Juventude: Creme Facial Hidratante Anti-Idade 50g | Marca Youth
O Juventude é um creme facial hidratante anti-idade que se destaca por sua fórmula inovadora e eficaz, projetada para oferecer uma solução completa para a manutenção da juventude da pele. Com 50g de puro cuidado, este produto é ideal para quem busca promover a vitalidade e a energia da pele, ajudando a manter uma aparência jovem e saudável. Enriquecido com ingredientes naturais e poderosos, o Juventude atua diretamente na redução dos sinais de envelhecimento, melhorando a elasticidade da pele e proporcionando uma aparência radiante.
Os benefícios do Juventude vão além da estética. Este creme não apenas hidrata profundamente, mas também fortalece o sistema imunológico, promovendo a saúde geral do usuário. Com sua aplicação regular, é possível notar uma pele mais firme, com menos rugas e linhas de expressão, permitindo que os jovens aproveitem ao máximo a vida, sentindo-se confiantes e revitalizados.
1. Hidratação profunda que combate a secura da pele.
2. Redução visível dos sinais de envelhecimento, como rugas e linhas finas.
3. Melhora da elasticidade da pele, proporcionando um aspecto mais firme.
4. Aumento da luminosidade e radiação da pele, promovendo um visual saudável.
5. Fortalecimento do sistema imunológico, contribuindo para a saúde geral.
Para obter os melhores resultados com o Juventude, recomenda-se aplicar uma quantidade adequada do creme sobre a pele limpa e seca do rosto e pescoço, realizando movimentos circulares suaves até completa absorção. Para maximizar os efeitos, utilize o produto duas vezes ao dia, pela manhã e à noite. É importante realizar um teste de sensibilidade antes da aplicação e, caso ocorra qualquer irritação, suspenda o uso e consulte um dermatologista. Mantenha a pele sempre hidratada e proteja-a da exposição excessiva ao sol para garantir resultados duradouros.
Saywhat?! –
1- Read the instructions on how to use all three bottles and follow them
2- Do not assume please google the most effective way to do a 15 day cleanse
3- Exercise a minimum of 30 minutes a day
4- Listen to your body and drink plenty of water
5- This product is designed to make you poop 💩. Do not take it if you are an unwilling participant or have a lot to do.
6- Cottonelle bathroom wipes for those who need it.
7- Bathroom spray is needed. It’s a cleanse 🤷🏽♀️
8- it’s okay to read the negative reviews, but I highly suggest you try for yourself
9- I bought this product in an effort to lose some uninvited weight. I’m down 5lbs in 6 days.
10- Additional reminder drink plenty of water, exercise, and eat healthy. This = NO CRAMPS. This is a cleanse.
James Dade –
NO ONE has the right way to measure the claims nor the potency of this product – They claim it all they want -Trump also claimed he won the elections – the truth tells a different story. This product is NOT what it is drummed to be – I saw no movement or betterment in any of the products – No one has a way to “Test” the cleansing of the Liver (if you cannot believe that there is a God, how can you believe that this thing cleans your kidneys) without proof? I think you got the point – save your money, buy yourself and your kids some ice cream with $20 of the money, and spend the other $20.00 on gas to drive around and watch the flowers grow.
Darcy C. –
I want to say that I am infinitely grateful! I’m going to tell you my experience! First of all, do it with determination and a positive mind. Eating healthy is essential, exercising at least 5 days a week is essential because the body in motion makes the products work better. 1. 15 day cleanse is great to clean the color take two capsules at night I suggest drinking a lot of water at least half a liter before going to sleep… 2. the Kidney cleanse and the water weight away are taken the day after your first food, I suggest taking it right after you have been able to go to the bathroom 💩 I could even say that if you fast and take the morning drink water and without any food it works better. and after eating your first meal you can take the capsules of the day, because it works better, fasting effectively cleanses the body and renews the cells. I fast in my way of life, eating only twice and I purchased these products to obtain a detoxification and to see my body cleaner. I exercise regularly and I’m a runner so I have a lot of movement every day! This gave me incredible energy. I suggest moving around in the morning so you don’t get so much cramps and you can go to the bathroom to have a bowel movement. The cramps are not as strong in my case because I eat healthy fruits and vegetables, high in protein and fiber. Therefore, if you eat dairy, cheese and ultra-processed food, they will probably give you more cramps and pain in your stomach. It is essential to take into account that in this 15-day period the most important thing would be a light, healthy diet without canned foods, sausages or dairy products, preferably chicken soup, lots of clean raw fruits and vegetables. and eat only at home. Do not drink alcohol and drink at least 3 liters of water. more water than usual because these supplements require you to drink a lot of water… it is important to take this into account! .. I lost a few free ones, my abdomen went down… I don’t have marked abdominals yet but it helped me a lot to reduce inflammation and look better, additionally I used a mild fat burner to help have more definition of my muscle mass… These supplements are powerful… you will obtain incredible results in just 3 days and you will evacuate all the toxins that you have accumulated. You will feel a change from inflammation to the skin that will look better… Take into account the diet please… I was super addicted to cheese and now after I cleanse my body this way… it doesn’t make me eat any dairy products. I discovered that what inflames a woman’s belly the most is dairy products… the cleaner you eat the better! I hope they work for you as much as they do for me! I bless you with much success in taking these wonderful supplements!
Just~Jodi –
Listen to your body
Toy W. –
I was completely mind blown at glue amazing this product really is. I honestly didn’t have much hope bc My body is so hardheaded and over half of the time the products never worked. I paired this with the “Slim Tighten and Tone” pill (black and pink bottle) with eating clean and drinking 1- 1/2 gallons of water a day, and I dropped 4 pants sizes in a week just by getting rid of excess bloat ALL OVER my body! If you take any daily meds DO NOT TAKE THIS AT THE SAME TIME! I learned the hard way and cleansed my body of my anti depressants and thyroid meds, so I started taking my meds first, and then starting the cleanse about 3-4hrs later to give my meds time to get good in my system. I’m super happy with this product and I think you will be too. OH! And don’t eat anything with the slightest bit of extra natural oils and fats. You’ll be wishing you hadn’t later lol
Darcy C. –
Es la primera vez usando este producto, en 5 dias de detox perdi 2 libras. La razon po la que lo comence fue porque me sentia hinchada, a pesar de ir al gym 4-5 veces por semana y comer bastante sano.
Solo tomé un capsula del detox con 12-16 onzas de agua o bebida de electrolitos.
En la mañana vas a ir al baño 2-3 veces, luego de eso te vas a sentir liviana, si te sientes con nauseas bebe mucha agua. Las capsulas para la retencion de liquido y limpieza de riñones me la tome en ayuna y luego otro con comida.
Joineesha StrmCld –
It works to “clean you out” but the one for water retention doesn’t do anything.
Vanesaa –
It worked through my system like I expected however left my stomach cramping, it’s not as natural as I would like.