KAPPA NUTRITION Sleep 5: A Solução Natural para Noites Tranquilas
Em um mundo onde o estresse e a agitação do dia a dia podem interferir na qualidade do sono, o Kappa Nutrition Sleep 5 surge como uma solução inovadora e eficaz. Com uma fórmula 10 em 1, este suplemento à base de ervas foi desenvolvido por um neurologista, garantindo que cada cápsula contenha ingredientes naturais que promovem um sono reparador. Com 5mg de melatonina por dose, Sleep 5 não apenas ajuda você a adormecer, mas também a permanecer dormindo, restaurando seu ciclo natural de sono e proporcionando um despertar revigorante todas as manhãs.
A combinação única de ingredientes, incluindo raiz de valeriana, atua de forma sinérgica para acalmar a mente e relaxar o corpo, tornando a hora de dormir um momento de tranquilidade. Este suplemento não é viciante, o que significa que você pode utilizá-lo sem preocupações, sabendo que está fazendo uma escolha saudável para o seu bem-estar. A falta de sono pode comprometer o sistema imunológico, e com Sleep 5, você garante noites de sono profundo e restaurador, essencial para manter a saúde em tempos desafiadores.
Além disso, a Kappa Nutrition oferece uma garantia de devolução do dinheiro, demonstrando confiança na eficácia de seus produtos. Se você não estiver satisfeito com os resultados dentro de 30 dias após a compra, basta entrar em contato com o suporte ao cliente da Amazon para solicitar um reembolso. É sempre recomendável consultar um profissional de saúde antes de iniciar qualquer suplemento, especialmente se você estiver tomando medicamentos prescritos, grávida ou amamentando.
– Adormecer e Permanecer Dormindo: A fórmula 10 em 1 ajuda a regular o ciclo do sono, permitindo que você tenha uma noite de descanso contínuo.
– Desenvolvido por Especialistas: Criado por um neurologista, garantindo segurança e eficácia no combate à insônia.
– Fortalecimento do Sistema Imunológico: Um sono de qualidade é fundamental para a saúde geral, ajudando a manter o sistema imunológico forte.
– Fórmula Não Viciante: Pode ser utilizado sem preocupações de dependência, promovendo um uso seguro e responsável.
– Garantia de Satisfação: A confiança na eficácia do produto é respaldada por uma política de devolução, proporcionando segurança na compra.
Para obter os melhores resultados com Kappa Nutrition Sleep 5, recomenda-se tomar uma cápsula cerca de 30 minutos antes de dormir. É importante ingerir o suplemento com um copo de água, preferencialmente em um ambiente tranquilo e relaxante, para maximizar os efeitos calmantes. Evite o uso de dispositivos eletrônicos e outras fontes de luz intensa durante esse período, pois isso pode interferir na eficácia da melatonina. Para resultados ideais, utilize o produto regularmente e mantenha uma rotina de sono consistente.
Bob Windham –
When insomnia started making my life difficult, I decided to try this KAPPA NUTRITION Sleep 5, Sleep Aid, 5mg of Melatonin. I had been lying in bed exhausted but unable to sleep until 2 a.m. for over a week and waking up after just a few restless hours of sleep. I was a little unsure about this because I’ve tried a wide variety of supplements for sleep and not many have been effective. I bought these during a bout of stress-induced insomnia that caused me to wake up around 4-6 a.m., unable to fall back asleep. Or I would try to sleep early and struggle for hours to fall asleep. I was exhausted and desperate. These capsules have seemingly helped to stabilize my sleep enough that even if it’s interrupted, I can get back to sleep quickly. I don’t wake up feeling groggy like I do with some other supplements. I’m so happy to have these and will definitely always keep them stocked for those stretches of time when my sleep just won’t cooperate.
Eddy –
First off, I probably should have checked the ingredients in this; it contains magnesium, and I can’t have magnesium on an empty stomach. That’s not the reason it lost a couple of stars, though. On the nights where I have put in the effort to get a bedtime snack so I can take this sleep aid, I honestly haven’t noticed much effect. In fact, one of my worst nights recently was after taking this stuff. It might help some folks, but unfortunately I don’t seem to be one of them.
BriarRose –
KAPPA NUTRITION offers different ranges of their “SLEEP AID”, from 3mg Melatonin, 5mg, and 60mg
I was able to obtain the 5 and 60mg. What separates this brand from others is that they not give you additional health and wellness support through their addition of other soothing and healing ingredients such as Magnesium, Chamomile, Hops, Valerian, Coconut Oil, GABA, PassionFlower, to name a few to help the body and brain metabolize and adjust in coordination.
5mg may be better suited for those who are sensitive to the effects of Melatonin or get adverse effects from using it solely.
As for me, 5mg was not enough to provide profound sleep, but did provide a great calm if taken during the day.
Did not give any nightmares or strange dreams after 2 weeks of use, that’s good. No waking up cranky.
Eddy –
Great price. Nice Flip-top cap/bottle. Shrink wrapped and Tamper Seal. Made in the U.S.A.
Not unlike many people I suffer from insomnia from time to time and I use Melatonin, as directed, as a sleep-aid. So, I have experience using various melatonin products. With that in mind, I was initially skeptical of the blend of items (Chamomile, MCT Oil, Magnesium (in the form of Magnesium Lysinate Glycinate), L-Tryptophan, Valerian, Hops, Ashwagandha, Gaba, passionflower, and Melatonin) and the first few days left me considering a bad review. However, after approximately two and half weeks of use I have done a 180 and completely changed my mind. I have found this blend to be very helpful as a sleep-aid and I’m thrilled to have the chance to review it. The bottle is nice. The price is great, the flip-top cap is convenient, made in the U.S.A. is an added bonus to me and the bottle is protected by an outer shrink-wrap and an inner (under the cap) tamper-proof seal (refer to photos). The only negative, but not so much so that it warranted a deduction in the number of stars awarded, is the capsules are a bit larger than I’m used to. Taken as a whole, 5 out of 5 stars. I hope this review is helpful.
Average Joe –
I usually use the popular gummy variety of Melatonin but wanted to try something different, mostly because I often forget about taking it until after I’ve brushed my teeth and chewing on a sweet gummy always makes me feel the need to rebrush my teeth all over again.
This product not only is better in that it is a simple pill you swallow, but it comes with a variety of other additional ingredients to help with other sleep scenarios!
I have found it effective in geting me to sleep, and keeping me asleep. I usually wake up frequently through the night, but the additional ingredients have allowed me to remain asleep. When I first started taking it I did feel groggy when I would wake up, but that went away after a few days. I think it was just me getting used to the dosage of melatonin. Now I wake up alert and ready for the day which is all I ever want in a sleep aid.
Happy I discovered this brand. I’ll keep using it while it feels like it is working for me. A 60 day supply is also super appreciated since more and more of the gummies are going for 30 day supplies at high prices. This is a nice alternative.
Carolyn Carlson –
Sometimes they work sometimes they don’t.
Vine Reviewer –
Just a quick Internet search will tell you, how all of these ingredients can aid in sleep. However, if you are using this, after a strong sleep supplement etc, from your doctor, it may take time to adjust. Give this at least one week before you give up on it, in my personal experience. Now, understanding this, this one is a great combination supplement. Don’t eat right before taking it or it will be less effective. B+ rating
Reviewing: KAPPA NUTRITION Sleep 5, Sleep Aid, 5mg of Melatonin, 60-Day Supply, Non-Habit Forming Vegan Capsules Natural Ingredients for Easier Bedtime, Herbal Supplement, Valerian Root, Chamomile Non-GMO