Juventude: Creme Facial Hidratante Anti-Idade 50g | Marca Youth
Descubra o Juventude, o creme facial hidratante anti-idade que redefine os padrões de beleza e cuidado com a pele. Com uma fórmula inovadora, este produto é a solução completa para quem busca manter a vitalidade e a energia da pele, promovendo uma aparência jovem e saudável. Enriquecido com ingredientes naturais e poderosos, o Juventude atua diretamente na redução dos sinais de envelhecimento, melhorando a elasticidade da pele e proporcionando um brilho radiante que reflete a saúde e o bem-estar.
O Juventude não é apenas um creme; é um verdadeiro aliado na luta contra o tempo. Sua composição única fortalece o sistema imunológico e promove a saúde geral, permitindo que os jovens aproveitem ao máximo a vida. Ao aplicar o creme, você sentirá a textura leve e sedosa que se absorve rapidamente, deixando a pele hidratada e revitalizada. Os ingredientes ativos trabalham em sinergia para combater rugas, linhas de expressão e flacidez, garantindo que sua pele mantenha a firmeza e a luminosidade.
Além de seus benefícios estéticos, o Juventude também se destaca por sua capacidade de promover uma sensação de bem-estar. Ao cuidar da sua pele, você está investindo em sua autoestima e confiança, permitindo que você enfrente o dia a dia com mais disposição e alegria. Com o Juventude, cada aplicação é um passo em direção a uma pele mais jovem e saudável, refletindo a energia vibrante da juventude.
– Redução visível dos sinais de envelhecimento, como rugas e linhas de expressão.
– Melhora da elasticidade e firmeza da pele, proporcionando um aspecto mais jovem.
– Hidratação profunda que promove uma pele radiante e saudável.
– Fortalecimento do sistema imunológico, contribuindo para a saúde geral.
– Textura leve e rápida absorção, ideal para o uso diário.
Para obter os melhores resultados com o Juventude, aplique uma quantidade adequada do creme sobre a pele limpa e seca do rosto e pescoço, massageando suavemente até completa absorção. Utilize o produto duas vezes ao dia, pela manhã e à noite, como parte da sua rotina de cuidados com a pele. Para potencializar os efeitos, recomenda-se o uso contínuo e a combinação com uma dieta equilibrada e hidratação adequada. Os resultados podem variar de acordo com o tipo de pele e hábitos individuais.
Otoadi –
So, I normally don’t leave comments unless it’s worth to put one out there for people that are in disbelieve of the product.
– So I’m on my third day on the pills 💊s. Normally, i go camping ( 🚽 ) 2 times a day. I have no problem with that. I would say this, I’ve visit the camping site a total of 5 times on this day. Pills are good if you are constipated.
– Pills are easy to swallow.
– You will get small type cramps here and there, nothing to crazy!
– After whipping your centers for 3 days you will find out that you will experience a burning feeling. It’s better to use wet wipes. Lol FYI
I mainly started this path to loose weight. I’m a gym head and I want to loose belly fat. So I’ll let you know how that went after my 15 days!
Kind Regards,
Hope this helped. You all a bit.
AG –
i started this cleanse on 8/18 with just the 2 capsules you take before bed. i immediately woke up and had to go. i alternate between 1 and 2 capsules at night and 1 capsule of the ACV. i can say this product doesn’t cripple you or make you have uncontrollable runs but it WILL make you go. in fact, the formula is so strong that some nights i just take 1 single capsule or skip it all together because i have to work the next day and don’t want to risk having to stop frequently when i feel it.
the stomach discomfort comes and goes but using the bathroom relieves it best. i get this really uncomfortable heat flash for a few seconds accompanied by belly pain, but i know it’s due to the ingredients. i’d do this no more than once or twice a year for a good cleanse.
Kiki –
I ordered these based on previous reviews and not much thorough research since I was in a rush to do a cleanse before an upcoming trip, BIG MISTAKE. 3 days into the cleanse, I’m having more than the typical symptoms everyone else was experiencing in terms of using the bathroom excessively. A very long story short, I was having EXTREME abdominal pain, cramps, throwing up blood….it was a nightmare. I was rushed to the ER and after having a bunch of test ran and telling them I had been taking these pills, I was informed that I developed an infection in my colon and also was diagnosed with UC (ulcerative colitis). I immediately stopped taking the pills and began medication for UC. Please consult with your doctor to see if this is right for you. I’m not sure had I asked my provider if they would’ve been able to predict I’d develop an infection; but do not just go based off reviews like I did, the repercussions could be worse. Lesson learned.
Jessie Anderson –
When I got these in the mail I started taking them that day. After about 5 hours or so I had the absolute worst cramps I’ve ever had and my stomachs was so grumbly. I ended up spending my evening on and off the toilet. I was only able to use them for 4 days because I was starting to be nauseous and dehydrated, even though I was drinking a gallon of water a day. I started to just take them when I’ve been constipated and bloated for a while. I definitely feel so much better the next day, but the intense stomach cramping is not it for me!
ChrisTreeNa –
So I am one of those people that doesn’t have a poop everyday – and when I do it’s not big and it’s a little painful ‘cause I’m back up… it was really starting to bother me that I felt bloated all the time so I decided to try something new. This stuff really works. I am so, so happy. Every morning now I am having a good poo and like someone else wrote I am having the chocolate smoothie and it doesn’t hurt so I am really stoked and feeling much lighter. It’s the boost I needed in my
Weight loss after having twins last year.
D. Ket –
I’ve not liked other cleanses. Too harsh and you feel chained to the bathroom. Not this one. It’s gentle, not urgent and very comfortable to use. Also included is an Apple Cider Vinegar probiotic in a separate bottle. You’ll experience loose bowels; however, you won’t find yourself dashing to the bathroom. No cramps, no urgency. I love it!
Aubrey G Allen Jr –
These pills are not for the weak……..
mauiknutson –
Used this multiple times. Able to use for three cleanses, 10 days each. Good product and will continue to purchase. Easy to swallow and take on the go.