Descrição do Produto: KAL Melatonin 3mg Sustained Release Sleep Aid
O KAL Melatonin 3mg Sustained Release Sleep Aid é um suplemento de melatonina de liberação prolongada, projetado para apoiar um ciclo de sono saudável e promover um relaxamento profundo. Cada comprimido contém 3mg de melatonina, uma substância natural que ajuda a regular o ritmo circadiano do corpo, facilitando a transição para o sono. Com a adição de vitamina B6, este produto não apenas melhora a qualidade do sono, mas também contribui para o bem-estar geral, ajudando a reduzir a ansiedade e o estresse. A fórmula vegana e livre de glúten torna o KAL Melatonin uma escolha ideal para aqueles que buscam um auxílio para o sono sem comprometer suas preferências alimentares. Ideal para pessoas que enfrentam dificuldades para dormir, viajantes que lidam com o jet lag ou qualquer um que deseje melhorar a qualidade do seu descanso noturno.
1. Melhora da Qualidade do Sono: Promove um sono mais profundo e reparador, ajudando a acordar revigorado.
2. Regulação do Ciclo Circadiano: Ajuda a restabelecer o ritmo natural do corpo, especialmente útil para quem trabalha em turnos ou viaja frequentemente.
3. Redução da Ansiedade: A combinação de melatonina e vitamina B6 auxilia na diminuição do estresse e na promoção de um estado de calma.
4. Fórmula Vegana e Sem Glúten: Atende a diversas restrições alimentares, tornando-se acessível a um público mais amplo.
5. Liberação Prolongada: A tecnologia de liberação sustentada garante que os efeitos da melatonina sejam prolongados ao longo da noite, evitando despertares indesejados.
Para obter os melhores resultados, recomenda-se tomar um comprimido de KAL Melatonin 3mg Sustained Release cerca de 30 minutos antes de dormir. É importante ingerir o comprimido com um copo de água em um ambiente tranquilo, evitando luzes fortes e dispositivos eletrônicos que possam interferir no processo de adormecer. Não exceda a dose recomendada e consulte um profissional de saúde antes de iniciar qualquer suplementação, especialmente se você estiver grávida, amamentando ou tomando medicamentos.
Sadie –
Kal Melatonin Sustained Release tabs at the best price I could find anywhere. Have tried other brands & and at larger doses – but this 3mg SR dose has the best efficacy for true sustained release – helping me sleep through the night. Tiny tablets that work – with no lingering side effects like prescription drugs. Bought from BuyVites before, and delivery was Lightning Fast.
Carrie Harrington –
Not effective
just me –
I’ve tried several types of melatonin, including a liquid formula but never noticed a difference.
My sister-in-law recommended this brand because it helped her sleep.
What did I have to lose?
So glad I tried it because it worked for me as well!
Gave some to another family member who had tried many various natural and pharma sleep aids.
It worked for her too.
Like all supplements, if you are not deficient, it probably won’t help you.
But it is a reasonably priced way to find out.
FYI – Seller was great. Product delivered in safe packaging and on time.
SpiritualOne –
Not much different from the OTC melatonin I have been using. It was worth a tr,y but unfortunately not with the expected.result.
I write now after using this product for a couple of months and it has made a difference in my ability to sustain sleep.
I would increase this review to 4 stars and will order another bottle. It was worth giving it a good try.
CaptainYonder –
I am generally very skeptical of causal claims made about the efficacy of herbal remedies, especially those that are geared towards cognitive and/or psychological functioning. This time-release formulation of melatonin has completely won me over. Since starting Chantix 9 weeks ago, I’ve been unable to sleep more than 5.5 hours a night. Every morning, I’ve awakened like clockwork at 4:00-4:15 am with vivid dreams and no desire to sleep, even though a 3 mg melatonin tablet (non-time release) has been part of my nightly routine. Four nights ago, I started the 3 mg KAL time-release formulation in place of the non-time release formulation. The first night, I slept an additional hour and a half. The next three nights (ending with last night), I slept 7.5 hours each. I’m suddenly back to my original cycle and EXUBERANT! If you suffer from early waking, I recommend adding this pill to your toolkit. I also recommend not eating within 3 hours of bedtime, not drinking alcohol or even tea before bed (bladder reasons), and keeping your window shut to help shush the birdies outside. Best of luck!
rh –
Good quality, effective product. I’ve used other brands, but always come back to Kal for this particular product.
Misspriss –
Love the size and easy to give to my dog( safe ingredients.) Wish bottle was smaller, but product great!
Coffeeshopsoftheworld –
I’ve tried many different brands and strengths of melatonin over the years. 3mg seems to be the best for me, but I’ve always found myself waking up at 3 or 4 AM. Not any more. This stuff works all night.