Descrição do Produto: JSHealth Vitamins Skin and Digestion Formula
A fórmula de vitaminas JSHealth para pele e digestão é um suplemento inovador que combina ingredientes poderosos para promover uma pele saudável e uma digestão equilibrada. Com 60 comprimidos, este produto é ideal tanto para adolescentes quanto para adultos que buscam uma solução eficaz para problemas de pele, como acne, manchas e textura irregular. A presença de zinco, bardana e cúrcuma em sua composição atua sinergicamente para oferecer resultados visíveis e duradouros.
- Pele Radiante e Saudável: A fórmula é projetada para controlar eczema e manchas, reduzir espinhas císticas, cravos, vermelhidão, protuberâncias faciais, poros dilatados, surtos hormonais menstruais e acne adulta. Além disso, ajuda a minimizar cicatrizes, textura áspera e dermatite.
- Digestão Saudável: Este suplemento também apoia a saúde gastrointestinal, ajudando a aliviar inchaço e gases, proporcionando uma sensação de estômago mais plano e um bem-estar geral.
- Benefícios de Saúde Comprovados: A fórmula vegana é baseada em ensaios clínicos que demonstraram a eficácia dos ingredientes na melhoria da pele e da digestão.
- Compromisso com Qualidade, Pureza e Segurança: Produzido sob os mais altos padrões de boas práticas de fabricação (cgmp) em uma instalação moderna na Austrália, garantindo um produto de qualidade superior.
- Fórmula Limpa: Livre de glúten, laticínios, lactose, soja, açúcar, nozes (incluindo amendoins e nozes), levedura, peixe, ovos, MSG, sulfitos, trigo, corantes artificiais, sabores, adoçantes e produtos de abelha.
1. Controle Eficaz da Acne: Reduz a ocorrência de espinhas e melhora a aparência geral da pele.
2. Melhora da Saúde Digestiva: Alivia desconfortos como inchaço e gases, promovendo uma digestão saudável.
3. Fórmula Comprovada: Baseada em estudos clínicos, garantindo resultados eficazes e confiáveis.
4. Segurança e Pureza: Produzido em instalações certificadas, assegurando um produto livre de contaminantes.
5. Adequado para Todos: Fórmula vegana e livre de alérgenos comuns, tornando-o acessível a uma ampla gama de consumidores.
Para obter os melhores resultados, recomenda-se a ingestão de dois comprimidos diariamente, preferencialmente com uma refeição. É importante manter uma rotina consistente para maximizar os benefícios do suplemento. Consulte um profissional de saúde antes de iniciar qualquer regime de suplementação, especialmente se você estiver grávida, amamentando ou tomando medicamentos. Armazene em local fresco e seco, longe da luz direta.
Carrie Erin de Ridder –
I took these vitamins for about a week and half. I had clear skin and thought these would just help my skin get better. Looking back I wish I never toonk these- my skin has not stopped breaking out since I started taking these. Something in this product has made my skin go crazy and it horrible. Please if your allergic to biotin stay away from this product. It doesn’t show biotin but this product definitely contain traces of it. Had to be prescribed antibiotics to take care of my skin! Worst purchase ever!
Amazon Customer –
Yo be careful with this one everyone. The ingredients are great and I noticed a difference in the strength of my hair and nails and complexion but these pills are gigantic!!! Baby submarines. They’re like the size of a house key so I cannot be buying these again. Just way too big.
Courtney Surles –
Anyone and everyone who struggles with acne or breakouts should buy these right now! Three years ago I went from basically perfect skin to daily breakouts that affected my self confidence so much that I barely wanted to leave the house. Even through my teenage years people asked me what my secret to blemish free skin was but all I did was ignore my skin aside from a quick wash with body wash in the shower and wearing a mineral sunscreen. Then just out of the blue I started breaking out horribly with both deep, cystic, hormonal pimples (the really painful ones!) and non-hormonal whiteheads and blackheads. It was so frustrating and I tried so, so many things trying to fix it! I am very careful about what I put on and in my body so I avoided the more intense chemical options, but unfortunately the natural options tend to be even more expensive! Over the last three years it has all added up to more than $2,000 spent on skincare lines and supplements that all promised to fix my skin but had very little impact. Even when I’d find a pretty good topical system that helped I would still have the deep pimples that never really went away.
With Skin+Digestion I started noticing a difference in three days!! The blemishes I did have were less sore and inflamed and were slowly shrinking and I also wasn’t developing any new ones. Within two weeks after that I realized there was absolutely no question it was making a difference.
I am completely blown away by the fact that not only do I not have a single hormonal or non-hormonal breakout! And my skin just feels healthier! I am still struggling with some scarring and congested pores but compared to what it used to be I am THRILLED! And I actually think the supplement along with the light cleanser, topical Vitamin C serum, and moisturizer that I’m using now are actually even lightening up the scarring quite a bit! I was never a big makeup wearer even with my breakouts because I was always concerned it was going to clog my pores and make it worse, but now I’m actually perfectly happy and confident to just wear my tinted sunscreen everywhere.
I was pretty nervous to spend more money since I’ve already spent so much on products that haven’t worked but I told my boyfriend that I would spend half my paycheck and sleep in a van to have skin this clear so it’s worth every penny! Haha.
I do want to mention that I was so excited to try the supplement when it arrived that I ignored the directions on the bottle and took it without eating first which was a mistake. It made me pretty nauseated and uncomfortable. So don’t be like me! Follow the directions! Fortunately I haven’t had a problem since the first time now that I make sure to eat it with at least some fruit or toast.
TL;DR Just try them right now!!! My skin is quickly on it’s way to clear and beautiful again, from the inside out, and I can’t tell you how incredibly excited I am! I will NEVER run out of these vitamins!
C. D. W. –
I purchased this product because a friend of mine was already using it. She always looks great, has glowing skin and a general sparkle about her. I was excited to get the pills and new I would not see changes immediately as everything takes time. I do not suffer from acne any more but my skin always seems blah. I have noticed a big difference in my skin after about 2-3 weeks of taking the pills two time a day. I feel like my very fine lines are gone and that makes me very happy. I feel like my body was missing something my skin needed and with these pills it is giving it to me. I plan to continue taking these pills for a while longer and see what else changes. I can definitely see how it would help people with different skin problems on their body. I have had a few people ask me what is different about me. I do believe it is because my skin is looking healthier and not so blah looking any more. If I had to find any kind of fault it would be the size of the pills. Just have plenty of water to wash it down.
Sandy Bradford –
My hair has never felt better. I started taking these a month ago and I can already see the difference.
Angie R –
I have only been on these 4 days and can see the change. Great product!
Angie R –
UPDATE (August 11, 2020): It’s been three months since I started taking these pills, and I just cannot even begin to explain the wonders it has done for my skin! Firstly, I want to clarify I’ve been using CeraVe lotions in combination with these pills, so I believe the combination of both have been a miracle for my skin. Last year I had an allergic reaction to some medication, and it made my skin break out like NEVER before. It completely lowered my self-esteem and no matter what I put on my skin or took, NOTHING worked. When I saw this “miracle” product on The Daily Mail I thought, “Why not?” I’ll just let you see the pictures and judge for yourself.
My skin is very oily and prone to breakouts. Nothing like what I experienced last year, but it happens, especially hormonal acne. In the pics you can see my face before, completely covered with acne. In the pic I just took right now, you can see the blemishes that acne left, and also acne caused by the use of a face mask, but other than that, NOTHING ELSE!!! I am now receiving these monthly, and honestly, I think I will take them forever!
May 24, 2020: The pill is very big, but so far I think it’s behaving well with me. I’ve only just started taking this supplement, twice daily as directed. It’s still too early to tell what changes it’ll have on my skin, but so far I can see it’s helped with my digestion. Also, the turmeric (and other anti-inflammatory ingredients) have helped with the inflammation on my face. I’m guilty of “popping” my pimples and squeezing my face so much I sometimes leave bruises. The inflammation usually lasts days, and this time it only lasted one.
Definitely will be updating review after some time!