O creme para os olhos Kate Somerville Retinol Firming é um tratamento avançado e clinicamente comprovado que atua na delicada área dos olhos. Com uma fórmula leve e sedosa, este creme não apenas firma e ilumina, mas também hidrata visivelmente, melhorando a textura da pele. A presença do retinol estimula a produção de colágeno, resultando em uma aparência mais jovem e revitalizada. Com 15 ml de pura eficácia, ele se torna um aliado indispensável na rotina de cuidados com a pele, especialmente para quem busca combater os sinais do envelhecimento.
Clinicamente comprovado para melhorar a aparência de linhas finas, rugas, elasticidade e hidratação ao redor da área dos olhos após apenas 1 uso, este creme é a solução ideal para quem deseja um olhar mais jovem e descansado.
- Firmeza Visível: Este creme para os olhos com Retinol é clinicamente comprovado para firmar a pele, proporcionando uma aparência mais jovem e revitalizada.
- Iluminação Instantânea: Sua fórmula avançada ilumina a área dos olhos, reduzindo a aparência de olheiras e sinais de fadiga.
- Suavização de Linhas e Rugas: Com o uso regular, este tratamento anti-idade reduz visivelmente a aparência de linhas finas e rugas, deixando a pele ao redor dos olhos mais suave e rejuvenescida.
- Hidratação Profunda: A textura leve e sedosa deste creme proporciona hidratação intensa, mantendo a pele dos olhos macia e nutrida ao longo do dia.
- Resultados Rápidos: Após apenas um uso, você notará uma melhora significativa na aparência da área dos olhos, com resultados ainda mais impressionantes ao longo do tempo.
Inbal –
Makes you feel fancy the application is like no other. Idk if it works
LayLa –
Don’t use this every day and night like it says. It will work for awhile but them eventually It will start irritating your skin. Not worth the almost $100 price tag. You’re essentially paying for the real gold applicator tip… that has to be the only special thing about this eye cream. I really do think the cheaper comparisons on the market yield a lot better results than this bad boy. Seriously don’t do it. Buying this will only leave you wishing you would have just stuck to that one $30 cream you got at Walgreens that made you say, “I really think I’m starting to notice a difference,” a handful of times more than the other $15-20 creams you bought as soon as they hit the market. To sum it up, this wasn’t my miracle in a bottle which is the only reason I paid that much. Not for the gold tip that can or can’t be pawned I’ve yet to find out..
Amanda Ussery –
I really wanted to like this product. I was able to use it consecutively for about 3 days without any irritation. On the 4th or 5th day I noticed a little burning when I applied the product to my under eye. The next time I went to use it, my skin became red and irritated and I ended up washing it off and not using it anymore.
katarinaism –
Gentle retinol eye cream, I didn’t notice any dryness or irritation using this. I can’t speak too much to a big difference that I noticed, although I do feel that maybe the little lines under my eyes are a bit less apparent (late twenties). Main downside is the cost, although I received this as a sample with the purchase of a Foreo device. I would consider buying this again.
ELim –
Very gentle on under the eyes areas and there is no stinging.
Denise –
This is my second tube. Very small. Very expensive. It works if you use it as directed. The wrinkle appearance does get less visible.
DSS333 –
I have dark circles under my eyes and this is the only formula that has actually reduced them for me. I have come back again and again to it after trying other products that were either too harsh or did nothing.
Dixie Sanders –
This is the smoothest my under eye area has looked in a long time. I usually don’t spend this much on eye cream but this one is worth it.
northa w sanchez –
I’m in my 50s & have the hooded eyelid plus some extra eyelid skin. This product has improved my eyelid & made it much easier to apply eyeshadow. I can see a difference after continuous use morning & night. I use this product all around my eyes. Nothing is magic, but I’m happy with the results of this product. It only takes a small dot to use around the eyes, so the small product size will last along time. I use my index finger to apply so I wont accidently apply too much. It makes my eyelids very smooth. I recommend this product for anyone.