Descrição do Produto: Kaya Naturals Keto Diet Raspberry Ketone – Suplemento para Perda de Peso, Controle de Apetite, Aumento do Metabolismo – 60 Contagens
Kaya Naturals Keto Diet Raspberry Ketone é um suplemento inovador formulado para auxiliar na perda de peso e no controle do apetite. Com 60 cápsulas por frasco, este produto combina a poderosa cetona de framboesa com ingredientes que potencializam o metabolismo, promovendo uma queima de gordura mais eficiente. Ideal para quem segue uma dieta cetogênica ou deseja emagrecer de forma saudável, este suplemento ajuda a reduzir a fome, aumentar a energia e melhorar a disposição ao longo do dia. A cetona de framboesa é conhecida por suas propriedades antioxidantes, que também contribuem para a saúde geral do organismo. Com Kaya Naturals, você pode alcançar seus objetivos de forma prática e eficaz.
1. Controle do Apetite: Reduz a sensação de fome, facilitando o controle das porções e a adesão a dietas.
2. Aumento do Metabolismo: Estimula a queima de gordura, ajudando na perda de peso de forma mais rápida e eficiente.
3. Energia Sustentada: Proporciona um aumento de energia, ideal para quem pratica atividades físicas e deseja melhorar o desempenho.
4. Fórmula Natural: Com ingredientes de origem natural, é uma opção saudável para quem busca emagrecimento sem substâncias químicas.
5. Apoio à Dieta Cetogênica: Perfeito para quem segue uma dieta low carb, potencializando os resultados e facilitando a transição para o estado de cetose.
Para obter os melhores resultados, recomenda-se a ingestão de duas cápsulas ao dia, preferencialmente antes das refeições principais. É importante acompanhar a ingestão do suplemento com uma dieta equilibrada e a prática regular de exercícios físicos. Para maximizar os efeitos, mantenha-se hidratado e consulte um profissional de saúde antes de iniciar qualquer regime de suplementação, especialmente se você tiver condições médicas preexistentes ou estiver tomando outros medicamentos.
DebraOliver –
Of course still have to limit portion size and eat healthy non processed foods but great help in losing some weight. No jitters.
Adriane Steigerwald –
this product has helped me kickstart my weightloss. i get sustained energy without the jitters from the natural caffeine. they smell really good too so i can tell there is a good amount of african mango and raspberry ketones in the supplements
Kayla –
I bought 2 bottles of this product and so far I’m starting my second bottle and it has done the job!!! It makes me not feel hungry and gives me energy. I have lost weight from the product from keeping up with diet. Once I don’t diet and stop working out I stay at main maintained weight with only taking these and not eating right. With eating right and exercising and taking this product I lost 8 pounds in two weeks!!! This product is amazing to help you stay on track but it definitely won’t be a miracle worker unless you put in the work!!!!
Undisclosed –
I’ve used this product for almost two months and sadly I have seen no change in my body. I have maintained healthy eating and exercise but it did not work for me. That is not to say it does not or will not work for others. I was hoping for actual results.
Smik –
I decided to try this as I have hit a stubborn weight loss plateau and my husband loves the Kaya products he takes (gummy vitamins). It has a lovely raspberry aftertaste at first then you get used to it and I am like “I want to taste the raspberries”:) I had several days I actually expected to gain weight and I did not. So I started to keep doing that and eventually I did gain a half a pound where I would have gained much more. Now that my curiosity is satisfied I am back to my plan and I am losing weight with this product. I LLLLLLOOOOOVVVE it.
Elizabeth –
It’s hard to suppress my appetite but this actually works. It will always take discipline to not override the desire for the simple pleasure of eating but it’s so much easier with this product. I have many times, since I got these several days ago, gone to the refrigerator only to stop and say, ya know what, I’m not hungry. I feel calm and satisfied with less food. It also makes me feel energized without jitters. I’m happy with this product so far. It’s definitely helping me already.
One negative is that the directions call for a dosage of two (2) tablets *twice* daily. That would require 120 tablets for a month’s supply. There are only 60 tablets in the bottle but the bottle says “30-day supply”. That’s not accurate, but, the product is not expensive and I often pay over $16 for a month’s supply of many supplements. Just know that you should probably get two bottles if you don’t want to keep ordering this every 15 days.
Amazon Customer –
This is a great product. If you are trying to loose a little bit a weight. Have to remember nothing is a miracle pill and you still have to do your part with excerise and diet. Other than that I love it because it helps me maintain my weight without having to over do it with everything else. I can eat healthy but also for the most part eat what I want and not have to feel like I need to excerise every and drain myself either. It gives me energy throughout the day and helps with me feeling like it is raising my metabolism but not where I feel like I have the jitters all day or having an anxiety attach like you hear with other products. With great results can loose about a 1lb a week. For some they might say that is nothing but that is great for an average pill and not unhealthly either with loosing too much and than you just gain it all back again. So it is perfect for me and loosing 8lbs in 2 months is great or look at it as loosing 52 lbs in a year. Of course you can loose more depending on where you are at.
N. Anderson –
I noticed a change when first taking it and lost water weight mostly. By the end of the bottle I noticed very little change in weight or metabolism but did smell a little raspberry in the bathroom when going which makes me think it was just being expelled from my body by then.