Descrição do Produto: KAL Magnesium Glycinate ActivGels 315mg
Desde 1932, a KAL tem se destacado no mercado de suplementos, oferecendo produtos de qualidade confiável que atendem às necessidades de saúde e bem-estar dos consumidores. O KAL Magnesium Glycinate ActivGels 315mg é um suplemento de magnésio de alta absorção, formulado para proporcionar suporte essencial para nervos, ossos e músculos. Este produto é especialmente desenvolvido para aqueles que buscam uma forma eficaz de aumentar a ingestão de magnésio, um mineral vital que desempenha um papel crucial em diversas funções corporais.
Os ActivGels de magnésio glicinato são uma escolha ideal para quem procura um suplemento não transgênico e livre de glúten, garantindo que você possa cuidar da sua saúde sem preocupações adicionais. O magnésio é conhecido por suas propriedades relaxantes, ajudando a aliviar a tensão muscular e a promover um sono reparador. Além disso, a sua formulação em gel facilita a absorção, permitindo que o corpo utilize o magnésio de maneira mais eficiente.
- Desde 1932
- Trust Quality
- Nerve, Bone and Muscle Support
- Non GMO
- Gluten Free
1. Alívio da Tensão Muscular: O magnésio ajuda a relaxar os músculos, reduzindo a rigidez e a dor.
2. Suporte ao Sistema Nervoso: Contribui para a saúde do sistema nervoso, promovendo um melhor funcionamento cognitivo e emocional.
3. Melhora na Qualidade do Sono: Ajuda a regular o sono, proporcionando um descanso mais profundo e reparador.
4. Fortalecimento Ósseo: O magnésio é essencial para a saúde óssea, ajudando a prevenir a osteoporose.
5. Fácil Absorção: A formulação em ActivGels garante que o corpo absorva o magnésio de forma mais eficaz, maximizando os benefícios.
Para obter os melhores resultados, recomenda-se a ingestão de 1 a 2 cápsulas de KAL Magnesium Glycinate ActivGels 315mg por dia, preferencialmente com uma refeição. É importante seguir as orientações do rótulo e, se necessário, consultar um profissional de saúde antes de iniciar qualquer suplementação. Mantenha o produto em local fresco e seco, longe da luz direta, para preservar sua eficácia.
Skorcho –
I decided to try these for 2 reasons:
1. I’ve been getting painful muscle cramps in my legs, feet, and toes for a while now, so my doctor recommended magnesium and potassium supplements; and
2. I know and trust the KAL brand, as I have purchased several of their supplements over the past 30 years and never been disappointed
I’ve only been using them for a few days so far, but here’s what I like about them:
* I can start with a lower dose, as my doctor suggested, and work my way up. Each soft gel gives you 25% of what you need (based on a 2,000 calorie diet). I’m currently taking 1 soft gel per day, but will eventually work my way up to 3 or 4 a day as directed on the label.
* In the short time I’ve been taking the low dose, I’ve already noticed a significant decrease in the frequency and severity of my cramps. I anticipate further improvement as I increase my dose. (NOTE: To truly test this product, I have not started taking any potassium yet.)
* No bad taste, actually no taste at all!
Here’s what I don’t like so much:
* They are big! They measure about 1” long x 3/8” wide (at the widest point), but they’re soft gels which makes them easier to swallow.
* They have a strong, unpleasant smell when you first open the bottle, but it’s not bad enough to make me not want to take them.
* 1 bottle is only a 30-day supply, if you take the suggested serving size of 3 per day.
I’m really glad I tried these since I’m already seeing the benefits. I recommend you give them a try too if you need a good magnesium supplement (and you’ve consulted with your doctor first).
Noreen –
Kal magnesssium came well padded so not to have a dented bottle. They are very easy to swallow which is a concern of mine. I like to take them before bed for leg cramps.
Uz Art –
I have heard this brand is the best, but me individually can’t take them because I have problems swallowing, so I gave them to my sis and she is taking them.
walter –
It’s too soon to see results from the nutrition but I’m excited about the potential benefits. I was pleased that the product came expeditiously and I definitely plan to buy from A2Z Central again.
Amazon Customer –
Taken regularly, my muscles do not ache like they had been.
Autumn W. –
I’m pretty particular about supplements. I always do my research on them beforehand. After personal experience I have concluded that this is quite possibly the best magnesium glycinate out there, even if you do have to take multiple tablets. I sleep so much better and my mood is so much more relaxed and chill. Highly recommend!
vunderstuff –
YouTubeに出てる何処の先生が飲んでるっていうから良いかと買ったけど 臭い!大きい!私には ゴミになりました。
Ted K. –
Actually this product is probably very effective. However, I wanted to say that the capsule is huge. That aspect is not indicated in the info provided. I thoroughly reviewed the photos and descriptions and found no info about how huge it is. The one photo of the capsule on the front of the bottle is very misleading. The capsule is about 1 1/8″ long and about 1/4″ wide. We bought this knowing this could be a problem and that turned out to be true. You may not have a problem swallowing it, but thought everyone should know.
vunderstuff –
This item came safety sealed with an inner seal. It has a well marked expiration date. Unfortunately it also had one of the new Amazon stickers plastered across the bottle that obscured some of the writing and instructions. Amazon has got to stop putting their labels across things that people need or want to read on items they are buying.
These pills are huge. The ad shows them being slightly smaller then an inch but the ones I received actually measured slightly over an inch. They are bigger then any other supplement or medication that I’ve tried. Trying to get one down per day is difficult but trying to swallow three per day is a real challenge. So far I have only managed to take a few of them so I can’t comment on their effectiveness. Other magnesium I’ve tried hasn’t been in this large a form. I’m not sure why this particular one is quite this big. If I can work up to their recommended dose, I will update the ad. Maybe if they found a new way to deliver it, it would help.