Descrição do Produto:
O Fiji Vanua Kava Instant Old Roots Kava Powder é um pó de kava instantâneo de raízes antigas, originário das ilhas Fiji, que oferece uma experiência única e autêntica. Este produto é uma bebida de kava em pó desidratado, fácil de preparar e solúvel em líquido, ideal para quem busca os benefícios tradicionais do kava de forma prática e rápida. Com 4 oz de puro kava nobre, este suplemento herbal é perfeito para relaxar e promover o bem-estar. O processo de desidratação preserva as propriedades benéficas do kava, garantindo uma bebida suave e saborosa que pode ser consumida a qualquer hora do dia. Basta misturar o pó em água ou outra bebida de sua preferência e desfrutar de uma experiência relaxante e revigorante.
1. Relaxamento Natural: O kava é conhecido por suas propriedades relaxantes, ajudando a reduzir o estresse e a ansiedade de forma natural.
2. Foco e Clareza Mental: Além de promover o relaxamento, o kava pode ajudar a melhorar a concentração e a clareza mental, tornando-o ideal para momentos de estudo ou trabalho.
3. Fácil Preparação: Com sua fórmula instantânea, o kava pode ser preparado rapidamente, sem necessidade de equipamentos especiais, facilitando o consumo em qualquer lugar.
4. Origem Fijiana: Produzido a partir de raízes nobres de kava, este produto garante qualidade e autenticidade, trazendo a tradição das ilhas Fiji para sua casa.
5. Suplemento Herbal Versátil: Pode ser incorporado em diversas receitas de bebidas, permitindo que você experimente diferentes combinações e sabores.
Para preparar sua bebida de kava, adicione 1 a 2 colheres de sopa do Fiji Vanua Kava Instant Old Roots Kava Powder em um copo com 200 a 300 ml de água fria ou morna. Misture bem até que o pó esteja completamente dissolvido. Para uma experiência mais saborosa, você pode adicionar sucos de frutas ou mel. Recomenda-se consumir a bebida em um ambiente tranquilo para maximizar os efeitos relaxantes do kava. É importante começar com uma dose menor para avaliar a sua tolerância e ajustar conforme necessário.
Amazon Customer –
So, I tried this instant kava root powder, hoping for a relaxing vibe, but let’s just say it’s a little more “spa day” than “tiki bar.” The flavor is super light—almost like kava’s shy cousin who just shows up to wave from the sidelines. It did relax me a bit, but if you’re looking to get that traditional kava kick, this isn’t the one. I like my kava to make me feel like I just had a one-way ticket to the South Pacific, not just a mellow detour through my living room. Bottom line: it’s decent for a chill night, but if you’re hoping to get “kava hammered,” keep looking!
Peyton D –
This was the first time I tried Kava. We were planning on going to a Kava bar with some friends, so I ordered it to try it, just to see what it was like, before I took it in a group setting. I followed the instructions, mixed it up and drank it….I was not a fan of the taste, within a few minute my mouth began getting a numb feeling, I definitely felt relaxed and all seemed well. My wife hated the way it tasted and was not a fan of the effects. I went to bed around midnight feeling fine, I woke up around 4:30 itching like crazy and feeling warm. When i walked into the bathroom I immediately saw I was very red and covered in hives symmetrically across my knees, feet, elbows, armpits and chest, while my entire boy was much redder than normal, my skin also felt warm to the touch. I took 2 Benadryl, and 4 activated charcoal tablets in attempt to halt the histamine reaction, while ridding my body of any additional toxins. I continued this for the next 24 hours while it ran its course. After doing some research it said reactions like this are very rare, but up until now I have had no known allergies…But I do have one now.
Allan T Dinegar –
It certainly does the trick, but paying $60 for 4 ounces is just crazy expensive. I understand it is convenient, and you don’t have to spend 15-20 minutes kneading the Kava in water, like you do with micronized Kava, but it’s just way too expensive.
You have to realize, two heaping tablespoons equals approximately 28 grams(1oz), so 4 ounces comes out to eight heaping tablespoons, which amounts to approximately, eight dosages/servings.
One heaping tablespoon, which is the recommended dosage, creates a good effect. Honestly, I’m a little surprised, the effect is more pronounced than I anticipated.
You do the math, and decide what works for you. The price for how much you get seems to be a bit excessive. $60 for 8 servings?!
I would have given this product, a five star rating if not for the price. If you can afford it, go for it! 🙂
NY123 –
This stuff is great. The flavor is both rich and smooth and the same time, if that makes sense. Great balanced effects of the both heady and heavy variety. Long lasting and minimal, if any side effects (make sure you’re hydrating if having an extened session). Also, for those new to kava. This is REAL instant, not micronized. Real instant is fresher and cleaner tasting, with less side effects. Fiji Vanua Kava is a great, honest provider in the kava space. Great value for the money as well.
Makes for a really weak grog. I’m not even confident that it’s actually a dehydrated instant; still seems very much like a micronized and not a very good one at that. Quality is not worth the price at all. –
Quality is lacking. Makes for a weak grog and a sour stomach. I don’t believe it is a true instant kava. It’s micronized, and not a very good one at that. Definitely not worth the steep price, I would pass on this if you’re an experienced kava consumer.
Gwen –
Wow, nice dehydrated instant kava. This is great tasting instant kava. Well balanced, just enough relaxation. This is coming from a traditional kava drinker who is used to the earthiness taste of kava goodness. I was looking for a convenient instant option for on the go. Found it! Instant Old Roots it is!
This is absolutely first class, true instant (non micronized) Kava that mixes easy and has a great balanced effect, tending a little toward the heavy. It also has a great mood boost. 5 grams makes a potent serving, and it is hard to imagine any Kava lover not falling for this.
By way of comparison, I prefer it to Nakamal at Home’s Fire Island instant, which is sleepier and heavier without the mood boost and complex character of this one. This also easily blows away any other instant Kava available on Amazon in my opinion.
Chad –
Thought I was getting the original Fiji vanua… Absolutely no way 4 oz of micronized (not instant, this isn’t instant) is worth $50. Ridiculous