Descrição do Produto: Jubilance PMS Support – Oxaloacetate PMS Relief Vitamin for Women
Descubra o Jubilance, o suplemento inovador e livre de hormônios, projetado especialmente para aliviar os sintomas da TPM (Tensão Pré-Menstrual) de forma natural. Com uma fórmula clinicamente comprovada, Jubilance é a escolha ideal para mulheres que buscam uma alternativa não-GMO e vegana para lidar com as oscilações de humor, ansiedade, estresse e irritabilidade que frequentemente acompanham esse período do mês.
A eficácia do Jubilance é respaldada por estudos clínicos revisados por pares, que demonstram uma redução significativa dos sintomas em apenas 30 dias de uso. Milhares de mulheres ao redor do mundo confiam neste suplemento, que é reconhecido pela FDA. O ingrediente ativo, Oxaloacetato (OAA), é cientificamente comprovado para ajudar a aliviar sintomas psicológicos e comportamentais leves a moderados associados à TPM.
A fórmula pura e potente do Jubilance contém apenas Oxaloacetato (OAA) e Vitamina C, garantindo máxima biodisponibilidade, sem adição de enchimentos, hormônios ou ingredientes artificiais. É 100% vegano e não contém organismos geneticamente modificados. Com uma dosagem prática de apenas uma cápsula por dia, Jubilance oferece um suporte poderoso para o sistema de glicose do cérebro durante a TPM, ajudando a manter o equilíbrio emocional e a reduzir o estresse.
– Alívio natural dos sintomas da TPM, como irritabilidade e ansiedade.
– Fórmula clinicamente comprovada com resultados visíveis em 30 dias.
– Ingrediente ativo reconhecido pela FDA, garantindo segurança e eficácia.
– Composição pura e potente, livre de hormônios e aditivos artificiais.
– Praticidade de uso com apenas uma cápsula diária, facilitando a rotina.
Para obter os melhores resultados, recomenda-se a ingestão de uma cápsula de Jubilance diariamente, preferencialmente com um copo de água, durante o período de TPM. É aconselhável iniciar o uso pelo menos uma semana antes do início esperado dos sintomas, para maximizar os benefícios do suplemento. Mantenha o produto em local fresco e seco, longe da luz direta, e siga as orientações de um profissional de saúde, se necessário.
EmpathEtch –
With it being mere days from my cycle starting, normally I would be a raging angry woman by now. With it being only the first month taking this product, I cannot 100% say it’s working until I get two months at least With a break from my spycho week. I can say without a doubt tho that I have never felt this relaxed and not crazy the week prior to my cycle starting, when I wasn’t taking jubilance. I actually feel completely normal. So I would absolutely recommend trying this product.
Amazon Customer –
I’d maybe even give it four stars because I know in general it DOES work, but my personal experience currently takes it to two stars. I have been on Jubilance for 6 months. During PMS, I noticed a curb in appetite and mood consistency (my two main reasons for trying it!). In the past three months, however, it’s efficacy has seemed to wane concerning the reduced appetite. I would like to continue to stay on it because it seems to still help with mood, however, I decided to stop it all together to see if it would help my energy levels that have been struggling lately. I just thought I may as well leave no stone unturned to figure out why I was struggling with that. My energy levels haven’t changed, but What I have noticed is that suddenly I am not craving food like I was! And now I’m suspicious that it’s been the cause of my weight gain!! Has anyone else had this experience? Additionally, before getting off of it, I thought I would try two pills a day. That only seemed to add to the fatigue I was already experiencing with seasonal allergies; I just couldn’t handle it. I would also like to know if anyone has tried two pills because they noticed a decrease in symptom improvement over time? That just doesn’t make sense to me, but I’m just suspicious that my body is reacting to them in basically the opposite way it once was 🙁
Emma Berley –
I was suffering from extremely bad PMS for 15 years, and ever since I started taking Jubilance, the symptoms have seriously dissipated. Having Jubilance in my life is such a huge relief on my mental health, productivity, and relationships with family, friends, and co workers! I am so happy that this product is on the market. If you suffer from bad mood swings during PMS, I highly recommend giving it a try. For me, it worked right away. I have been taking Jubilance (1-2 pills a day) for over 2 years, and my PMS is no longer an issue for me. I am a much happier, more regulated person! 5 stars!
Peg –
Saw an ad, thought I’d try them since I become a raging b during my cycle. I annoy myself how angry and irritable I get during the week before I start. I took these once a day the week before my period started and I felt great. It didn’t help with cramping at all, but it sure did help me with the irritability….and to stay married. 🙂 I didn’t take them after I started…which my irritability tends to ease at that time anyway naturally. I recommend giving them a shot. I’m very surprised at how well they helped.
Heather K –
I have endometriosis and really bad pms so I thought this would help. I tried it for 2 days but it made me feel super weird. I got like a pressure type headache in my forehead, and I felt irritated and unhappy. It made me really frustrated feeling, like life was hopeless. Not quite suicidal just very unhappy, i’m not going to keep taking this. It messed me up. It was terrible and a waste of $50.
Rebecca M. –
I’ve struggled with emotional regulation around my period all my life. It’s kept getting worse as I aged. Finally, a product that helps me feel in control of myself!!! This stuff really works to keep my hormones balanced and emotions in check all month long. Wish there was a cheaper version of this, but I’ll keep paying the high price as long as it works.
Additionally and unrelated, it looks like Oxaloacetate is also being explored to help Alzheimer and Parkinson patients, so might be good for more than just PMS Support??
Denise –
I’ve been trying to ditch antidepressants, my doctors only gave two options for emotional PMS symptoms “you take anti contraceptive pills or antidepressants”. Pills gives me side effects and antidepressants makes me feel flat. So I was looking for an alternative. I only feel bad the week before of my period, so why take a med that will change my entire month mood. I found online studies about Oxaloacetate supplements and their efficacy and decided to give it a try. Noted improvement in depression, for perceived stress and anxiety, first time ever that I noticed a supplement helping.
Downside is that is expensive but I definitely pays off the lack of PMS emotional symptoms.
Amy B –
This product is life changing for me. I have suffered from bad pms symptoms my whole life that have only worse over the years. Normally I’m an anxious, moody mess the week before my period. I’ve been taking Jubilance for the past three months and now my period sneaks up on me! I have almost no symptoms (still a bit of bloating but this product is not meant to address that). Even my husband noticed the positive difference in my mood. The first month was subtle improvement but by the second month I honestly felt like a new and improved person. I’ve never felt more hormonal balanced. It’s expensive, but absolutely worth it for me.