatin will begin to melt before I’ve even taking it .So solubility is obvious and I noticed a difference I’m not straight away. Within the first week there were changes . I’ve always been low on electrolytes every time my doctor will do my blood work she seems to have believed it’s due to my long term use of medication for a lifelong condition. This has brought my electrolytes back up to normal giving me energy and truly helped me feel better. I would highly recommend trying them. These capsules have given me that little boost that I’ve needed. Medication for depression brings down your electrolytes I know this because that’s what I’m on and have been for decades these capsules have helped equal out my small imbalance my medication works almost enough but not quite enough this has completed it. So my conclusion has been that I was low on electrolytes because of the medication and there are very few meds I can’t take. Everyone’s physiology is different but it’s always worth a try in my opinion and I have been battling my situation ever since I was a child.
stephanie –
I ordered this product as soon as I decided to try the Ketogenic diet in order to decrease my chance in getting the Keto flu. It has been three weeks since I started this way of eating and the supplements have really helped. I am eating a wholesome diet of dark leafy greens and veggies, healthy fats and organic or grass fed meats, as well as taking a multivitamin and water with electrolytes- so I also contribute that to not getting the Keto flu.
The product does exactly what it offers. Although I have never had any issues with falling asleep i will occasionally have a night where I toss and turn all night and end up feeling so tired the next day. Since taking these, I am getting a full night’s rest, with little to no tossing or turning. I don’t feel like I need to nap mid-day because I really do have more energy.
I would highly recommend these if you are thinking about going Keto, or if you are just looking for a supplement that has Calcium, Sodium, Potassium and Magnesium.
KC –
How is this product allowed to arrive like this to consumers?
Why am I allowed to ingest Keto supplement veggie pills with adhesive and cotton? Why are half the pills empty with holes in them? @Keto Vitals — why are you allowing consumers to purchase these bad batches? Potentially dangerous?
Where is quality control, how is this okay? Super frustrated with having to take some only to discover that I shouldn’t have taken any in the first place. Why is all the powder out of them?
I have a ton of questions. (Maybe I should have started out with this sentence.)
It almost looks like insects feasted on them. But maybe it was bad heat control? Why was it sold to me like this? Super bummed out.
Amazing Business –
Perfect for lowering my resting heart rate.
I take one daily and as it is large I
open the capsule and sprinkle in my food.
I keep my carbs low but i am not a keto dieter.
I live in a very warm climate and this keeps me hydrated without having to drink a lot of water.
Kelly M –
After a couple months on the keto diet, I began to get terrible cramps in my calves, mostly at night. I rarely get muscle cramps, and this diet was the only major change to my lifestyle. After googling side effects of eating keto, I of course discovered how common this was. I decided to try this one since it was specifically created for this problem.
It’s been about 3 weeks of taking it once per day (with my multivitamin and vitamin D supplement), and I realized that I haven’t had leg cramps for a week or two now. It must be working! I haven’t noticed my sleep improving at all – that has also been a problem. I really don’t know if I should be taking more than I am, it states 1 to 3 times per day. If the leg cramps start back up, I will likely move it up to 2 capsules.