Kan Herbs – Traditionals: Fórmula de Peônia e Alcaçuz 120 comprimidos
A Fórmula de Peônia e Alcaçuz da Kan Herbs é um produto inovador que combina as propriedades terapêuticas da peônia e do alcaçuz, oferecendo uma solução eficaz para o bem-estar feminino. Com 120 comprimidos por embalagem, esta fórmula é ideal para mulheres que buscam um suporte natural para a saúde hormonal e o alívio de desconfortos menstruais. A peônia, uma erva amplamente utilizada na medicina tradicional chinesa, é reconhecida por suas propriedades que promovem a circulação sanguínea saudável e aliviam dores, enquanto o alcaçuz complementa essa ação com suas características anti-inflamatórias e antivirais.
A peônia não apenas ajuda a regular o fluxo sanguíneo, mas também possui propriedades antioxidantes que protegem as células contra os danos causados pelos radicais livres. Por outro lado, o alcaçuz é conhecido por suas capacidades de aliviar a tosse e a dor de garganta, além de contribuir para a saúde digestiva e o equilíbrio dos níveis de açúcar no sangue. A combinação desses dois ingredientes poderosos em um único produto oferece uma abordagem holística para a saúde, promovendo o equilíbrio e o bem-estar geral.
1. Qualidade Premium: Fabricado com ingredientes de alta qualidade, garantindo eficácia e segurança.
2. Suporte à Saúde: Benefícios para a circulação sanguínea, alívio da dor, redução da inflamação e proteção antioxidante.
3. Base na Medicina Tradicional Chinesa: Uma prática milenar que busca o equilíbrio do corpo e da mente.
4. Suprimento Duradouro: Cada frasco contém 120 comprimidos, ideal para um uso prolongado.
5. Garantia de Qualidade: Produzido com os mais altos padrões de pureza e eficácia.
Para obter os melhores resultados, recomenda-se a ingestão de 2 comprimidos de Kan Herbs – Traditionals: Fórmula de Peônia e Alcaçuz duas vezes ao dia, preferencialmente durante as refeições. É aconselhável consultar um profissional de saúde antes de iniciar qualquer regime de suplementação, garantindo assim que o uso do produto seja adequado às suas necessidades individuais.
Freeman –
theyre small pills easy to take
Marcus R. Storms –
My original order of this product never showed up and it seemed to be a shipping carrier issue. tracking numbers started and handed to carrier but no updates and never arrived. I contacted the seller and they sorted it out. I got my product and it’s very nice. The tablets are in great condition and the seals were intact.
Heidi Williams –
A lighter menstrual
Karen –
This product has been amazing! I have PCOS, and I’ve been on birth control for fifteen years and have never wanted to be on it, but I HAD to stay on it because my acne is atrocious when I’m not on the pill.
I read about white peony and licorice helping with hormones and acne and figured hey, might as well try it. So I got off the pill, started taking this, and it has been six weeks since then and my skin has stayed clear and not oily like it usually is when I’m off the pill! This supplement has truly been a lifesaver for me, because my acne is SO BAD without this, and so far it looks like I won’t have to be on the pill anymore because of this miracle! Birth control can make insulin resistance worse in women with PCOS, so I’m even having a better time losing weight as well since I’ve been off the pill!
I couldn’t be more grateful that I found this. It is a bit costly since I take 3 tablets 2x a day, but it is so worth it! I HIGHLY recommend this to any women with PCOS that have acne problems, or any women with acne issues in general! I don’t recommend this for men since it does have estrogen-like effects on the body (but I’m no expert on the subject so take my advice with a grain of salt). But I am very happy I found this and I hope to never have to go back on the pill again and get my health back on track! Thank you so much for making this!
Sara Ullah –
My period has return (naturally!) after 5 years! Vitex helped me get a period once two years ago, but then it disappeared. Peony and Licorice worked very quickly (period came after less than a week of taking 2 pills twice a day), and it seems like a supplement us PCOS women can take long term. Looking forward to seeing if I ovulate and can finally get pregnant after 5 years of trying and failing!
A in NYC –
Was told by my doctor this would help my hormonal acne, however after a week of use my skin was about 50% worse, so I stopped.
th5321 –
I was diagnosed with PCOS after I went off the pill and my periods were all over the place – anywhere between 18 and 56 days apart. My GP suggested I go back on the pill even though I went off the pill because of behavioral issues in the first place. I started reading up on the condition and saw peony as an alternative treatment.
I was conservative in my dosing (1 pill once a day) and at first, I thought it had no effect but I persisted with use and completed a 6 month daily course in combination with 5-MTFH ( a type of folic acid supplement). About 5 months in with peony and 14 months after quitting the pill I became regular again and my last 4 cycles have all been in the 32-35 day range. I know I am ovulating regularly and my luteal phase is healthy length (14-15 days) as I use ovusense to follow my cycle and bbt.
I followed no other lifestyle interventions (I’m normal weight and I exercise 1-3x a week) with the exception of reduction in stress and travel thanks to coronavirus. I’m not sure if this product was the culprit of me becoming regular again, but it definitely didn’t hurt.
Littlegraycells –
I am giving this 1 star to reflect the unacceptable stance by Kan Herbs in choosing not to share information regarding the specific amount of each ingredient. Licorice, if consumed in excess over time, can interact with medications, cause high blood pressure, and create other health problems (research for yourself). Regardless the “proprietary” nature of the specific ingredient mix, Kan Herbs has a duty to inform its customers and assure them that taking this product will not prove detrimental to their health. It is not a matter of trust, it is merely good common sense for consumers to seek such data, and basic ethical practice for the manufacturer to provide it.