Descrição do Produto: KetoneAid Ke4 Pro com Sucralose
Descubra o poder do KetoneAid Ke4 Pro, uma bebida de éster de cetona que redefine a forma como você obtém energia e clareza mental. Esta versão limitada do nosso Ke4 é adoçada com sucralose, um adoçante artificial muito mais potente que supera o gosto residual e a queima dos ésteres de cetona. Cada garrafa contém 10 porções, com 2,5 gramas de Monoéster de Cetona por porção, e cada caixa vem com 12 garrafas, garantindo que você tenha sempre à mão a energia limpa que precisa para o seu desempenho atlético, saúde metabólica e até mesmo para uma noite de sono profundo.
O KetoneAid Ke4 Pro é eficaz e seguro, testado por terceiros para conformidade com a Agência Mundial Antidoping (WADA), sendo confiável por ciclistas do Tour de France, atletas olímpicos, jogadores da NFL, NHL, NBA e tenistas profissionais. Diferente de outros produtos, o KE4 não é um sal, é 100% biodisponível e é o único éster de cetona que possui a aprovação GRAS da FDA, sendo fabricado nos EUA. Sem cafeína e sem açúcar, sua doçura vem da sucralose, permitindo que você desfrute de todos os benefícios sem a necessidade de seguir uma dieta cetogênica.
– Energia Limpa: Proporciona uma fonte de energia sustentável para atividades físicas intensas e longas.
– Clareza Mental: Melhora a função cognitiva, ajudando na concentração e foco durante o dia.
– Saúde Metabólica: Contribui para a regulação do metabolismo, favorecendo a queima de gordura.
– Sono Profundo: Auxilia na promoção de um sono reparador, essencial para a recuperação muscular e mental.
– Segurança e Confiabilidade: Testado e aprovado por atletas de elite, garantindo que você está consumindo um produto seguro e eficaz.
Para obter os melhores resultados com o KetoneAid Ke4 Pro, recomenda-se consumir uma porção (2,5 gramas de Monoéster de Cetona) 30 minutos antes de atividades físicas ou em momentos que você precisar de um impulso de energia e clareza mental. Agite bem a garrafa antes de abrir e consuma gelado para uma experiência refrescante. Este produto pode ser utilizado em qualquer momento do dia, sem a necessidade de uma dieta cetogênica, tornando-o uma adição versátil à sua rotina diária.
CitiZenPete –
#1 it works.
#2 The CEO, Frank LLosa is accessible to customers via phone or Facebook (KetoneAid), and he is a no BS (honest and knowledgeable) professional. I have called him several times with questions. So yeah, customer service is second to none.
#3 I have consumed 6 KE4 bottles to date (with many more to go) in support of both standard of care, and non-standard of care medical protocols (for mRNA signalling benefits and normal cell protective) reasons (NOT diet weight-loss and NOT physical athletic performance). KE4 has always delivered measurable results as advertised and expected (I measure Ketones/Glucose with a KetoMojo meter). I am normally Ketogenic, and KE4 is there for me when my Ketone levels fall off due to various reasons.
My limited research and understanding on KE4:
KE4 Converts directly into usable chemical energy also supporting various cell signalling (as per a growing volumes of animal and Human N=1 research — which shows Ketones protect cells, supports OxPhos energy metabolism, and enables medical protocols designed to suppress normal cell glycolytic pathway functions leading to pyruvate/lactate production). KE4 (BHB) also supports improved cognition as-well-as motor function (why most people take it).
It tastes like a chemical fuel. I personally don’t have an issue with the taste, but I can understand why babies, girls, and girly men would. Its really not that bad — but I’m not using it casually as a diet aid either. If you consume KE4 subliminally (hold it in your mouth and under the tongue for an extended time, before swallowing) it should get absorbed faster into the blood for immediate use.
While it appears the price is high, it is very reasonable for what it actually is (non-racemic ester) and for what it does (converts directly into AcetylCOA).
First, its 100% bio-available — 100% — (not 50% or less– like many/most BHB-Salt based products).
Second, BHB ester has been the chemical gold standard for some time — used in research labs only — it was unavailable commercially — and it was price prohibitive: priced in the thousands of dollars just over a year or so ago. KE4 is the real deal, now available commercially for NOT thousands of dollars. Most folks just don’t get this.
How does KE4 provide 100% bio-available instant ketones? My understanding (and I am not a chemist):
I believe this to be an enantiomerically pure ketone ester (non-racemic). (just google it) Racemic BHB products have a left and right side molecule — thus providing 50% or less available BHB for direct utilization. In other words, KE4 BHB Ester is fully bio-available, so you are receiving full value for the price. You can meter the amount you need for whatever your purpose is. KetoneAid even gives you a little measuring tube with the three container pack. With other racemic BHB-Salt products (right and left hand molecules) only one half (or less) of the ketones are bioavailable.
How does KE4 BHB Esters work? This is very important for my personal medical (non-diet/non-athletic performance) application:
I believe KE4 is a organic BHB (beta-hydroxy-buterate) ester and it is NOT related to a salt. In the body the liver (primarily) creates ketone bodies as needed (fasted state): Acetoacetic Acid, BHB, and acetone. The energy in our body at the cellular level is ATP. ATP (adenosine triphosphate) powers all mechanical and nerve functions in the body. ATP production (creation) by key organelles (called Mitochondria), found in most cells requires a fundamental chemical building block (Acetyl-CoA) to be available in order for the oxygen phosphorylation chemical process to occur, thus efficiently generating ATP. The free availability of AcetylCOA is also an important signalling state, which is key for my condition, but I will not explain that mechanism in detail here. BHB freely converts to AcetylCOA with Acetoacetate, supporting the mitochondrial production of ATP via the citric acid cycle (Krebs Cycle). KE4 is an ester, so its presents within the body converts directly to usable energy in various tissues. Because BHB esters also pass the blood-brain barrier they will be utilized for energy by the brain (the largest consumer of energy in the body).
The down sides of KE4:
Because KE4 is not a salt (calcium, potassium, magnesium) it doesn’t supplement these electrolytes if your in a fasted state. Having said that, of the 60ml in each small container, 30ml is BHB and 30ml contains beneficial supplementation like Taurine (calcium modulator and anti-oxidant) for cardio support, etc.
CitiZenPete –
KE4 Provides help with Dementia/Alzheiemer’s
There are over 5.8 million people suffering with some form of dementia in the U.S. and over 747,000 in Canada. (Alzheimer’s is the most common form). While there are currently six drugs, they don’t work for everyone and there can be some side effects that stops their usage. All of us are told that there’s nothing else out there for looking after our loved ones who have dementia.
Thankfully, there is help with ketone based products, including the most concentrated form, the ketone ester, called: KE4.
For a thorough history of the use of ketones as well as the research that has taken place one excellent book is The Complete Book of Ketones by Dr. Mary Newport. It’s important to have this background so you don’t just have to rely on testimonies.
In our case, we use three ketone products daily and this has provided stability and calmness for most of the day. Then almost two months ago I began to give KE4 to my loved one and there were some very surprising and helpful results. There have not been any side effects.
Here is a shortlist of both the dose and what has taken place so far (I have kept a careful daily diary):
Dose: We began giving the ketone ester Feb. 17/22 (1 teaspoon with 1/3 cup of pomegranate juice). After four days began noticing changes.
Mar. 12 I began giving her 1 ½ teaspoons of the ketone ester with ½ cup of pomegranate juice.
April 3/22 I began giving 2 teaspoons of the ketone ester with 138 ml of pomegranate juice (= ½ cup + 1 tbsp and 1 tsp)
Sleep and hand tremors improvement
Waking up in the middle of the night has almost been phased out. As of April 9/22 it has only happened twice in 43 days (once for 2 hours and another time for about 10 or 15 minutes). This is possibly the most important area since once a loved one no longer sleeps through the night it begins to destroy the health of the caregiver and they may need to place them in a care home.
Radically decreased running out the door While this used to take place 2 or 3 times a day it now has only happened once. If I would not follow after her quickly I would lose sight of which way she went. I am so thankful for this change.
Eyesight improvement in one area She was now able to put the key into the key hole at least once on most days beginning today. Her eyesight had gone down so much from the disease that this is quite amazing.
Guitar She has been able to find the first chord by herself and then play several songs
Thoughts – While terrible thoughts would come into her head and cause upset, she has begun to have happy thoughts that cause her to laugh.
Humor She now responds to humor and more recently has begun to show humor herself.
Fine for the entire day She has had two days recently where she is fine for the entire day. There were no upsets or stressful times.
Needless to say, I am very thankful and happy that there is something to bring help to our situation right here and now. I should note that in spite of the improvements, there is no evidence at this point that it can slow down or stop the progression of the disease.
Future needs: A breakthrough is needed to neutralize the challenging taste of the ketone ester and to bring down the cost so many more would be able to benefit from this special product.
If you read the above book I mentioned you will find that people with various chronic diseases have been helped with KE4 not just those with dementia.
Happy Camper –
Great product