Descrição do Produto: KAL Ultra Biotin 10000mcg DropIns
O KAL Ultra Biotin 10000mcg DropIns é um suplemento líquido de biotina de alta potência, formulado para promover o crescimento saudável do cabelo, pele e unhas. Com uma concentração de 10.000 mcg de vitamina B7 por dose, este produto é ideal para quem busca fortalecer e revitalizar a saúde capilar e da pele. A fórmula em gotas, com sabor natural de frutas vermelhas, proporciona uma experiência agradável e prática de consumo. A biotina é conhecida por seu papel essencial na produção de queratina, uma proteína fundamental para a estrutura do cabelo e das unhas, além de contribuir para a saúde da pele. Este suplemento também oferece suporte energético, ajudando a combater a fadiga e a promover um bem-estar geral.
1. Crescimento Capilar Acelerado: A biotina estimula os folículos capilares, promovendo um crescimento mais rápido e saudável dos fios.
2. Fortalecimento das Unhas: Ajuda a prevenir a quebra e a descamação das unhas, tornando-as mais resistentes e saudáveis.
3. Pele Radiante: Contribui para a manutenção de uma pele saudável e com aparência jovem, reduzindo a opacidade e promovendo a hidratação.
4. Aumento de Energia: A biotina auxilia na conversão de alimentos em energia, combatendo a fadiga e melhorando a disposição.
5. Fácil Absorção: A forma líquida do produto permite uma absorção mais rápida e eficiente, potencializando os efeitos da biotina no organismo.
Para obter os melhores resultados, recomenda-se a ingestão de 1 ml (equivalente a 30 gotas) do KAL Ultra Biotin 10000mcg DropIns diariamente. O produto pode ser tomado diretamente ou misturado a água ou sucos. Agite bem antes de usar para garantir a homogeneidade da fórmula. É importante seguir as orientações de uso e consultar um profissional de saúde antes de iniciar qualquer suplementação, especialmente se você estiver grávida, amamentando ou sob tratamento médico.
Amazon Customer –
BE CAREFUL!! . I was taking the recommended dose everyday and within a week I noticed I was getting acne (I was aware that extra biotin can cause acne) so I switched to only using half of the recommended dose and the acne was getting worse even with drinking pleeeenty of water. So I just stopped taking it all together. The taste is great but the bumpy acne skin isnt worth it. I didn’t even notice any growth either but maybe I didn’t take it long enough. I stopped after like a month. But everyone’s body/skin is diffrent, dosnt hurt to try it out just be careful.
madhattressx5 –
UPDATE (Feb 2023): Below I said that I stopped using this because of acne, and I stayed away from it for a few years before starting it up again in November 2022. I read many accounts of people taking a B5 supplement in conjunction with this to counteract the acne. I decided to try it out, and so far I have no complaints! I take this every day, along with a 500mg B5 capsule, and my skin is clear. My hair also grew and inch in the last month of taking it and is now down to my belly button when stretched 🙂
I’m convinced this stuff is witchcraft. I have 3c/4a hair that normally grows half an inch/month. i got this because i’d recently big chopped some color damage and was impatient for new growth. I used it from mid January to the end of April and my hair grew from 9 to 12 inches in that time. 3 inches in about 3 months, when normally i’d have 1.5. double the growth rate! sorcery!!
despite this amazing growth, i chose to stop bc the rumors are true: if you don’t chug the proper amount of water everyday (like..90-130 oz.) you WILL break out. and viciously so. i’m normally not acne prone and i simply am not a big water drinker, so i could never keep up, and my skin suffered. my t zone and other random areas of my face broke out in painful red whiteheads weekly for nearly the entire time i was taking this except for during the first few weeks. i decided that wasn’t worth the growth. four months later my break outs have significantly gone down in frequency but im left with a lot of acne scars.
so beware!
Trixie –
I bought this because my hair was falling out every time I washed it, I was really freaking out. After a couple of months of taking about 12 drops every morning in my orange juice I have noticed a significant drop in hair loss on my brush and the thin patches on top of my head look like they are filling in again. My hair is growing too and that’s amazing because it’s seemed like it was staying the same length for years. I would say this works as long as you are consistent. I’m on my second bottle and I’m pretty sure I’ll take it every day indefinitely. Tastes good too.
Glo –
I’ve been using it for around a month and it’s really working my roots are growing.
Amazon Customer –
It doesn’t have a medicinal taste, it really just taste like a fruit punch. I usually get acne breakouts and dull looking skin with the pills I have tried, but I haven’t had any acne breakouts and my skin has become radiant and glowy. It may be a little too soon to say about my hair results, but I do believe my hair is fuller after a week. My nails were very damaged after my acrylics were taken off after 5 months. With this product my nails are noticeably stronger and they have gown very quickly. My mom has loved the results so much, she’s started using this product as well!
Amelia –
Hair, just like everything else needs time to heal and grow. I ruined my hair with bleach in 2021 and it’s been one hell of a journey to get it back. Now it finally looks healthy and manageable, and it’s not ripping at my self esteem. the first two pictures are when i initially purchased the product in December 2022. my hair grew almost 3-4inches in 3 months! the second two pics are from the end of march 2023. the product boost your hair growth expeditiously. but you have to take one full dose everyday. everyday in the morning or right before meal time. but only once a day and never more. will give another update when i finish this second bottle. 🙂 i don’t have anything bad to say about it other than you have to be patient because this product does not work overnight.
Michele –
Wonderful appearance and The taste and smell are a wonderful quality. The performance of liquid makes absorption better than a pill, with ease of taking, for myself. I have been taking this for a few years and no unwanted side effects.
Jennifer –
The jury is still out as to the benefits to my hair, which is the main factor for why I purchased this product. I can attest that around the time I received the package, I had deeply broken a fingernail down to the quick. Honestly, within the week, the nail had grown out substantially. WARNING: Like many other users, I did experience immediate breakouts and I consume more than half my body’s weight in water as a natural habit. I did some extensive research and learned that liquid delivery of Biotin is the best way to deliver the most effective results, HOWEVER, it decreases your body’s chemistry to produce the other B’s which would counteract the over-abundance of Biotin that you are taking with this. Thankful, I have been on an oral medication to help with cystic acne long before using this product. I increased my dosage and my breakouts disappeared. If you don’t have access to a dermatologist, I would suggest introducing this product gradually into your diet. Perhaps the first week you start with a 1/3 of a full dropper, then a half and so forth. More IS NOT better in this case unless you want to deal with horrible cystic acne. Please heed the warnings, and graduate up to a full stopper. I also mixed my vitamin in with a shake with all the greens, including aloe so the delivery was hedged by other Bs. The only reason I have not given this 5 stars is that I have not noticed significant scalp growth yet. As I said the jury is still out on that claim… Product came in two days as promised and the taste is pleasant.