Descrição do Produto: Just Jaivik 100% Organic Amla Powder
O Just Jaivik 100% Organic Amla Powder é um produto de alta qualidade, certificado pela OneCert Asia, que traz a pureza e os benefícios do Amla, também conhecido como groselha indiana (Emblica Officinalis). Com 227 g (1/2 lb / 8 oz) de pó, este produto é ideal para quem busca uma opção natural e saudável para complementar a dieta. O Amla é amplamente reconhecido por suas propriedades antioxidantes e nutritivas, sendo uma fonte rica em vitamina C, polifenóis e outros compostos benéficos. O pó é obtido a partir de frutas frescas de Amla, secas e moídas, garantindo que todos os nutrientes essenciais sejam preservados. Este produto é 100% orgânico e possui certificação USDA, assegurando que não contém aditivos químicos, conservantes ou pesticidas, tornando-o uma escolha segura e saudável para o seu bem-estar.
1. Rico em Antioxidantes: O Amla é uma das fontes mais ricas de vitamina C, que ajuda a combater os radicais livres e a proteger as células do corpo.
2. Fortalecimento do Sistema Imunológico: O consumo regular de Amla pode ajudar a fortalecer o sistema imunológico, tornando o corpo mais resistente a infecções.
3. Melhora da Saúde Digestiva: O pó de Amla pode auxiliar na digestão, promovendo um trato digestivo saudável e aliviando problemas como constipação.
4. Saúde da Pele e Cabelo: O Amla é conhecido por suas propriedades de rejuvenescimento, contribuindo para uma pele mais saudável e cabelos mais fortes e brilhantes.
5. Regulação do Metabolismo: O Amla pode ajudar a regular os níveis de açúcar no sangue e a melhorar o metabolismo, sendo benéfico para quem busca controlar o peso.
Para aproveitar ao máximo os benefícios do Just Jaivik 100% Organic Amla Powder, recomenda-se a adição de 1 a 2 colheres de chá do pó em smoothies, sucos ou iogurtes. Também pode ser incorporado em receitas de bolos, pães ou mingaus, proporcionando um toque saudável e nutritivo. Para uso tópico, o pó pode ser misturado com água ou óleo de coco para criar uma máscara facial ou tratamento capilar, promovendo a hidratação e revitalização da pele e dos fios. É importante armazenar o produto em um local fresco e seco, longe da luz direta, para preservar suas propriedades.
Olga –
The cardboard package was opened, I think the sticker they use doesn’t work too good. The inside silver package was completely sealed, so the product was brand new. The product is good, as far as quality, I just find the flavor a little bitter for me, so I used some honey with my juices. That is the natural flavor, just not used to it.
Custom Herbal Consults –
I do really like this product and this brand. So the only reason to taste got a one-star because it does taste horrible and I wouldn’t want to mislead anyone attempting to purchase. You do get a good amount for your dollar with this brand. Which is why I gave five stars for the value for your money. It was easy to put into pill form so that kind of eliminates the flavor issue. But that’s great, fine dust. I’ve already purchased twice and I do plan to purchase again. Each client that I have introduced to this product really loves it and plans to purchase or has already purchased themselves. They’ve got a loyal customer here. Definitely worth the purchase even if you’re just trying it for the first time.
Capt Cabo –
I bought this brand because it was organic and it was what was recommended for the ingredients for smoothies. It is a great value compared to what the stores charge and it is great for adding the smoothies. I will buy more product from this manufacturer because it’s an excellent organic product.
Neil –
I am pretty familiar with the taste of Amla powder as I come from India where you can find fresh Amla or anything related to its products including powder abundantly…and I can attest to the powder from this company, the taste is very FRESH and very potent! I bought Amla powder from other company in the past, and it wasn’t even close to this one.
In general, I am very satisfied with Just Jaivik’s products and I always recommend their products to my friends! I am surprised to see some reviews for bad or steal taste!!!
Also, Amla powder isn’t a candy that one would have a sweet/sour candy taste, it’s an herb, obviously it would taste different than your normal food! Stop complaining of taste… 😀😜
BTW, the package is redesigned and is very nice! It now comes with a little measuring spoon!!!
Larissa –
This is exactly what I ordered, and excellent quality. Will definitely order from this seller and company again.
SL –
This has a strange smell. We have to throw it in the garbage! Unfortunately, this is non-refundable.
cari –
I haven’t noticed it making my hair grow any faster. But, it does seem to give me less hair fall which I had a problem with. My nails also seem to be stronger. Other than that I don’t feel any differently. It is easy to dissolve but some do settle at the bottom. It is easily dissolved with a few swirls of the cup. The taste doesn’t bother me (I haven’t tried drinking it in water yet). It will give the juice a certain sourness akin to the candy Warheads. Or a little more sour than cranberry juice. The tape on the outside of my box looked like it had been removed then replaced. The package on the inside was intact. The package is sealed in a way that it would have to be cut in order to be tampered with. So, that did reassure me but I wish it was re-sealable after being cut open (like a ziploc). I also wish the box had instructions telling you how much to ingest. I had to read through reviews to get this information. When I looked online I got a lot of information about how to make a paste for your hair but not how to properly consume.Overall, I would recommend this product to someone else.
Amazon Customer –
item was good
Leslie –
It is just what I expected.