Descrição do Produto:
Descubra o sabor irresistível e os benefícios dos *Keto Crave Keto ACV Gummies Extreme 2000MG*. Este pacote com três frascos contém 180 gomas deliciosas que combinam o poder do vinagre de maçã com a riqueza do suco de beterraba e a energia do B12. Cada goma é uma explosão de sabor, tornando sua rotina diária não apenas saudável, mas também prazerosa. Com uma fórmula avançada, esses gomas são a maneira perfeita de obter os nutrientes essenciais que seu corpo precisa, sem abrir mão do gosto.
- KETO CRAVE KETO GUMMIES ACV EXTREME 2000MG: Sua rotina diária nunca teve um gosto tão bom. Nossas deliciosas gomas de vinagre de maçã incluem nutrientes enquanto têm o sabor de um doce!
- INGREDIENTES ADICIONAIS: Nossa mistura exclusiva de gomas de vinagre de maçã contém raiz de beterraba, vitamina B12 e folato.
- RÁPIDO E FÁCIL: Adicionar gomas à sua rotina diária é uma maneira fácil e deliciosa de incorporar vitaminas e nutrientes.
- ÓTIMO SABOR: Repletas de sabor e feitas com ingredientes da mais alta qualidade, nossas gomas certamente deixarão você querendo mais.
- SEGURANÇA E QUALIDADE: Veganas, não-GMO, sem glúten e sem gelatina, com base de pectina. Testadas por terceiros e fabricadas em uma instalação certificada pela GMP.
1. Apoio à Dieta Cetogênica: Ideal para quem segue uma dieta cetogênica, ajudando a manter a cetose e a controlar o apetite.
2. Fácil Integração: As gomas são uma maneira prática e saborosa de adicionar nutrientes essenciais à sua dieta diária.
3. Energia Sustentada: A presença de vitamina B12 proporciona um impulso de energia, ajudando a combater a fadiga.
4. Saúde Digestiva: O vinagre de maçã é conhecido por suas propriedades que favorecem a digestão e o equilíbrio do pH estomacal.
5. Qualidade Garantida: Com ingredientes veganos e não-GMO, você pode confiar na pureza e segurança do produto.
Para obter os melhores resultados, recomenda-se consumir duas gomas por dia, preferencialmente antes das refeições. As gomas podem ser mastigadas diretamente ou combinadas com um copo de água para uma experiência refrescante. É importante manter uma dieta equilibrada e um estilo de vida saudável para maximizar os benefícios dos *Keto Crave Keto ACV Gummies*. Armazene em local fresco e seco, longe da luz solar direta, para preservar a qualidade e o sabor das gomas.
Dakotah Chaney –
These ACV gummies have a wonderful flavor, they are not too sweet but are just sweet enough with no bitterness at all to them! They have a great consistency as well, they are softer then most and not tough to chew on but easy and go down easy! They have a wonderful smell as well and are not overpowering! They do not stick together badly in the container and are easy to get out of the container! GREAT value for the money!
Lana –
Disclaimer: I am not a doctor, nurse, physician, or any form of medical practitioner. This review is purely my experience using the product and should not be considered medical advice. Please consult with your doctor before adding this supplement to your routine.
ACV has been touted as being a miracle cure of many ails. I’ve heard it used for weight loss, heart health, and curing many diseases and issues. When these gummies popped up on my recommended feed, I knew I had to give them a shot.
The best quality of the product is the taste. Unlike most supplemental gummies, these actually tasted pretty good! If they weren’t considered supplements, I would actually snack on them in a similar manner to gummy bears. However, these are not snacks, and as such, must be rated according to what they are designed to be.
While these are a treat to eat, I question how effective they are. Study after study shows that gummies rank among the least effective way to take supplements, and after a month of taking them, I can’t say they had an effect on my body. While gummies may be more beneficial than taking nothing at all, I would say to skip these and just stick with a good quality liquid ACV instead.
Cascadian –
One can never go wrong with KETO ACV Gummies. These gummies are very delicious and do a great job for helping to control appetites. I find that taking these vitamins consistently and doing consistent workouts whether they are light workouts or heavy workouts, you will definitely drop pounds. The ACV helps to control your appetite and these vitamins work well to prevent you from being “hungry “ throughout the day. You will notice after taking these that you just won’t have the urge or desire to eat as you once did before you began taking these.
They work dry well. Is if you decide to also eat healthier, in addition to taking the vitamins and working out, THEN, you’ll really see a bigger difference.
And… the fact that you get (3) bottles is even better! Now you have a 3 months supply , so you’ll really be able to drop those pounds.
I definitely recommend for purchase.
I’m an Amazon Vine Customer which means I receive free products and merchandise in exchange for my unbiased reviews and feedback.
Lana –
I really don’t feel like they made much of a difference, but they did help some. They didn’t taste terrible like some of the other ones
Cascadian –
The Short And Sweet Review:
These are Delicious, Adorable apple shaped (and Obviously Strong!) ACV gummies, but they stick in my teeth! Since Apple Cider Vinegar is almost as strong as stomach acid, I’m wondering what these might do to my teeth. (Gummies *without* the extra acid can cause cavities, so . . . )
The Long Review With Lots of Details
First, I like to know a little about who makes the supplements I take, but it was a bit hard to find. I couldn’t find a trademark or Web Page for Keto Crave. It looks like it’s made by “Justified Laboratories,” and they do have a web page with *tons* of ACV things that all look pretty similar to me (hundreds?), but they have many different names. I did see some Keto Crave ads that looked like news articles (but were ads). The ads told how ACV was supposed to work. Then I checked the Mayo Clinic page. They *don’t* think ACV gummies help you lose weight.
So What About Testing and Who Made This? Keto Crave claims Good Manufacturing Practices certification and third party lab testing, but they don’t say who certified them, so I can’t double check. I have heard Amazon requires at least one Certificate proving something is what they say it is though. I couldn’t find anything about who developed this gummy to start with.
What’s in These? The first 3 “other” ingredients are Sugary. 1.Sugar 2. Glucose Syrup and 3.Dextrose. It’s only 5g, but it seems like a lot of sugar for being “Keto”. But if my math is right, there’s also a lot of Apple Cider Vinegar in this! First, you can smell and taste the strong vinegar. And if 500 mg powder = 2 tsp ACV, then I think these gummies contain about 2.7 TBSP of ACV! They also say this has B12 & folic acid which some folks say helps metabolism, and they claim to be naturally colored.
So Why Will I Probably Not Use These? My Teeth! These Gummies are strong, and taste pretty good, but they stick to my teeth, and I’m pretty sure that Sugar and Acid are not friends of teeth. I don’t need more cavities. So, If I ever ordered an ACV product again, I’ll probably get the kind you can swallow, which I think JustifiedLabs Also has.
S Christian –
These ACV gummies had a strong taste to me. I have tried other brands in the past and can’t say that they are my favorite, the texture I did like though- not too stiff. Haven’t taken long enough to notice any benefits.
Heidi S. –
I know this is very subjective, but I hate the smell of ACV and I want to be able to take it for it’s many health benefits. However, my gag reflex does not allow me to take it straight. I thought I’d order these and give them a try as I’ve been eating keto recently and if these worked it would be awesome.
I was a little nervous when I opened the bottle and I smelled ACV. However, one I took one all of my fears went away. I did taste a little ACV, but the apple flavor helped mask it. I take two of these a day before a meal, or after sometimes, and I’ve never had any issues with them. I like that I’m getting 2000mg of ACV powder along with folic acid and B12.
If you’re not a fan of the smell or taste of ACV, but you want the health benefits is may bring you, then this is a good options for you!