Keri Terapia Completa para o Corpo Original, Hidratação Contínua, 3 Hidratantes Essenciais (Vitamina E, Aloe Vera e Óleo de Girassol), 590 ml
Descubra a verdadeira essência da hidratação com o Keri Terapia Completa para o Corpo Original. Este hidratante contínuo é formulado para oferecer uma experiência de cuidado excepcional, combinando três poderosos hidratantes essenciais: Vitamina E, Aloe Vera e Óleo de Semente de Girassol. Com uma embalagem generosa de 590 ml, é ideal para o uso diário, garantindo que sua pele receba a atenção que merece.
A fórmula rica e cremosa do Keri penetra profundamente nas camadas da pele, proporcionando uma hidratação intensa e duradoura. A Vitamina E atua como um antioxidante, ajudando a proteger a pele dos danos causados pelos radicais livres, enquanto o Aloe Vera é conhecido por suas propriedades calmantes e regeneradoras, ideal para peles sensíveis ou irritadas. O Óleo de Semente de Girassol, por sua vez, é um emoliente natural que ajuda a selar a umidade, mantendo a pele macia e suave ao longo do dia.
Com o Keri Terapia Completa, você não apenas hidrata sua pele, mas também a revitaliza, deixando-a com uma aparência saudável e radiante. Sua fragrância suave e fresca proporciona uma sensação de frescor e bem-estar, tornando o momento da aplicação um verdadeiro ritual de autocuidado. Este produto é adequado para todos os tipos de pele, sendo especialmente benéfico para aqueles que enfrentam o ressecamento e a desidratação.
- Hidratação intensa e contínua que combate a secura da pele.
- Fórmula enriquecida com três hidratantes essenciais que trabalham em sinergia.
- Penetra profundamente na pele, proporcionando resultados visíveis e duradouros.
- Fragrância suave e fresca que proporciona uma experiência sensorial agradável.
- Indicado para todos os tipos de pele, ideal para uso diário.
Aplique o Keri Terapia Completa para o Corpo Original diariamente, massageando suavemente na pele limpa e seca. Concentre-se nas áreas mais ressecadas, como cotovelos, joelhos e pés, e massageie até a completa absorção. Para melhores resultados, utilize após o banho ou sempre que sentir necessidade de hidratação. A aplicação regular garantirá que sua pele permaneça hidratada e saudável ao longo do dia.
Shaquanna J. –
I have been using Keri lotion for 30+ years. It was recommended by my dermatologist. I have been ordering it from Amazon for numerous years but the last order I received was package different, instead of clear plastics covering each bottle of lotion it had tape that went over the top of the plunger title “The Gripper” . The 1st bottle I opened the top of the plunger was broken off & since this was the 1st time I have ever had a problem with the Keri lotion shipments I just put it in a different bottle with a plunger dispenser. BUT I JUST TRIED TO OPEN THE 2ND BOTTLE, BEING VERY CAREFUL TO CUT THE TAPE ON EACH SIDE OF THE PLUNGER BUT THE TOP WAS ALREAD BROKEN. I WILL CALL Amazon customer service to see what can be done about the 2 bottles I have left.
Amazon Customer –
I don’t dislike this product it make me skin soft which I like and the greasiness is a must you need to see you have on the product longevity it definitely need and quality of the lotion is everything the absorbency is on point the lotion is just amazing 🤩
TIna –
This lotion feels nice and hydrating and it has a soft light smell
AdeleFalk –
La súper recomiendo!
Quijana –
I have been using Keri lotion for decades, mostly on arms, legs, hands, feet, neck. Sometimes around my eyes and lips before bed. It is light, but rich, and on my cheeks and forehead it can cause blemishes. Weirdly fine around my lips and eyes. Please note that they are not advertising this for face. I just use it anyway. During the day I use Oil of Olay with SPV 15.
My Dad has been using Keri lotion for almost 50 years, even on his face and neck. Mostly on his face and neck. He is an outdoors in the sun guy who does not use sunscreen. He looks 20 years younger then he is.
Keri lotion absorbs into your skin rather then sitting on top.
No allergic reactions.
No strong scent. Will not interfere with your perfumes or colognes.
My Mom says they use it in nursing homes and hospitals for decades.
Keri lotion is the real thing. I have a bottle in all my bathrooms by the sink.
Highly recommend!
Quijana –
I have been using Keri Lotion forever. Very good lotion…not greasy but moisturizes the skin well. It’s perfect for me.
dion young –
Excellent. Used on post burn scars and great for dry skin as well.
Cindy Clark –
I love that I can purchase these on Amazon. Greta lotion, great feel and good scent. Absorbs great, feels wonderful on my skin. Removes dryness throughout the day. My go to for skin care.
Sweetie –
Keri body lotion is equipped with a handy pump to make applications smooth and controlled. The lotion has a pleasant scent that gives the user a fresh, clean feel.
This body lotion applies smoothly and evenly while penetrating deep into the skin.
Some may say it has a “greasy” component to it but it absorbs fast so it never becomes “sticky” .
My skin was noticeably hydrated after the first application. I have used “Keri” on my body daily and have seen an improvement. It keeps my skin hydrated and prevents flaky scales from appearing.
Most body lotions contain alcohol for fast absorption. Keri doesn’t contain alcohol which is known as an irritant for dry skin.
I recommend “Keri Daily Moisturizer “ for daily use. It’s affordable, pleasant and effective!
Excelente crema para hidratar! Mi piel está súper linda! La amo! –
The best moisturize lotion i have ever use it give my skin such a glow and softness at the same time it worth the spending