Joonya Baby Wipes – Lenços umedecidos para bebês não tóxicos e amigos do meio ambiente para uma pele calma e saudável – Lenços para bebês sem fragrância – Lenços para bebês a granel – 3 pacotes de 80 lenços (240).
Os lenços umedecidos para bebês Joonya são feitos para hidratar e limpar a pele mais delicada. Nossos lenços descartáveis são enriquecidos com Aloe Vera orgânico, Camomila e Jojoba.
Os lenços umedecidos biodegradáveis da Joonya também são compostáveis. Nossos lenços para bebês sem fragrância são feitos com viscose certificada FSC 100%, um selo de sustentabilidade que garante que a madeira utilizada seja proveniente de manejo florestal responsável.
Os lenços umedecidos para bebês da Joonya são testados dermatologicamente e aprovados pela Dermatest para uso em todos os tipos de pele, sem causar irritação. Nossos lenços sem fragrância são livres de álcool, cloro, petroquímicos, parabenos e fenóis.
Os lenços para recém-nascidos da Joonya são seguros para uso na pele mais delicada. Nossos lenços biodegradáveis são extra grandes (200 x 180 mm) para lidar com sujeiras maiores e para que cada caixa de lenços dure mais tempo!
Os lenços de limpeza para bebês Joonya foram eleitos o número 1 entre 31 marcas nos Estados Unidos por Irina Webb, do ‘I Read Labels For You’ (2017-19). Nossos lenços para crianças pequenas também receberam a medalha de ouro – Mother & Baby Awards 2017 – como os lenços desinfetantes para bebês mais populares (sem fragrância).
Conheça 5 Motivos Recomendados pela Vitaminer Shop para Comprar:
- Lenços umedecidos para bebês não tóxicos e naturais
- Lenços amigos do meio ambiente e biodegradáveis
- Lenços testados dermatologicamente e seguros para recém-nascidos
- Eleitos o número 1 nos Estados Unidos
- Reconhecidos com a medalha de ouro – Mother & Baby Awards 2017
– Sugestão de Uso:
Para usar os lenços umedecidos para bebês Joonya, abra a embalagem e puxe um lenço. Limpe suavemente a pele do bebê, garantindo uma limpeza completa. Descarte o lenço usado no lixo. Feche bem a embalagem após o uso para manter a umidade dos lenços.
Para usar os lenços umedecidos para bebês Joonya, abra a embalagem e puxe um lenço. Limpe suavemente a pele do bebê, garantindo uma limpeza completa. Descarte o lenço usado no lixo. Feche bem a embalagem após o uso para manter a umidade dos lenços.
Macy Martinez –
These wipes are so soft and damp! There is nothing worse than trying to scrub your baby’s bottom with a dry wipe; these are wet without being over saturated. Great for baby’s skin with no chemicals and perform great! They are standard size and seem of standard durability. They do have texture to remove poop easier.
Andrea –
Worth the price. We have tried to save some money on other brands and they don’t compare. These are thick and perfect.
Trace –
We had to switch wipes after my daughter got a rash that wouldn’t clear. I looked for a wipe that was 100% clean (and didn’t have sodium benzoate) but would also do a great job. I am happy with the size, moisture, softness, and that these have zero smell! One complaint I saw before ordering was that multiple wipes come out at once. I do think this is common with clean wipes but it hasn’t been a huge issue. I usually grab 1-2 wipes before changing with ease. Worth the price. Highly recommend!
Amazon Customer –
Aside from the price, these are the best toughest wipes I’ve tried with safe ingredients. It is pricey compare to other sustainable healthy choice for babies. I’ve tried a lot of the “better” wipes at this point and these are my favorite. They’re durable, come with a lot, and honestly one wipe does the job no matter the mess. At this point I’m using two wipes just because subconsciously I feel like one isn’t enough. However the ridges and length of each individual wipe is better than most. And again the price is not for everyone. However, I encourage giving it a try.
Dani S –
I absolutely love these wipes! Clean and safe ingredients and composition for our baby’s diapering needs is my #1 priority but I also love how this brand makes eco-friendly choices when it comes to their products. This package lasts us about 6 months and that is with giving grandma some for when baby goes over! A couple of other things I appreciate are that they are textured, there is no scent or fragrance, and the wipes self-deploy when pulling out the previous wipe (unlike other clean brands *Water Wipes*).
casey cavner –
I love these baby wipes and feel good about using them. No harsh chemicals, soft, great for sensitive skin.
anne white –
I love these and always buy them. The are very moist, have no smell and I can use them anywhere on the skin
Mr. Mark Johnson –
Brilliant wipes, textured, strong, haven’t had any issues with them
Chad –
They clean great, they stay moist, and I love the nontoxic, clean ingredients. What is pretty annoying is the packaging of the product. You can’t just get 1 wipe out, it’s about 3 every single time and I only use 1 for pee diapers and maybe 2-3 for poo diapers but that only happens once a day so it’s frustrating to try to put them back into the bag.
Maggie Mae –
We love these wipes and have been using them almost since our now-19-month-old’s birth (took us a few weeks to find the brand for us)! I’ve heard our caregiver favorably comparing Joonya wipes to wipes sent by another family in the care group. My experience of them has been consistent – they’re strong and dont tear, there’s no need to double up (I didnt know that this was a thing but see that it is from other reviews left here), moisture level is “always moist, never wet”, there’s some texture on them to help clean goopy poop or post-snack hands and face alike. Sometimes it’s hard to know which factors contribute to diaper rash, but I believe that a combination of the diapers we’ve chosen and the wipes we’ve chosen have resulted in 0 issues with diaper rash over the course of my little one’s life.
The area for improvement that I’d suggest, as others have, is getting individual wipes to separate more easily. Long ago I just made it my process to remove and unfold my anticipated number of wipes before I open that diaper up, because it is admittedly difficult to pull out just one at a time with one hand. They usually come in twos or threes in my experience. Doing this prep takes me a negligible amount of time and doesn’t really impact how I feel about this product. If I take out more than I need, I stuff them back in and they’re a tiny bit easier to pull out next time I’m prepping 🙂
Not totally specific to this product, but we also love peeling the sticker off the cap and putting on surfaces for our kiddo to pull off. It’s a very durable sticker and entertains for more time than you might imagine!