Jocko Fuel Ultimate Pre Workout Powder – Pó Energético Pré-Treino para Homens
O Jocko Fuel Ultimate Pre Workout Powder é um pó energético pré-treino projetado para ajudar os homens a alcançarem seu máximo desempenho durante os treinos. Com uma fórmula poderosa e ingredientes cuidadosamente selecionados, este produto oferece uma série de benefícios para impulsionar seu desempenho físico e mental.
Bomba Intra-Treino Ótima:
Atingir a bomba impressionante durante os treinos intensos é essencial para muitos atletas. O Jocko Pre-workout contém 6g de L-Citrulina, que ajuda a aumentar o óxido nítrico e o fluxo sanguíneo para obter a bomba ideal.
Energia Física e Mental:
Prepare-se para liberar seu potencial físico e mental. A beta-alanina e a dinamina fornecem uma explosão de energia que impulsiona tanto o corpo quanto a mente, ajudando você a se manter motivado e focado durante todo o treino.
Resistência Muscular:
Supere seus limites e vá além. Nosso pré-treino é repleto de ingredientes que aumentam a resistência muscular, permitindo que você enfrente sessões de treinamento mais longas e desafiadoras.
Foco e Motivação:
Não deixe que distrações atrapalhem seus objetivos de fitness. O Jocko Pre-workout melhora sua clareza mental e motivação, garantindo que você se mantenha concentrado em seus objetivos de treino.
Treinos Explosivos:
O Jocko Pre-workout é formulado para proporcionar sessões de treino explosivas, seja levantando pesos, correndo ou superando seu desafio de fitness favorito. Formulado com Betaína Anidra para apoiar o poder anaeróbico e a força muscular. Liberte sua fera interior e experimente treinos como nunca antes.
Conheça 5 Motivos Recomendados pela Vitaminer Shop para Comprar:
1. Aumento da Bomba Muscular:
O Jocko Fuel Ultimate Pre Workout Powder contém 6g de L-Citrulina, que ajuda a aumentar o óxido nítrico e o fluxo sanguíneo, proporcionando uma bomba muscular impressionante durante os treinos intensos.
2. Energia Física e Mental:
A beta-alanina e a dinamina presentes neste pré-treino fornecem uma explosão de energia que impulsiona tanto o corpo quanto a mente, ajudando você a alcançar seu máximo potencial durante os treinos.
3. Melhora da Resistência Muscular:
Com ingredientes que aumentam a resistência muscular, o Jocko Pre-workout permite que você supere seus limites e enfrente sessões de treinamento mais longas e desafiadoras.
4. Foco e Motivação Aumentados:
Este pré-treino melhora a clareza mental e a motivação, garantindo que você se mantenha concentrado em seus objetivos de treino e não deixe que distrações atrapalhem seu progresso.
5. Treinos Explosivos:
Formulado com Betaína Anidra, o Jocko Pre-workout proporciona sessões de treino explosivas, permitindo que você alcance seu potencial máximo e supere seus limites.
O Jocko Fuel Ultimate Pre Workout Powder oferece uma série de benefícios que podem transformar sua rotina de treinos. Entre os principais, destacam-se: 1) Aumento significativo da energia, permitindo treinos mais longos e intensos; 2) Melhora na resistência muscular, ajudando a superar barreiras de desempenho; 3) Foco mental aprimorado, essencial para manter a concentração durante os exercícios; 4) Recuperação muscular mais rápida, facilitando a continuidade dos treinos; 5) Motivação elevada, que impulsiona a busca por metas de condicionamento físico.
Recomenda-se misturar uma colher medida (15g) do Jocko Fuel Ultimate Pre Workout Powder em 250ml de água gelada. Consuma cerca de 20-30 minutos antes do treino para obter os melhores resultados. Não exceda a dose diária recomendada. Para garantir a eficácia do produto, é importante seguir as orientações de uso e manter uma alimentação equilibrada e um estilo de vida ativo.
Derome –
I’ve been on this pre-workout for over a year now flavors good mental focus outstanding. If you don’t like the itchy feeling of other pre work then try this I didn’t get it once and I’ve dry scooped, followed the directions, hell even mixed it with a Jocko energy drink and felt fine so get this wake up and take yourself to the GYM
Michael –
If you compare this pre to others you may cut it short but really it does exactly as it’s intended. The pre won’t kick in like one with a ton of sugar and 400mg of caffeine for obvious reasons.
With that being said its flavor isn’t going to be a delicious desert due to tire lack of sweetener but the flavor is good enough for something you gulp down to get going. The energy is a gradual kick in that rides constantly through the workout and no crash is noticed. You won’t get the skin crawling tingles from the beta others.
Overall the pre works as designed given it isn’t made with crap and a truck load of caffeine.
austin –
I recently left a review of this product that was way off base and incorrect on my part so I deleted it and will be attempting a do over after more time using this product.
My training goals are typically strength related. Compound movements predominantly. I tend to mix in a decent amount of moderate rep, moderate weight training for smaller muscle groups as accessories.
The flavor is still not good. That’s the only reason it’s not 5 stars.
The ingredients are as clean as you can hope for in today’s market. Or any days market for that matter. I will be using this product due to the clean ingredients alone forever.
The efficacy is remarkable. The delayed fatigue I get with this is only comparable to Gorilla Mode and Ryse Godzilla in my experience. It’s excellent.
Energy and Focus is so clean and constant you don’t even realize it’s kicked in. That’s a big deal for me. I am very sensitive to caffeine as far as irritability and this is the only pre workout I’ve ever taken that is effective without getting me too amped. It’s usually one or the other for me. Too amped or feeling nothing.
Pump is very nice. As I’ve stated my main goals are strength related so I prefer a pre workout that delays fatigue for a good portion of my workout more than a crazy pump kicking in while I’m warming up. But with this pre you can easily push into achieving that pump if you’re wanting to.
I apologize for my negative review originally. I was wrong and I’m glad I pushed past the flavor to give this product a chance.
C –
This is a prefect pre workout drink! The peach is the best flavor. The blue raspberry flavor is good too. Grape is horrible and tastes like acid. Drinking the grape flavor makes you want to die.
Josh Elkins –
Taste aside the benefits are there greater than worrying about the taste I get what I need out of it and at the same time not the sucrose. I recommend if you’re taking care of your glucose.
TraveltheDan –
Well if you’re scrolling through reviews to see if you should buy this, or what flavor. Or if you are checking to see if you’re the only one, you’re not.
The nitro prop flavor absolutely sucks. It tastes like NyQuil but thinner. I’m pretty tolerable with taste when it comes to workout supplements, I’d rather prioritize clean, proven ingredients over taste any day. That being said, why could this just be unflavored? It is near impossible to choke down, and on top of that, apparently Jocko Fuel has a zero return policy with Amazon. So if you hate the product, you’re stuck with 29 servings of the worst tasting pre-workout you’ve ever had, just like me. I’d steer clear of any other flavor as well because there’s no way they can taste significantly better than this one, and looking at other reviews, they are all about the same level of terrible.
The part that really chaps me is what if I my product came in damaged, open, or defective in some way. The fact that I could exchange it is probably the worst business practice I have ever seen in my life.
Jocko fuel says they make no excuses, well I guess terrible customer experience is their mission. Mission achieved and customer lost for life. By the way, I really liked the Banana Cream Mölk but I can’t support a company with zero regard for its customers.
Dalton kaiser –
This stuff tastes horrible.
Derome –
This is very hard to review. The taste is probably the worst tasting pre workout I’ve ever had. The scoop is so big you can’t get away with dry scooping to get past the taste and it’s not as effective for some reason when you do dry scoop. It’s worse than any alcohol and even chugging it down is a no go because your body will try to cough it back up .
With that being said … the effects are great , pump is great, energy great and no crash . It’s an amazing pre workout. The ingredients are amazing. I will never buy this flavor again. Just tasting better would give it a 5 star.